➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY
UNIT 1FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICYOBJECTIVESTo give broader understanding of the foreign trade and it’s policy. This unit given students an understanding UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY of the aspects that how the various theories explain the development of foreign trade between the nations.The main objectives of this unit arc:•To analysis similarities and differences between internal and international trade.•To provide an overview of various theories in foreign trade.•To evaluate UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY the terms of trade between the nations.•To analysis the concept of Balance of Payment and Adjustment Mechanism m Balance of Payment.STRICTUREI.IntrodUNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY
uction1.1Meaning of Ini cma I iona 1 Trade1.2Similarities and Differences betweeninternalandInternationalT rade1.3Gains from International Trade1.4AdaUNIT 1FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICYOBJECTIVESTo give broader understanding of the foreign trade and it’s policy. This unit given students an understanding UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY T rade1.7Ileckschcr-Ohlin Theory or Modern Theory of International T rade1.8Terms o f Trade1.9International Trade in Services1.10Meanings of Balance of Payment1.11Structure of Balance of Payment1.12Balance of Payments Disequilibrium1.13Adjustment Mechanism in balance of Payments Account1.14Summary1 UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY .15Self-Assessment Questions1.Introduction:-The international trade has been growing faster than world output indicates that the international marketUNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY
is expanding faster than the domestic markets. 1 here arc indeed many Indian firms loo whose foreign business is gro wing faster than the domestic busUNIT 1FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICYOBJECTIVESTo give broader understanding of the foreign trade and it’s policy. This unit given students an understanding UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY This is manifested necessitated, facilitated by the following facts: (a) The Competitive business Environment (b)Globa lisa I ion of management (c) The universal liberlisation Policy by member countries.Table - 1 Growth of World Merchandise ExportsYearValue of merchandise exports (in billions of US UNIT i FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICY S)19505519601131970280198018461990331120006350UNIT 1FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICYOBJECTIVESTo give broader understanding of the foreign trade and it’s policy. This unit given students an understanding UNIT 1FOREIGN TRADE AND POLICYOBJECTIVESTo give broader understanding of the foreign trade and it’s policy. This unit given students an understandingGọi ngay
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