Starting your own business a workbook, 4th edition
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Starting your own business a workbook, 4th edition
STARTI NG B u SIN ESSJA WORKBOOKFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O'KaneSTARTING YOUR OWN BlFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O’KaneDownloads and additi Starting your own business a workbook, 4th editionional information available @www.staitingahusinessinireland.coniPublished by OAK TREE PRESSwww.oakTieepress.coin / www.SuccessStoie.coniWWW. startingabusinessinire la nd. c oin£■ 1997; 2001; 2009,2018 Minister for Business. Enterprise and Innovation.ISBN 978-1-78119-300-6 PaperbackISBN 978-1-78119-3 Starting your own business a workbook, 4th edition01-3 ePubISBN 978-1-78119-302-0 KiudkISBN 978-1-78119-303-7 PD1Pruned in Ireland by SPR1N 1 Print.AcknowledgementsProduction of fu st edition of thisStarting your own business a workbook, 4th edition
guide in 1997 was assisted by the European Commission through the Community SME Initiative wider Measure 4 of the Small Business Operational ProgrammeSTARTI NG B u SIN ESSJA WORKBOOKFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O'KaneSTARTING YOUR OWN BlFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O’KaneDownloads and additi Starting your own business a workbook, 4th editionany others who have contributed to the research for this and earber editions.DisclaimerThe contents of this guide are believed to be correct at the tũne of printing but no responsibility can be taken by the autlrors. the publislier 01 tile Department of Business. Enterprise and Innovation for any er Starting your own business a workbook, 4th editionrors herein. Readers should take professional advice before entering into any legally binding commitments or investing any funds.CONTENTSREADY?IntroduStarting your own business a workbook, 4th edition
ctionWhat Makes an Entrepreneur?Self-assessmentDeveloping Your Idea Identifying Future Trends Market ResearchBusiness Model Cam asTesting Your Idea TrSTARTI NG B u SIN ESSJA WORKBOOKFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O'KaneSTARTING YOUR OWN BlFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O’KaneDownloads and additiSTARTI NG B u SIN ESSJA WORKBOOKFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O'KaneSTARTING YOUR OWN BlFOURTH EDITIONRon Immink & Brian O’KaneDownloads and additiGọi ngay
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