Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

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Nội dung chi tiết: Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling Goodnick EditorsNano-Electronic DevicesSemiclassical and Quantum Transport ModelingỄỊ SpringerEditorsDragica VasileskaSchool of Electrical. Computer

and Energy Engineering Arizona State University Tempe. ArizonaUSAvasileska@asu.eduStephen M. GoodnickSchool of Electrical. Computer and Energy Enginee Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

ring Arizona State University Tempe. ArizonaUSAstephen.goodnick@asu.eduISBN 978-1 -4419-8839-3 e-ISBN 978-1-4419-8840-9DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8840-9Sp

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

ringer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg LondonLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2011928232© Springer Scicncc+Busincss Media. LLC 2011All rights reserve

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling C. 233 Spring Street. New York. NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any

form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter d Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

eveloped is forbidden.The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as suc

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

h, is not to he taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.Printed on acid-free paperSpringer is pa

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling f the art in transport modeling relevant for the simulation of nanoscale semiconductor devices. At the time of the publication of this book, advances

in conventional planar semiconductor device scaling have resulted in production devices with gate lengths approaching 22 nanometers (at the time of wr Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

iting this preface), while research devices with gate lengths of just a few nanometers have been demonstrated. The semiconductor industry has been dom

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

inated by Si based Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) transistors for over 40 years. However, al present, there is an increasing drive to integrate a div

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling raphene. At the same time, there have been extraordinary advances in new types of self-assembled materials such as carbon nanotubes, and semiconductor

nanowires, which offer the potential for new families of fully three-dimensional devices that will allow scaling to continue to atomic dimensions. As Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

characteristic length scales decrease, the physics of transport changes dramatically. For large dimensions compared to the mean free path for scatter

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

ing (and the related phase coherence length), the semi-classical diffusive picture of charge transport holds, governed by the Boltzmann transport equa

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling urely quantum mechanical framework in terms of current associated with probability flux, usually from some idealized reservoir of carriers, i.e. conta

cts. The actual situation in current nanoscale devices is somewhere in between these two pictures, which in the past has been referred to as a mesosco Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

pic system (somewhere between microscopic and macroscopic). This regime perhaps the most interesting in terms of phenomena, but the most difficult to

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

theoretically describe, in which both quantum mechanical phase coherent phenomena co-exist with phase randomizing, dissipative scattering processes, w

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling oblem of transport in mesoscopic semiconductor systems, ranging from semi-classical to fully quantum mechanical, in order to understand the advantages

and limitations of each, as well as elucidating the complex and interesting phenomena encountered in ultra-small devices. Nano electronic devices; semiclassical and quantum transport modeling

Dragica VasileskaStephen M. Goodnick EditorsNano-ElectronicDevicesSemidassical and Quantum Transport Modeling0 SpringerDragica Vasileska • Stephen M.

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