Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

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Nội dung chi tiết: Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique d Food technology, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. Thanks to his dedicate supervision and support, my study has obtained a success

.I would like to express my gratitude to my co-supervisor Dr.rer.nat. Nikki Heherson A Dagamac, Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology. University Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

of Greifswald. He does not only teach me to be a better students and researcher, but also shows me how to be a better person.I express my heartfelt th

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

anks to my mom. a wonderful woman who motivates and orients me. She is the most supportive person who never lets me walk alone in any journey and who

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique mode) of an empowered, independent woman to me.Last, but not the least. I would like to show a great appreciation to my fiance for his love and suppor

t. 1 am blessed to find my best friend, my soulmate and my partner in one person.PART 1: INTRODUCTION1.1. Research rationaleOn the edge of the sixth g Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

reat extinction in history-, awareness and efforts to hold back the biodiversity are higher and higher, as it is believed to be the reason for mankind

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

's activity and the population explodes. Biodiversity degradation causes extinction, threatening the extinction of more than 12.3% of flora species in

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique preserving and protecting the precious and rare species, which includes assisting to migrate to a new environment with a buffered site for challenges-

adaptation (Swarts & Dixon, 2009). In the wild, the size of orchids population often declines alarmingly (Solleveld, 2017). Although orchids are the l Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

argest family of flowering plants with almost 23,000 species (Cribb et al., 2003; Dressier. 1981; Fay & chase. 2009; Mabberley, 1997), Orchidaceae, mo

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

re than any other plant family, have a high proportion of threatened genera, with most containing threatened species (Swarts& Dixon, 2009). They are e

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique ing threatened from the outside, they, themselves, are also vulnerable, namely the complicated cooperation with mycorrhizal and the epiphytes, lithoph

ytes characteristics. Mycorrhizal is a kind of fungi that is usually helpful for orchids, as they are in a symbiotic relationship (Dearnaley, 2007), h Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

owever, an Imbalance, which usually occurs in a climate change context, can thrive an orchid into danger (Formatting Citation}. Other than that, their

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

ancient1characteristics of epiphytes and lithophytes are now can be the cons for them, due to the global wanning hit. plants tend to elevate their al

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique orchid family Orchidaceae. It is well known for its value in horticultural, medicinal, and food usage (Fay, 2015; Gale et al., 2018). Due to the high

revenue and medicinal benefits it brings, Aseraceus Lindl in Vietnam is overexploited in the wild, leading to exhaustion (Ban, 2005). hl 2007, in the Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

Decree No. 32/2006 / CP and the Vietnam Red Book, Aseraceus Llndl were classified into group IA (a, c, d) a group of endangered foiest plants (EN), an

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

d a group of plants banned from commercial exploitation and trade. Therefore, it is very necessary to research the propagation metlrod and cultivating

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique tive of the study was to examine the best condition for Anoectochilus setaceus Lindl.'s stems propagation by in vitro technique. Many pieces of resear

ch showed orchid seeds are better used for propagation thanks to the germination (Dutra et al., 2008; Godo et al., 2010; Park et al., 2000; Zeng et al Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

., 2012), however, due to the seasonal aspects that stems and tops are believed as a better objective to enhance the productivity and recovery of biod

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

iversity.Ill this study, the most suitable medium formula for A setaceus Lindl. was examined based on the monitoring of shoot regeneration rate and le

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique e effects of different growth regulators (BAP and Kinetin) concentration on the shoot regeneration rate and the quality of regenerated shoots were det

ermined. After shoot regenerating, shoots were then allocated in a different medium with organic compounds differ by composition, to tracking the shoo Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

t multiplication. Through this study, the most suitable culture medium and objective explants in vitro toward the conservation and propagation of Anoe

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

ctochilus setaceus Lindl can be identified.1.3.Significance of the studyIn vitro is the method referring the experiments outside of a living organism

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique gards a buffered site for challenge adaptation of such vulnerable species before habitant into the wild. This study, implementing the advantages of in

vitro technique into the propagation of A.setaceus Lindl. helps preserving this precious orchid and maintaining biodiversity.1.4.Scope and Limitation Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

sSeveral limitations of the experiment could lead to different results. During the medium preparation, the agar was not distributed into the mediums e

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

qually, leads to some of the mediums were only semi-fluid but not semi-solid, so that it may cause the falling of explants as the lack of firm support

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique into rarity (Cribb et al., 2003; Kcopowitz, 2001). Overcollection, usually illegal and undocumented is the extraordinary deprivation of orchids divers

ity (IUCN, 1999). Exploiting the ecosystem by hunting can also thrive the food chain into a mess which can imbalance the grazing pressure on orchids a Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

nd make them more exposed to damaged (Swarts, 2007). Other extrinsic threats from human impacts are the unsustainable acceleration of civilization, in

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

dustrialization, etc. Thus, kick-on effects, disease, pests, intense fire, salinization, and desertification haw the potential condition to spread out

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique ant risks may be occurred by the association of the aforementioned factor (Brundrett, 2006), an orchid is more likely to be associated by mycorrhizal

and then recorded as the first reducing the abundancy in the disturbed ecosystem (see (Cribb et al., 2003) for case studies of specialized attributes Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

in orchids). Under the climatic change on a global scale recently, epiphytes and lithophytes orchid has been vulnerable due to the elevation of medium

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

objects' distribution. Furthermore, the pollinator of orchid depending on a specialized seed dispersal agent, can also transmigrate or be extirpated

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique id outside’inside its home range, it is recommended for an orchid conservationist to assist particular4strategies which are fully acknowledged of the

growing environment towards a long-term sustainability of orchids, as well as the ecosystem.2.Ị.I. Anoectochilus setaceus Lindl. Conservation statusAn Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

oMochllus saaceus Llndl. belongs to (he orchid family Orchidaceae. There aie about 30-40 species in the world distributed throughout the tropics from

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

India to (he mountains in Southeast Asia, Japan, etc. (Acharya et al., 2009). Anoeaochllus seraccus Llndl. usually grows under the canopy of primeval

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1 would like to extend rny gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Associate Prof. Nguyen Tien Dung, Faculty of Biotechnology and

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique ant, with elongated rhizomes. succulent with 2-6 leaves. The pneumatophores and rhizomes are usually smooth, hairless, white-green, sometimes reddish-

brown In color. Self - clustered flowers grow at the top of the stem, (he flower axis is 5-20 cm long, often covered with reddish-brown hair, carrying Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

4-10 flowers (Sherlf et al.. 2012).China is a country that has a history of using tincture as a precious herb (Bulpitt, 2005). Some studies have show

Conservation and propagation of an endangered medicinal orchid (anoectochilus setaceus lindl ) by in vitro technique

n that, Anoeaochilus setaceus Lindl. contains chemical compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides (Bajracharya et al., 2003); 4-hydroxycinnam

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