ANH 12 HK2

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Nội dung chi tiết: ANH 12 HK2

ANH 12 HK2

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

ANH 12 HK2 e: Reading comprehensionWritingTestMODAL AUXILIARIES (NOANG TOO KHIEÀM KHUYEAT) I. FORM;* Caâu phuù hònh duenq MODALSTrong caâu phuù nònh, theâm not v

aoo sau M OPALS, trỏôùc noang too chính:EX 1: John will leave now. -»John now.EX 2: He can swim -> He_*Caâụ nghj yaán dụeng MODALS TRỞÒÙC CHUŨ TOO:EX: ANH 12 HK2

John will leave now. ->now?//.USES ;General meanin gsMODAL VERBSMEANINGUSESEXAMPLEPresentPast1/ SUY NOAÚN,Maymight- coù leõ• duong heâ suy rioaùn (no

ANH 12 HK2

t sure)• It may rain tomorrowMightmight- cou theả- duong neả suy hoaùn (not sure)- It might rain tomorrowCan beCould be- coù leỏ lao- duong neá suy ho

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

ANH 12 HK2 -chae moat SOI suy hoaùn chaéc chaén khoáng vì coũ cô sóú.•Mary must be at home. The light in her room is on. •he can't be at home now. 1 have just se

en him in the street.2/ SOI NGAẺN CAÁMMustn’t■khoáng hõôĩc- chae soi ngaén caám, khoáng liỏóĩc pheùp laom. (luaãt leả)• You musn't ride a motorbike un ANH 12 HK2

til you are 183/ SOI BAÉT BUOẢC, NHIEÀM vuiMust Have toHad to Had to-phaúi -phaúi, caán phaúi-heả chẽe boản phaan, moat SOI baét buoac ôù hiean taíi h

ANH 12 HK2

oaec trong toõng lai. -fíỏôĩc duong lĩeả thay theá must ỏù thì tỏóng lai (will have to) vao quaù khõù (had to) vì must khoáng coù caùc daing khaùc nếâ

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

ANH 12 HK2 ic duong chuù yeáu trong caãu phuù honh (Needn't) -chae moat sòi vieac khoáng quan troíng caàn phaủi laoms- You ae.edJlQ.Lfliy.t rne the answer right

now. • You don't have to use aWould, can, will, must, ...hffnQ'//khnthuưiPn rnmNeed + To VO * don’t need to VO) Need + V-ing-caàn / khoáng caàn- lao m ANH 12 HK2

oàt hoàng too thỏóong. duong vòùi theã chuú hoảng (ngõòoi caàn) ■ lao moat hoang too thỏóong. duong vòùi theâ bò hoang (vaatcaán)■ ■ *■•»>***** *11 M*

ANH 12 HK2

* -You don’t need tQ ,gợ. •Your hair needs cutting.5/ KHAŨ NAẼNGCancould- coù theẳ- heầ noùi neán moãt khau naẽng- he can speak 5 languages.6/ SÔĨ khu

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

ANH 12 HK2 pheùp, cho pheùpYou May... May 1 ...?- coù theã- Duong heà cho pheúp hoaẻc xin pheùp ai laom gi.-You may go now. -May 1 come in?Could 1 ...?- toâi coù

thea• thoòong duong vôùi chuũ too 1 heà xin pheùp 1 ngởôoi lõùn hôn. toú yù toàn troĩng- You: Could 1 borrow your bike?Can 1 ...?• toài coù thea■ tho ANH 12 HK2

òong duong vôùi chuũ too 1 heà xin pheùp 1 nqoóoi ngang haong- Can 1 borrow your pen?8/ Lôol Neà NghòCould you..- baĩn coù thea..- Duong heả heá nghò

ANH 12 HK2

1 ngóóùi ngỏóoi lóùn hòn laom gì.- Could you open the door, please?Can you Will you- bain coú theả..- Duong heầ heá nghó 1 ngòóũi ngòóoi ngang haong l

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

ANH 12 HK2 nner?9/ Sòi mong muoánWould rather (not)• muoán / khoáng muoán1 would rather go to the cinema than stay at home.Would like / would prefer + To-VO• muo

án■ sau Would like / would prefer ta duong To-VO1 would like to go to the cinema .10/ Sỏi vieảc ôũ tôông laiWillWould• seó■ Duong trong caùc thì Tỏóng ANH 12 HK2

Lai, Caâu Nieàu Kiean. caâu Ao ỏôùc, ...• If 1 were you. at home.would stay

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

UNIT 10: ENDANGERED SPECIESAim: Review : Vocabuldi V endangered speciesGrammar: : Modal verbs , meanings and their usagesPionunciation: RhythmPractice

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