Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
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Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationink, New York Times bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is HumanPowered bystorytellingExcavate, Craft, and Present Stories to TransformBusiness CommunicationMurray Nossel, PhDCofounder and director of NarativPRAISE FOR POWERED BY STORYTELLING AND MURRAY NOSSEL“If you think your enterprise doesn' Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationt need great storytellers, this hook will convince you that you're wrong. With creativity and verve, Murray Nossel shows how to apply the power of narPowered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
rative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business. 1/ you want to become a belter storyteller—and a better “Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication to craft and tell a purposeful story is a seminal skill set for every business communicator. Powered by Storytelling offers a must-have methodology for anyone who wants to learn how to tell winning stories for business success."—Peter GubER, chairman and CEO of Mandalay Entertainment Group and New Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationYork Times bestselling author of Tell to Win“ÂS our lives become more digitized, the power of storytelling will rise, elevating our humanity. No one cPowered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
aptures how to harness this tool as well as Murray Nossel. This is a fabulous handbook on how to connect through storytelling and how to listen with i“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication has not changed since our cavepeople predecessors is the importance and power of a great and compelling story. Stories are the key differentiator, and Murray NosseTs listening and storytelling methods provide a straightforward yet ingenious way to create that differentiation. Murray's method is the Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication engine to foster the creativity and innovative thinking to tell a unique story. Powered by Storytelling is an indispensable asset."—Jonathan D. KleinPowered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
, cofounder and chairman of Getty Images"if you want to learn how to tell a great story, read this book. Murray Nossel, himself a psychologist and mas“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationan a how-to book about business communication. It's an importantroad map for anyone who wants to convey a point in a meeting, make a compelling argument to colleagues, and listen in a way that brings out the best stories in business and in life."—Susan Adams, senior editor ar Forbes“ Murray Nossel p Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationresents a thought fid guide, teaching US how to discover and tell the personal stories hiding within each of us—and be artfully illustrates how this bPowered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
rilliant tool can have a profound impact on group dynamics in any setting, if you're looking to spark new talent within your organization, this book g“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationnged my understanding of communication and deeply influenced my ability to communicate, ỉ Jis insights for the teller and the listener are simple yet profound."—Katia Beauchamp, CEO of Birchbox"Murray NosseFs storytelling method acts like a laser beam in the hands of teachers and coaches. It pierces Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication through the fog of the typical narrative to reveal the storytellers sense of herself in the world. Bring this method toyour work, and your students aPowered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
nd clients will feel more in touch with themselves! ”—Mikl G. Katz, founding director of the Interpersonal Development Program ar the University of Ca“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicatione only thing that cuts through is effective storytelling. Murray NosseTs Narativ method is a powerful, science-based, empathetic, and engaging process that enables anyone to excavate, craft, and present a story to form a deep connection with the listener.”—Mark Randall, assistant professor of strate Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationgic design and management ar Parsons School of DesignPsychologist, actor, and corporate consultant Murray Nossel brings Narativ's innovative practicePowered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communication
of storytelling to the business community. Through a life lived onstage, in the academy, and in the hoardroom, Nossel has discovered the enduring powe“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationnce the world of the teller. In his “ What happened?” model, Nossel coaches his client groups toward empathyfor one another, trust for members of their team, and a shocking clarity for each storyteller. Powered by Storytelling a beacon for those in search of a workplace of collaboration, effective t Powered by storytelling excavate, craft, and present stories to transform business communicationeamwork, authenticity, and joy.—Rua Charon, MD, PhD, chair of the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics ar Columbia University“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. Pi“Nossel shows how to apply the power of narrative to marketing, manufacturing, management, and just about every corner of your business.”—Daniel H. PiGọi ngay
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