unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

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Nội dung chi tiết: unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam y replaced by technology (i.e. banking, production, transportation, etc.), the intellectual capital of human resource is Still considered as the indis

pensable asset of all organizations in operating and maintaining organizations’ operations. Therefore, to build and maintain the effective human resou unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

rce as a competitive advantage requires the management to put forward suitable strategics in which creating a more convenient work place is one of pre

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

requisites. The failure of the managers on understanding and adjusting appropriately could gradually lead to the decrease of job satisfactions. More c

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam nover rate, the smoulder deterioration of employee involvement and organizational commitment, and the decline of organizational outcomes.Indeed, from

Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam JSC - Ho Chi Minh City Branch (hereinafter called BIDV.HCMC) perspectives, as a matter of fact, there s unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

tand an increasingly high turnover rate amongst the corporate credit officers and the decreasing business outcomes. Although there are a variety of in

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

ternal and external causes that arc to blame for these results, it is popularly believed that the decreasing! y low level of job satisfaction is proba

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam edit officers at BIDV.IICMC. According to several deeply interviews derived from the current and former employees, the findings of the thesis point ou

t that the uncertainty and power distance appear to be the main causes that lead to an emerge in the turnover intention. I he thesis will then discuss unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

some feasible alternative solutions regarding to the improvement of some management skills and the promotion of a more democracy working environment

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

to incline the level of satisfaction and relieve the turnover intention amongst the BIDV.IICMC workers.AcknowledgementsI would like to acknowledge all

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam anh Xuan for all her advice and guidance, without her invaluable helps this thesis could not have been possible.I also would like to show my gratitude

to my colleagues at work and classmates at ISB for their constant supports and motivations. I also send my sincere thankfulness to my parents and fri unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

ends for their support and encouragement.Table of contentsExecutive summary.........................................................................1L

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

ist of figures...........................................................................4List of tables..............................................

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam ..........................................................61.2.The branch’s structure and general goals..........................................7IL P

roblem context........................................................................8III.The classification of initial causes leading to the decreas unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

e of job satisfaction....143.1.The theoretical initial cause and effect map.....................................143.2.The factual cause and effect map

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

.................................................15IV.The literatures for the elements affecting to the job satisfaction and the connections of thesel

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam .........................174.1.1.Physical working conditions..................................................174.1.2.Human resource element..........

.............................................184.1.3.Organizational element.......................................................19a.Remuneration.... unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

..............................................................20b.Corporate culture.............................................................254.2.

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

W ork - life balance.............................................................314.2.1.Time - based conflict........................................

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam .........................................35VI.Alternative solutions...............................................................406.1.The first alte

rnative solution: training the management skills for the managers at alllevels........................................................................ unlicensed the ongoing decrease of job satisfaction amongst the corporate credit officers in bank for investment and development of vietnam

........ 40

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

Executive summaryNowadays, in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). although there are an increasing number of professional Helds gradually

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