Coding projects in python

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Coding projects in python

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Coding projects in python 0 * = > 1 :>\%A step-by-step visual guide to creating your own Python® projectsCl□di HE prodECTS IN PMTHDN'ED di HE prndECTS IN PYTHON'DKUKSenior edi

tors Ben Morgan. Steve Setfcrd Senior art editor Peter RadcliffeUS editors Jill Hamilton. Margaret Pamsh Consultant editor Craig SteeleJacket design d Coding projects in python

evelopment manager Supilia Ml I Jacket editor Claire GeilProducer, pre-production Robert .X;r ■, N.:<: Kiritj Producer AlliuVc .nilKJManaging editor L

Coding projects in python

isa Gillespie Managing art editor Owiri Pi«ylon lunes Publisher Andrew MacIntyreAssociate publishing director Liz Wheeler Art director Karen SHI Desig

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Coding projects in pythonAssistant art editors Yashashv Choudhary, Sim® l)hami)a. Srxi.icsili Singh Jacket designer ..i«Sbel’-Jackets editorial coordinator Pr.yanka SharmaMana

ging Jackets editor S'eshtha Bhattocharya DTP designer Sac Ilin Gupla Senior DTP designer I Lsiidi A:ji|arwal Senior managing editor Rrihan Sinha Depu Coding projects in python

ty managing art editor Anjana Pre-production manager Balwant SinghFirst American Edition. 201 / Published In the United States by DK Publishing

Coding projects in python

ids Hudson Street. New York. New York 10014(<>;ryr kjlil © 2017 I Jotting Ki nder dry I imitrd IM. a IXviũcx)erf Penguin Harxkxn I ImIV 11 (17 18 19Xi

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Coding projects in python be reproduced, stored In or Introduced Into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (etectronlc, mechanical, photocopying, r

ecording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright ormer.Pu Wished in Great Britain by Dorling K.nderstey Limited.A catalo Coding projects in python

g record for this book is avaiable from the Library of CongressISBN 978-1 -4654-« 188-9OK books are available at special discounts when purchased In b

Coding projects in python

ulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund raising, or educational use. For details, contact: ỮK Publishing special Markets. 345 Hudson Street.New York.

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