Business dynamics and productivity

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Nội dung chi tiết: Business dynamics and productivity

Business dynamics and productivity

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivity//OECDBETTER POLICIES FOR BETTER LIVES'Illis work is published on the responsibility of the Secrelary-Getreral of the OECD. 'Hie opinions expressed an

d arguments employed herein do not ncecssarily reilect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries.This docum Business dynamics and productivity

ent, as well as any I statistical I data and any map included herein, arc without prejudice to the status of or sovereignly over any territory, to the

Business dynamics and productivity

delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries arid to the name of any territory, city or area.Please cite this publication as:OECD (2017), B

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivity-1 (PDF)ISBN 978-92-64-26997-2 (epub)Till-statistical data fur IsriM'l lire suỊiplicd by and under flu* resỊxmsĩbiiily ol Ihr relevant Israeli authori

ties. Till' use ol such data by the OFCD is without prejudice lu flu- status of till' Colari Heights, Fast Jerusalem arid Israeli settlements in the w Business dynamics and productivity

est Bank under the terms of international law.Photo credits: Ii5> blurhay/ShullersItirk.roni.Corrigenda In OECD prihliraiinns may be found cm line at:

Business dynamics and productivity

uiwu/.oirtl .anffabouưpuhìĩĩihiiưf/aìfruỊvndu.hlm.<& OECD 2017Villi ran iriỊiy, iliwnkincl rimlHfvl fcir CIU’II I«4H. anil yix> ran i

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivityxrwl tNxrhinc "***•*'»nIx, providwl thwl xuilxlilt* Xcku<7ar1r«i^Tit*f>< OÍ th* xourc* xndevfgrright pwnrr ix ynvri All rrtpiratfx fur puhfic nr cTOHi

rnxrõxl xnd IrxnxlNlKiH ri^fMx xlioulfl !»• submitted to riohtsOccrdcn Requests for permission to pbov>:cpy portions this mate-nil for public or comme Business dynamics and productivity

rcial use shall be eddrossed directly to the Gopvnght Ckararxc Center (CCCi at ic^Qcopyniktzom or the Centre francais dcaploitaton du droit de copic (

Business dynamics and productivity

CTC) Ml rĩWtt-*^ýmp**, rr

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivityparticular over the different phases of the business cycle. However, our understanding of these differences remains patchy, and this makes it more dif

ficult for policy makers to implement economically efficient policies.This collection of studies aims to fill this gap by providing new evidence on bu Business dynamics and productivity

siness dynamics from a cross-section of countries of different sizes, with different market and structural characteristics, and which are at different

Business dynamics and productivity

stages in their development process. The studies focus in particular on Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Japan, New Zealand, Norway and the Unite

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivityh a particular focus on differences in their responses to the last decade's global financial crisis. Evidence collected in this volume also aims to pr

ovide a better understanding of the contribution of business dynamics to aggregate productivity and of the effects of economic policies across differe Business dynamics and productivity

nt firms and countries. Thus, it will help policy makers design better policies, harnessing productivity and employment growth in support of more incl

Business dynamics and productivity

usive and sustainable societies.The work presented here is part of a broader effort by the OECD to provide evidence on business dynamics and productiv

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivitytries’ representative firm-level data to conduct comparable cross-country analysis on employment dynamics and productivity. This study draws on the in

sights of this research, providing not only cross-country comparability but also the opportunity to dig deeper than aggregate or sectoral averages to Business dynamics and productivity

uncover differences across firms, describe productivity and employment distributions, and analyse heterogeneous impacts of policies. At the leading ed

Business dynamics and productivity

ge of these new approaches, the OECD has a valuable role to play in helping to strengthen the empirical analysis in support of better policies.The pag

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

Business dynamics and productivity and forward-looking work will help policymakers design better policies by harnessing productivity and employment growth in support of more inclusive

and sustainable societies.-------’ z*Angel GurriaOECD Secretary-GeneralBUSINESS DYNAMICS AND FRODUCnvrrY o OECD 20173 Business dynamics and productivity

Business Dynamics and Productivity/ranĨC10Ỉ101oI f0:0101 10:0:010: iOtCIOIOI10 t 01 01 01 01 Ìcỉg:g:gỉo:g:®)) OECDBusiness Dynamics and Productivity@/

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