Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

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Nội dung chi tiết: Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

Andrew Young School of Policy StudiesResearch Paper SeriesWorking Paper 12-06 February 2012Department of EconomicsW.J. Usery Workplace Research GroupD

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent Does Shortening the School Week Impact student Performance? Evidence from the Four-Day School WeekD. Mark Anderson Montana state UniversityMary Beth W

alker Georgia state UniversityThis paper can be downloaded at: Social Science Research Network Electronic Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

Paper Collection: Andrew Young SchoolUniversityOF POLICY STUDIESw. J. Usery Workplace Research Group Paper

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

SeriesWorking Paper 2012-2-140940Does Shortening the School Week Impact student Performance? Evidence from the Four-Day School WeekD. Mark AndersonMo

Andrew Young School of Policy StudiesResearch Paper SeriesWorking Paper 12-06 February 2012Department of EconomicsW.J. Usery Workplace Research GroupD

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent ew Young SchoolUniversity IOF POLICY STUDIESDoes Shortening the School Week Impact Student Performance? Evidence from the Eour-Day Schoo! WeekD. Mark

AndersonDepartment of Agricultural Economies and Economics Montana State University dwight.anderson^Z montana.eduMary Beth Walker Andrew Young School Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

of Policy Studies Georgia State University mbwalkcrfg) gsu.edu40940AbstractPublic schools face difficult decisions on how to pare budgets. In the curr

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

ent financial environment, school districts employ a variety of policies to close budget gaps and stave off teacher layoffs and furloughs. An increasi

Andrew Young School of Policy StudiesResearch Paper SeriesWorking Paper 12-06 February 2012Department of EconomicsW.J. Usery Workplace Research GroupD

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent tantial schedule changes as schools must increase the length of their school day to meet state-mandated minimum instructional hour requirements. Altho

ugh some schools have indicated that this policy eases financial pressures, it is unknown whether the restructured schedule has an impact on student o Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

utcomes. In this study, we use school-level longitudinal data from (he state of Colorado to investigate the relationship between the four-day school w

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

eek and academic performance among elementary school students. We exploit the temporal and spatial variation in the four-day school week using a diffe

Andrew Young School of Policy StudiesResearch Paper SeriesWorking Paper 12-06 February 2012Department of EconomicsW.J. Usery Workplace Research GroupD

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent the evidence indicates that the adoption a four-day school week shares a positive and Otten statistically significant relationship with performance i

n both reading and mathematics: the math results in particular are generally' robust to a range of specification checks. These findings have policy re Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

levance to the current U.S. education system, where manyschool districts must cut costs. The four-day school week is a strategy currently under debate

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent

.1“There’s no way a switch like that wouldn’t negatively affect teaching and learning "-Tim Callahan, spokesman for the ProfessionalAssociation of Geo

Andrew Young School of Policy StudiesResearch Paper SeriesWorking Paper 12-06 February 2012Department of EconomicsW.J. Usery Workplace Research GroupD

Does shortening the shool week impact the student performent ntucky school district director of personnel and technology (TIME Magazine)

Andrew Young School of Policy StudiesResearch Paper SeriesWorking Paper 12-06 February 2012Department of EconomicsW.J. Usery Workplace Research GroupD

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