Business models and modelling
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Business models and modelling
Advances inStrategic ManagementVolume 33Business Models and ModellingCharles Baden-Fuller and Vincent MangematinBUSINESS MODELS AND MODELLINGADVANCES Business models and modelling IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTSeries Editor: Brian s. SilvermanRecent Volumes:Volume 22:Strategy Process Edited by: Gabriel Szulanski, Joe Porac and Yves l)ozVolume 23:Ecology and Strategy Edited by: Joel A. c. Baum. Stanislav 1). Dobrey and Alien van WilteloosluijnVolume 24:Real Options Theory Edited by: Business models and modelling Jeffrey J. Reuer and Tony w. TongVolume 25:Network Strategy Edited by: Joel A. c. Baum and Tim J. RowleyVolume 26:Economic Institutions of Strategy EBusiness models and modelling
dited by: Jackson A. Nickerson and Brian s. SilvermanVolume 27:Globalization of Strategy Research Edited by: Joel A.c. Baum and Joseph LampclVolume 28Advances inStrategic ManagementVolume 33Business Models and ModellingCharles Baden-Fuller and Vincent MangematinBUSINESS MODELS AND MODELLINGADVANCES Business models and modellingtrategy Edited by: Steven J. Kahl. Brian s. Silverman and Michael A. CusumanoVolume 30:Collaboration and Competition in Business Ecosystems Edited by: Ron Adner, Joanne E. Oxley and Brian s. SilvermanVolume 31:Finance and Strategy Edited by: Belén VillalongaVolume 32:Cognition and Strategy Edited by Business models and modelling: Giovanni Gavetti and William OcasioADVANCES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT VOLUME 33BUSINESS MODELS ANDMODELLINGEDITED BYCHARLES BADEN-FULLERCass BusinessBusiness models and modelling
School, City University London, London, UK and Senior Fellow, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania USAVINCENT MANGEMATINGrenoble Ecole de ManageAdvances inStrategic ManagementVolume 33Business Models and ModellingCharles Baden-Fuller and Vincent MangematinBUSINESS MODELS AND MODELLINGADVANCES Business models and modellingingley BĐ16 1WA. UKFirst edition 2015Copyright © 2015 Emerald Group Publishing LimitedReprints and permissions sen iceAdvances inStrategic ManagementVolume 33Business Models and ModellingCharles Baden-Fuller and Vincent MangematinBUSINESS MODELS AND MODELLINGADVANCESGọi ngay
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