Microsoft word brand campaign
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Microsoft word brand campaign
BRAND CAMPAIGNInstructor: Mr. Hoang Vu Quoc Anh Team member:Hoang Van HoanNguyen Vu Cam Tu Mai Van Huy Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy1AbstractThe year 2020-202 Microsoft word brand campaign 21 is a year of many fluctuations, and many changes in the market due to the Covid epidemic, x-men wants to create a new campaign to revive youth in life, create close relationships with current and potential customers, build and develop brand identity.2TABLE OF CONTENTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4SITUATIONAL Microsoft word brand campaign ANALYSIS 5STATEMENT OF NEED 5TARGET PUBLICS 7strategy 8GOALS & OBJECTIVES 8KEY MESSAGE 9TACTICS 10BUDGET 34EVALUATION 40REFERENCE LIST 42APPENDICES__Microsoft word brand campaign
_____________________________________________________________433Executive SummaryThe X-Me brand is a men's personal care brand, belongs to ICP which cBRAND CAMPAIGNInstructor: Mr. Hoang Vu Quoc Anh Team member:Hoang Van HoanNguyen Vu Cam Tu Mai Van Huy Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy1AbstractThe year 2020-202 Microsoft word brand campaign as still dominated by two giants, Unilever and Procter & Gamble (P&G).At the same time, there are several additional shampoo brands to choose, such as DoubleRich, Enchanteur, Palmolive...However, all of the shampoos listed above are geared towards a single demographic: women. Only Unza’s Romano had Microsoft word brand campaign a foothold in the men's shampoo market at the time. But Romano only focuses on shower gel and Romano is the brand that comes with Enchanteur as a by-pMicrosoft word brand campaign
roduct.Recognizing the untapped market for male-specific care products, X-Men took the opportunity and launched X-Men shampoo with the slogan “X-Men rBRAND CAMPAIGNInstructor: Mr. Hoang Vu Quoc Anh Team member:Hoang Van HoanNguyen Vu Cam Tu Mai Van Huy Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy1AbstractThe year 2020-202 Microsoft word brand campaign eness, most of which are known about the brand through TVC advertising on TV, while activities, outdoor advertising or events have not been promoted.Mức Độ PHỦ SÓNG QUÀNG CÁO CỦA XMENBan biét đén X-Men qua hinh thức quảng cao nao?39 rewons*í Microsoft word brand campaign BRAND CAMPAIGNInstructor: Mr. Hoang Vu Quoc Anh Team member:Hoang Van HoanNguyen Vu Cam Tu Mai Van Huy Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy1AbstractThe year 2020-202Gọi ngay
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