Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

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Nội dung chi tiết: Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions InstitutionsEDITED BYJOSE HARRISOXfORDOXFORDUNIVERSITY PRESSGreat Clarendon Street, Oxford OXz 6DPOxford University Press is a department of rhe Unive

rsity of Oxford. Il furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide inOxford New Yor Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

kAuckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei TorontoWith offices inA

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rgentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan South Korea Poland Portugal Singapore Switzerland 1 ha i la n

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions Stares by Oxford University Press Inc., New York1 he several contributors 2OOỊThe moral rights of rhe authors have been asserted Database right Oxford

University Press (maker)First published 2003 first published in paperback 2005All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sto Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

red in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expr

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essly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with rhe appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the sc

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions inding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirerp.rirish Library Cataloguing in Publication DaraData availablel ibrary of Congr

ess Cataloging in Publication Data Data availableTypeset by Hope Services (Abingdon) l td.Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Biddles Ltd K Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

ing’s Lynn, NorfolkISBN 0-19-926020-6 978-0-19-926020-1ISBN 0-19-927910-1 (Pbk.) 978-0-19-927910-4 (Pbk.)13 5 7 9 10 <8 6 4 2Preface and Acknowledgeme

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

ntsTins book, which draws upon rhe very disparate specialist research interests of its contributors, stemmed from a series of informal meetings, works

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions s of the ubiquitous bur ill-defined term ‘civil society', and its applicability (if any) to rhe understanding of British ideas, institutions, and rela

tions with other cultures, over rhe past several hundred years. Participants in those meetings included a number of friends and colleagues who do not Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

appear in the final volume, but whose thoughts contributed substantially to its final shape. The authors would particularly like to thank Ewen Green,

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

Janet Howarth, Ross Mckibbin, and John Robertson for their input at various stages. Our late colleague, Colin Matthew, was also an active participant

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions Scotland, and Ireland' was never written. Another person who deserves mention is Asa Briggs, who for many years fostered conviviality and argument amo

ng Oxford historians of modern Britain. With Asa’s retirement conviviality declined, but the legacy of argument fortunately remains. Ruth Parr and Ann Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

e Gelling gave helpful advice about rhe final shape of the project and its conversion into a book. After the project was complete, rhe contributors ha

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

d rhe good fortune to be invited to share their ideas with a number of Japanese historians at two international research seminars, held at rhe Kobe In

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions to affect rhe text of rhe completed work, their very lively discussions strongly confirmed what had become a central theme of an otherwise very divers

e project—that conceptions of ‘civil society’, both in theory and in institutional practice, varied widely according to historical and cultural contex Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

t. The authors would especially like to acknowledge the help of Professor Kumie I nose, Professor Haita Kawakatsu, and Professor Minoru Takada in arra

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

nging these seminars. The editor of the volume, Jose I larris, would personally like to thank the Leverhulme Foundation, whose generous support while

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions pecialization. Grateful thanks also to St Catherine’s College, the Queen's College, and the Oxford Modern History faculty, for rhe occasional ‘beer an

d sandwiches’ lunches that kept the project going. Civil society in british history ideas identities institutions

CIVIL SOCIETY IN BRITISH HISTORYIdeas, Identities, InstitutionsỈ his page intentionally left blankCivil Society in British HistoryIdeas, Identities, I

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