Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

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Nội dung chi tiết: Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterVu Hien PhanObserving changes in lake leve

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter el and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterProefcchriftter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische L

’niversiteit Delft.op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. ir. K..C.A.M. Luyben. voorzitter van het College voor het openbaar te verdedig Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

en op Maandag 26 January 2015 om 15:00 uurdoorVu Hien PHANMaster of Engineering in Mapping. Remote Sensing and GISHo Chi Minh City University of Techn

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

ology. Vietnamgeboren te Sa Dec. Vietnam.-1 -Oil procfschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor: Prof. dr. M. McneutiCopromotor: Dr. R.c. LindenberghSam

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterVu Hien PhanObserving changes in lake leve

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter hnische Universiteit Delft, copromotorProf. dr. M. ScaloniTongji UniversityProf. dr. ir. z. SuUniversiteit TwenteProf. dr. ir. N.c. van de GicscnTechn

ischc Universiteil DelftDr. J. KropacckUniversitãt TubingenDr. N. GourmelenThe University of EdinburghProf. dr. W.G.M. BastiaanssenTechnische Universi Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

teit Delft, resen elidCopyright

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

ced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval sys

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterVu Hien PhanObserving changes in lake leve

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter ny people contributed to the successful completion of this thesis in different ways. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to all of them.Firstly. I

am extremely gratefill to my co-promoter Dr. Roderik Lindenbergh. You were always there to help and support me whenever I ran into a problem. I think Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

your support and commitment during my study made other PhDs jealous in our section. In our weekly meetings, you always had excellent advice to give on

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

my technical problems. I really appreciate your patience in correcting my English writing and the constructive feedback on how to write an effective

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterVu Hien PhanObserving changes in lake leve

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter nti, for providing me with the opportunity to cany out my research and for your continuous support. With the extensive knowledge, you always gave me h

elpful ideas and provided me with clear and in-depth answers to my scientific and technical problems. Also. I would like to thank you for the construc Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

tive criticisms and relevant comments on the content of this dissertation.I want to thank the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training and the CEOP-

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the tibetan plateau with the ICESat laser altimeter

AEGIS project on the Hydrology and Climatology of the Tibetan Plateau, project no. 212921 of the European Commission FP7 program for funding this rese

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterVu Hien PhanObserving changes in lake leve

Observing changes in lake level and glacial thickness on the Tibetan Plateau with the ICESat laser altimeterVu Hien PhanObserving changes in lake leve

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