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Nội dung chi tiết: School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English


Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English formation in any other format, for example braille or large print, or help with interpretation in a different language, please contact the School Admi

ssions TeamArabicNẻse dêshironi qe keto informacione ne ndonje format tjeter, per shembull gérsheta ose printime tẽ medha, ose tẽ ndihmoni nèinterpret School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English

imin ne gịuhê tè ndryshme, ju lutemi kontaktoni Ekipin e Pranimeve te ShkollaveAlbanianCantonesePokud byste chtèli tuto informaci V jiném íormátu, nap


ỉíklad Braillovo písmo nebo velký tisk, nebo pomoc s výkladem V iiném jazyce, obraíte se na ịkolu Phjimaci tỹmCzechHa bórmilyen más íormátumban, példá

Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English el a kapcsolatot a Beiratkozósi csoporttalHungarianSe desideri queste informazioni in qualsiasi aitro formato, ad esempio in braille 0 caratteri grand

i, 0 aiuto nell'interpretazione in una lingua diversa, contatta II Personale di Ammissione alle ScuoleItalianiSíỉCdlMandarinJeili chcesz te informacje School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English

w innym formaae, np, Braille’a czy duZy druk, lub pomoc przy interpretacji w innym jezyku, prosimy 0 kontakt z Zespolem przyiec do szkotPolishSe você


gostaria de ter esta informacao em qualquer outro formato, por exemplo braille OU letras grandes, OU ajuda com a interpreta;ão em urn idioma diferent

Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English sau mare, sau de ajutor cu interpretarea intr-o alta limbd, vả rugủm sá contactati Admitere echipa de scoalỉRomanianEarn Baw HyíKHa ara MHỘopMauMS B/

UOÕOM ApyroM ộopMare, HanpHMep B lupnộĩe BpaỂí/ia M/1M KpyoHOỈí nesaTM, MJ1II nov-otub npH ycTHOM nepeooAe HO Apyroii «3b!K, no>«anyiicTa, coaxHtecb c School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English

wKOAbMOH KOMMCCweiiRussianAk by ste chceli túto informiciu V inorn formate, napríklad Braíllovo písmo alebo vetká tlai, alebo pomoc s výkladom V inom


jazyku, obráíte sa na ikolu Prijimacie tímSlovakSi desea esta informacidn en cualquier otro formato, por ejemplo, braille 0 letra grande, 0 ayuda con

Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English ir dilde yahut braille veya buyuk harflerle, bu numarayi arayinTurkish/'ỢJr* A-Ji**• UrduOs hoffech gael y wybodaeth hon mewn unrhyw fformat arall, er

enghraifft braille neu brint bras, neu help gyda chyfieithu I iaith arall, cysylltwch a’r Tim Derbyn i YsgolionWelshNEWPORTOTCOJSCLCf scc» WU5CASNEWY School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English

DDChoose Welsh for Your ChildWhat is Welsh-medium education?You may not have considered Welsh-medium schools before. So what do theyoffer your child?W


elsh-medium schools provide complete immersion in the Welsh language. Children are encouraged to use Welsh throughout the school day and lessons are t

Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English lsh is the main language used in everyday teaching at Welsh-medium schools, English is also taught as a first language in all ages after the foundatio

n phase.Children who leave Welsh-medium primary schools are fluent in Welsh and English, and are provided an opportunity to use both languages across School-Admissions-Policy-booklet-202223-English

the curriculum. This has been proven to be the most effective way of learning languages.98% of pupils in Welsh-medium schools in Newport come from non


-Welsh speaking families.

Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

Newport City Council School Admissions Team, Civic Centre, Newport NP20 4UR01633 656656@ school, admissions^) you would like this inf

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