Coding projects in python
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Coding projects in python
0 9* :=yf:%)<1>root. withdraw ()0I*10 Coding projects in python 0 * = > 1 :>\%A step-by-step visual guide to creating your own Python® projectsCl□di HE prodECTS IN PMTHDN'ED di HE prndECTS IN PYTHON'DKUKSenior editors Ben Morgan. Steve Setfcrd Senior art editor Peter RadcliffeUS editors Jill Hamilton. Margaret Pamsh Consultant editor Craig SteeleJacket design d Coding projects in pythonevelopment manager Supilia Ml I Jacket editor Claire GeilProducer, pre-production Robert .X;r ■, N.:<: Kiritj Producer AlliuVc .nilKJManaging editor LCoding projects in python
isa Gillespie Managing art editor Owiri Pi«ylon lunes Publisher Andrew MacIntyreAssociate publishing director Liz Wheeler Art director Karen SHI Desig0 9* :=yf:%)<1>root. withdraw ()0I*10 Coding projects in pythonAssistant art editors Yashashv Choudhary, Sim® l)hami)a. Srxi.icsili Singh Jacket designer ..i«Sbel’-Jackets editorial coordinator Pr.yanka SharmaManaging Jackets editor S'eshtha Bhattocharya DTP designer Sac Ilin Gupla Senior DTP designer I Lsiidi A:ji|arwal Senior managing editor Rrihan Sinha Depu Coding projects in pythonty managing art editor Anjana Pre-production manager Balwant SinghFirst American Edition. 201 / Published In the United States by DK PublishingCoding projects in python
ids Hudson Street. New York. New York 10014(<>;ryr kjlil © 2017 I Jotting Ki nder dry I imitrd IM. a IXviũcx)erf Penguin Harxkxn I ImIV 11 (17 18 19Xi0 9* :=yf:%)<1>root. withdraw ()0I*10 Coding projects in python be reproduced, stored In or Introduced Into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (etectronlc, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright ormer.Pu Wished in Great Britain by Dorling K.nderstey Limited.A catalo Coding projects in pythong record for this book is avaiable from the Library of CongressISBN 978-1 -4654-« 188-9OK books are available at special discounts when purchased In bCoding projects in python
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