Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

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Nội dung chi tiết: Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

THE IIL/WILEY SERIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTWhatFunctional ManagersNeed to Know AboutMANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D. Frank p. Saladis, PMPI PV'Y' INTERN

Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management NATIONALWhat Functional Managers Need to Know about p ROJ E CT MANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D.Frank Saladis, PMPWILEYJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.»»..J'"**'

INTERNATIONAL■ T ILẩ Institute for Learning, Inc.Illis bk is printed on acid-free paper. ®Copyright © 2(X>9 by International Institute lor Learnin Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

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Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

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THE IIL/WILEY SERIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTWhatFunctional ManagersNeed to Know AboutMANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D. Frank p. Saladis, PMPI PV'Y' INTERN

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Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

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THE IIL/WILEY SERIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTWhatFunctional ManagersNeed to Know AboutMANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D. Frank p. Saladis, PMPI PV'Y' INTERN

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THE IIL/WILEY SERIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTWhatFunctional ManagersNeed to Know AboutMANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D. Frank p. Saladis, PMPI PV'Y' INTERN

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THE IIL/WILEY SERIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTWhatFunctional ManagersNeed to Know AboutMANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D. Frank p. Saladis, PMPI PV'Y' INTERN

Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management t functional managers need to know'about project management /1 larold Kerzner, Frank Saladis.p. cm.—('Hie 11L/Wiley series in project management)Inclu

des index.ISBN 978-0-470-52547-0 (cloth)I. Project management. I. Saladis, Frank p. II. 'rule.IID69.P75K4973 2009658.4'04-dc22 Kerzner s what functional managers need to know about project management

THE IIL/WILEY SERIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENTWhatFunctional ManagersNeed to Know AboutMANAGEMENTHarold Kerzner, Ph.D. Frank p. Saladis, PMPI PV'Y' INTERN

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