The business school and the bottom line
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The business school and the bottom line
_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom linent decades business schools have become important components of higher education throughout the world. Surprisingly, however, they have been the subject of little serious study from a critical perspective. This book provides a sober and evidence-based corrective, charting the history and character o The business school and the bottom linef business schools in the light of current debates about the role of universities and the evolution of advanced economies. Previous commentators haveThe business school and the bottom line
viewed business schools as falling between two stools: lacking in academic rigour yet simultaneously derided by the corporate world as broadly irrelev_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom lineips with academia and business. Such change would deliver institutions that are truly fit for purpose, allowing them to become key players in the twenty-first century's emergent knowledge societies. This timely critique should be read by academics and policy-makers concerned with the present state a The business school and the bottom linend future development of business education.KEN STARKEY is Professor of Management and Organisational Learning and head of the Strategy Division at NoThe business school and the bottom line
ttingham University Business School. He is a former chair of the British Academy of Management Research Committee and a fellow of the Sunningdale Inst_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom line of a regeneration charity in East London. He was previously Visiting Research Fellow with the Business History Unit at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Senior Research Fellow at Nottingham University Business School. He has published widely in the fields of political histor The business school and the bottom liney, business history and planning history.'Business schools play a key role in higher education and in the economic institutions that drive modern sociThe business school and the bottom line
eties. Yet little systematic scholarship has been devoted to understanding and improving them. Starkey and Tiratsoo fill this gap admirably. They trac_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom linee reasonable prescriptions for their future success. This book is essential reading for all of US - administrators, faculty, students and corporate leaders alike - who want {and need) business schools to thrive.'Thomas G. Cummings, Professor and Chair, Department of Management and Organization, Mars The business school and the bottom linehall School of Business, University of Southern California'This is an important book. How academic institutions are managed so as to create strong, poThe business school and the bottom line
sitive societal values is key - and this is what the book is all about. A must-read!'Peter Lorange, President IMD and the Nestle Professor'This book p_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom lineisation trends. This thoughtful and constructive analysis will contribute to improve their leadership and governance - a top priority in making a positive impact not only in management education worldwide but also in society as a whole.'Fernando Fragueiro, Dean, IAE Business School, Austral Universi The business school and the bottom linety, Argentina'Increasingly influential - and increasingly criticised - there is no better gathering of facts about what's going in business schools thThe business school and the bottom line
an this work from two experienced authors who have read, probed and interviewed widely. Especially fine are their analyses of the changing relationshi_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom linebilities for tomorrow's, are simply the best available in this globalising discussion.'J.c. Spender, Svenska Handelsbanke, Fulbright-Queen's Research Professor, Queen's University, Canada, and Lund University School of Economics and Management, SwedenThe Business School and the Bottom LineKEN STARKE The business school and the bottom lineY AND NICK TIRATSOOCambridgeUNIVERSITY PRESSCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESSCambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São PauloCambridgeThe business school and the bottom line
University PressThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UKPublished in rhe United Stares of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.ca_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen The business school and the bottom linestatutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.First published in print format 2007ISBN-13 978-0-511-35478-6 eBook (EBL)ISBN-10 0-511-35478-9 eBook (EBL)ISBN The business school and the bottom line-13 978-0-521 -86511-1 hardback_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recen_____________The______________BUSINESS SCHOOLand theBOTTOM LINEKEN STARKEY ANU NICK TIRATSOOCamkkiik.ikThe Business School and the Bottom LineIn recenGọi ngay
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