Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

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Nội dung chi tiết: Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

Silberberg ~CHEMISTRYThe Molecular Nature of Matter and ChangePeriodic Table of the Elements51MAIN-GROUPELEMENTSMAIN-GROUPELEMENTS11A (1)8A (18)11 H 1

Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg 1.C08/4 Be 9.012Atomic number —Atomic symbo —Atomic mass (amu:□ Metals (main-g roup! B Metals (transit or) _J Metals (inner transition) Metalloids ! N

on meta Is2A (2)t f3A (13)4A (14)5A 6A {15} I (16)7A (17)23 Li 6.9414 Be 9.0125 B 10.816 c 12.017 N 14.018 0 16.009 F 19.0010 No 20.18311 Na 22.9912 M Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

g 24.31'ISITION ELEMEN'13 Al 26.9814 Si 28.0915 p 30.9716 s 32.0617 Cl 35.4518 Ar 39.95(1 RMIJ3B4B (3>-45B (5)1B (11)2B (12)Uũi o (6)-7-89)(10) 1419 K

Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

39.1020 Ca 40.0821 Sc 44.9622 Ti 47.8723 V 50.9424 Cr 52.0025 Mn 54.9426 Fe 55.8527 Co 58.9328 Ni 58.6929 Cu 63.5530 Zn 65.3831 Ga 69.7232 Ge 72.6333

Silberberg ~CHEMISTRYThe Molecular Nature of Matter and ChangePeriodic Table of the Elements51MAIN-GROUPELEMENTSMAIN-GROUPELEMENTS11A (1)8A (18)11 H 1

Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg 47 Ag 107948 Cd 112.449 In 114.850 Sn 118.751 Sb 121.852 Te 127.653 1 126954 Xe 1313 Ị655 Cs 132.956 Ba 137.357 La 138972 Hf 178.57 3 Ta 180.974 w 183

.875 Re 186.276 Os 190.21S1 >2.278 Pt 195.179 Au 197080 Hg 200681 Tl 204.482 Pb 207.283 Bi 209.084 Po (209)85 At (210)86 Rn (222)787 Fr (223)88 Ra (22 Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

6)89 Ac (227)104 Rf (265)105 Db ■268)106 Sg (271)107 Bh (27OI108 Hs (277:109 Mt (276)110 Ds (2811111 Rg (280:112 Cn (285)113 Nh (284!114 Fl (2891115 M

Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg

e (288)'16 Lv (293)117 Ts :294)118 Og ■294)/ INNER TRANSITION ELEMENTS*■ - _*■ " - - _6Lanthanides58 Ce 140.159 Pr 140 960 Nd 144.261 Pin 1145!62 Sm 1

Silberberg ~CHEMISTRYThe Molecular Nature of Matter and ChangePeriodic Table of the Elements51MAIN-GROUPELEMENTSMAIN-GROUPELEMENTS11A (1)8A (18)11 H 1

Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg (237}94 Pu (244)95 Am (243)96 Cm 1,247!97 Bk ■247)98 Cf (251)99 Es (252)100 Fm (2571101 Md (258)102 No (259)103 Lr (262)The ElementsNameSymbolAtomicA

tomic NumberMass’NameSymbolAtomic NumberAtomic Mass’ActiniumAc89-227MendeleviumMd101-256AluminumAl1326.98MercuryHg80200.6AmericiumAm95-243MolybdenumMo Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg


Chemistry the molecular nature of matter and change with advanced topics by martin silberberg


Silberberg ~CHEMISTRYThe Molecular Nature of Matter and ChangePeriodic Table of the Elements51MAIN-GROUPELEMENTSMAIN-GROUPELEMENTS11A (1)8A (18)11 H 1

Silberberg ~CHEMISTRYThe Molecular Nature of Matter and ChangePeriodic Table of the Elements51MAIN-GROUPELEMENTSMAIN-GROUPELEMENTS11A (1)8A (18)11 H 1

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