The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
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The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
TM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsonsors a barrier-free camp created to provide unique camping and retreat experiences for children and adults with special needs.The Nature of ChaosIN businessCopyright ©1999 by Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any for The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsm without the express written permission of the publisher.Cashman DudleyAn imprint of Gulf Publishing CompanyP.O. Box 2608 □ Houston, Texas 77252-2608The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
10 987654321Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataRalls, J. Garrett, Jr.The nature of chaos in business : using complexity to foster succeTM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions1. Strategic alliances (Business) 2. Chaotic behaviorin systems. 3. Management. I. Webb, Kimberly A.II. Title.HD69. S8R35 1999658L044—DC2199-20622CIPTransferred to digital printing 2006 Printed on acid-free paper (oo).PrefaceThis book is about relationships in business. Our vantage point is the begi The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsnning of an important transition for our global economy in which alliances must be more than a good idea. They must work in order for many of US to suThe nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
cceed in our careers and as investors.Most alliances fail altogether or yield only partial success. Many businesspeople see alliances as a necessary cTM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions, requires alliances to perform at its best.To succeed at alliances and other strategic business relationships, we must acquire new knowledge of what the marketplace is. Our view of the business landscape must be broad, track the dynamism among the many elements, and be understood for its inherent o The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionspportunity. Denial and other avoidance of change are no longer options.OUR SwarmOur premises in this book are grounded in the realities of our clientsThe nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
and tenets of global business leaders and futurists.Much like a swarm of bees in flight, events around the world hover together and are closely linkeTM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionswe were only 2.5 billion. With the world’s population expanding and getting denser, the meaning of personal space at home and work has changed. This growing density does not end here. Advancing communication technology creates a virtual human density with e-mailing, inexpensive telephone calling, an The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsd worldwide paging. As expected, the nature of relationships in any aspect of business means something different from what it meant last year or lastThe nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
week. Relationships between you and your customers, as well as among your partners in the value chain, largely determine your enterprise’s wealth.The TM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions with a hive of new opportunity. To create and mine the honey, we must possess new knowledge of how to work together, manage the turbulence, and grasp the emerging pathways to success.As we later explain, the Santa Fe Institute is an interdisciplinary group of gifted researchers. They focus on compl The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsexity at any level of life—microscopic viruses, the human body, sociology, and economics. With other complexity theorists, Santa Fe Institute researchThe nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
ers are bringing a new view of our world to US with an important vocabulary.The vocabulary is based on life, is simple to understand, and is able to bTM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsion beyond the audience of change practitioners, a few well-informed clients, and academicians. Eventually it may invite the world to a common understanding that humankind in organizations is more like the workings of the human body than a mechanical process of control and efficiency. Though many ha The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsve a vocabulary of change, it is often shallow and rarely represents genuine values. Too often words are created to mask intent or are overused with “The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitions
no walk to the talk.” In either case, the words obscure meaningful change.Our contribution to the new understanding is to focus on the workings of a fTM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spo The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsnd strategic business relations and prompt creativity. Our quest is to reveal how your personal choices in concert with others’ can blend enduring value with a life worth living.“Swarms” are the rage in the talk of high techies and Internet junkies. Like “e-mail,” “web,” and “chat room,” “swarm” is The nature of chaos in business using complexity to foster successful alliances and acquisitionsdesTM« fUHt «u>cm HAM«AH Camp For AllA portion of this book’s royalties goes to the Camp For All Foundation (Houston, Texas; ph. 713-686-5666), which spoGọi ngay
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