Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

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Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders nce, technology, education, etc. Particularly, English becomes an official and effective international communicative language. As a result, more and m

ore people are studying English in order not to be backward in the development of society.In Vietnam. English is considered as a foreign language. It Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

also has been introduced to educational institutions, which is learnt from secondary school up to university as a compulsory subject. Teaching English

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

in Vietnam will give students good chance to take advantage of globalization, and teachers are always trying to renew teaching methods to improve the

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders ading, speaking, listening the role of writing is very important.In fact, writing is an essential skill in both the first language and the second lang

uage. However, it is considered the most challenging language skills due to its complexity and high requirement of language means. Moreover, that litt Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

le time and efforts are spent on teaching and learning writing leads to Vietnamese high school students’ unsatisfactory results in writing. These low

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

results are due to numerous factors including students’ lack background knowledge and low language competence. As a matter of fact, although many lear

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders some perspective techniques for teaching writing in order to improve their writing abilities.Grabe and Kaplan (1996) mentioned that to students in EF

L (English as a Foreign Language) contexts, ranging from a simple paragraph and summary skill to the ability to write essay is needed for the master}' Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

of English writing skill. This is because paragraph writing is a pre-requisite course for composition and essay writing. Therefore, to any learner, l

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

earning how to write a good paragraph is necessary before learning how to write any other text and it is needed to transfer messages, letters, and kno

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders amese high schools, in which school learners have to pay attention to “higher level skills of planning and organizing as well as the lower level skill

s of spelling, punctuation, word choice, and so on” Richards and Renandya (2002).1As well as other objective factors, the role of teachers is very imp Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

ortant in helping students to express their ideas successfully in their writing. In the class, teachers can supply them with appropriate guide and sup

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

port in fulfilling the writing tasks.But it is difficult for most of the teachers to know how to make writing classes more effective and how to make s

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders ic. Good diagram stage can drive the students’ mind to the knowledge as well as can provide them some language preparation, which can be helpful clues

to their writing skill. Actually, diagram forms help students list the good topic sentences and supportive ideas. Those issues have inspired me a des Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

ire to conduct some suggested diagram forms to improve paragraph writing and I have applied them to all kinds of classes. And to my surprise, students

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

are more interested and feel more methodical when they have writing lesson. Giving diagram forms before writing leads students to the related writing

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders ing some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10,h graders with the aim at applying the “using diagram technique” to encourage students to gi

ve good ideas sothat they can master the content of the paragraph writing. I really look forward to recieving the sincere comments.2Aims of the studyT Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

he study is conducted with the following aims:-To examine students’ attitudes towards writing skill.-To investigate the difficulties students cope wit

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

h in their paragraph writing learning.-To help students solve the difficulties in their paragraph writing learning.-To evaluate the effectiveness of a

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders ence initiative.Due to the time limit, I am unable to cany out the experience initiative on a large scale. I, therefore, would like to focus my resear

ch on utilizing diagram forms as a way of improving paragraph writing for 10:h grade students at Quynh Luu 2 School. The assessments of the results ar Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

e based on performing series of2the students of control group and treatment group which are comprised of 60 students of grade 10 at my school.CONTENTP

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

art 1: Theoretical background1.1.Theoretical BackgroundDonn Byrne (1988, p. 1), the author of"Writing and teaching writing" stated that writing is not

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders scovered by research inspiration, accident, trial and error, or whatever in to a message with a definite meaning” (1988, p. 33). Sharing the same view

, to some extent, Coulmas and Florian (1999, p. 560) defined writing as a set of visible and tactile signs in which language units are represented sys Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

tematically for the purpose of recording message.One more view of writing is that writing is ‘decontextualized’ (Ellis, 1994, p. 188) because it assum

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

es that written communication never takes place in the presence of the writer and the reader. As for Canale and Swain (1980), they defined writing as

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders systems” (cited in Silva & Matsuda. 2002, pp. 252).Daniel, Peter & Bright, William (1996, p. 3) gave another definition of writing: “Writing is a sys

tem of more or less permanent marks used to represent an utterance in such a way that it can be recovered more or less exactly without the interventio Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

n of the utterer”. This definition views writing system as a set of symbols to represent sounds of speech.Donne Byrne (1988, p. 1), the author of "Wri

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

ting and teaching writing" stated that “Writing is the process of transforming the material discovered by research inspiration, accident, trial and er

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders ined writing as a set of visible and tactile signs in which language units are represented systematically for the purpose of recording message.Moreove

r, writing was also defined as a social process by Candlin and Hyland (1999, p. 107, as cited in Phung, 2004). They stated “Writing is therefore an en Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

gagement in a social process, where the production of texts reflects methodologies, arguments and rhetorical strategies constructed to engage colleagu

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

es and persuade them of the claims that are made”.According to Deborah (2009, p. 3), “Writing can take many forms, including anything from a shopping

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders features in each type of writing can be seen “within the sentence at the level of grammar, and beyond the sentence at the level of text structure” (Nu

nan, 1999, as cited in Deborah, 2009, p. 3). Therefore, the requirement of a lot of skills in writing is unavoidable.In short, each linguist’s definit Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

ion of writing reflects what writing means seen from his own point of view towards the writing process. Therefore, there is no definition of writing t

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

hat can cover all the writing systems that exist and have existed. Obviously, writing continues to serve as a vehicle for language practice, and neces

INTRODUCTION1RationalesConsidered as an international language, English plays an important role in all aspects of society such as communication, scien

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders haw, 1993, p. 184) teachers need to make students aware that “any piece of writing is an attempt to communicate something: that the writer has a goal

or purpose in mind; that he has to establish and maintain contact with his reader: that he has to organize his material and that he does this through Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

the use of certain logical and grammatical devices”.Nunan (1999, p. 271) acknowledged that writing skill “for second language learners, the challenges

Using some diagram forms to improve paragraph writing to 10th graders

are enormous”. If writing clearly is a difficult skill for native-speakers, it will inevitably take time and considerable effort for many second lang

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