People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevali
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People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevali
EDITED BY PAOLO DI MARTINO,J ’ Ỉ inĨJIVANDREW POPP ANDPETER SCOTTEssays in Honour of Francesca Carnevalis:ị ẶỈPLACESAND BUSINESS■ CULTURESPEOPLE, MARK People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevaliKETS, GOODS: ECONOMIES AND SOCIETIES IN HISTORYVolume 9People, Places and Business CulturesPEOPLE, MARKETS, GOODS: ECONOMIES AND SOCIETIES IN HISTORYISSN: 2051-7467Scries editorsBarry Doyle - University of HuddersfieldNigel Goose - University of HertfordshireSteve Hindle - The Huntington LibraryJane People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevali Humphries - University of OxfordWillem M. Jongman - University of GroningenThe interactions of economy and society, people and goods, transactions anPeople, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevali
d actions are at the root of most human behaviours. Economic and social historians are participants in the same conversation about how markets have deEDITED BY PAOLO DI MARTINO,J ’ Ỉ inĨJIVANDREW POPP ANDPETER SCOTTEssays in Honour of Francesca Carnevalis:ị ẶỈPLACESAND BUSINESS■ CULTURESPEOPLE, MARK People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevaliw debates now underpin much research in economic and social, cultural, demographic, urban and political history. Their themes have enduring resonance - financial stability and instability, the costs of health and welfare, the implications of poverty and riches, flows of trade and the centrality of c People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevaliommunications. This paperback series aims to attract historians interested in economics and economists with an interest in history by publishing highPeople, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevali
quality, cutting edge academic research in the broad field of economic and social history from the late medieval/ early modern period to rhe present dEDITED BY PAOLO DI MARTINO,J ’ Ỉ inĨJIVANDREW POPP ANDPETER SCOTTEssays in Honour of Francesca Carnevalis:ị ẶỈPLACESAND BUSINESS■ CULTURESPEOPLE, MARK People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevalirviews of key research concerns. Taking as its benchmark international relevance and excellence it is open to scholars and subjects of any geographical areas from rhe case study ro rhe multi-nation comparison.PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED TITLES IN THE SERIES ARELISTED AT THE END OF THE VOLUMEhttps://khothuv People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevaliien.cori!People, Places and Business CulturesEssays in Honour of Francesca CarnevaliEdited by ✓Paolo Di Martino, Andrew Popp and Peter ScottTHE BOYDELPeople, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevali
L PRESSc Contributors 1017All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrEDITED BY PAOLO DI MARTINO,J ’ Ỉ inĨJIVANDREW POPP ANDPETER SCOTTEssays in Honour of Francesca Carnevalis:ị ẶỈPLACESAND BUSINESS■ CULTURESPEOPLE, MARK People, places and business cultures essays in honour of francesca carnevaliermission of the copyright ownerEDITED BY PAOLO DI MARTINO,J ’ Ỉ inĨJIVANDREW POPP ANDPETER SCOTTEssays in Honour of Francesca Carnevalis:ị ẶỈPLACESAND BUSINESS■ CULTURESPEOPLE, MARKGọi ngay
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