Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference

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Nội dung chi tiết: Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference

Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference

The Procurement andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Soi.lisii, C.P.M.John Stmanỉk, C.P.M.18 0 7: ©WILEY ị200 7)OHN Wiley & Sons, Inc.The Procurem

Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference ment andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Squ ish, C.P.M.John Semanik, C.P.M.18 0 7 ©WILEY 2 0 0 7John Wiley & Sons, Inc.This hook is printed on a

cid-free paper.®Copyright © 2007 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. Hoboken. New Jersey.Published si Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference

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The Procurement andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Soi.lisii, C.P.M.John Stmanỉk, C.P.M.18 0 7: ©WILEY ị200 7)OHN Wiley & Sons, Inc.The Procurem

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The Procurement andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Soi.lisii, C.P.M.John Stmanỉk, C.P.M.18 0 7: ©WILEY ị200 7)OHN Wiley & Sons, Inc.The Procurem

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The Procurement andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Soi.lisii, C.P.M.John Stmanỉk, C.P.M.18 0 7: ©WILEY ị200 7)OHN Wiley & Sons, Inc.The Procurem

Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference Wiley products, visit our Web site al hllp://ww w.w of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Sollish. Fred.The procurement and supp

ly manager's desk reference / Fred B. Sollish. John Semanik. p. cm.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN: 978-0-471-79043-3 (cloth)I. Ind Sollish s the procurement and supply manager desk reference

ustrial proeurcmenl-Handbooks. manuals, etc. 2. Purchasing-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 3. Materials management-Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Semanik. John.

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II. Title.HD39.5.S66 2007658.7’2—dc222006034362Printed in the United Stales of America.10 9876 5 432 I

The Procurement andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Soi.lisii, C.P.M.John Stmanỉk, C.P.M.18 0 7: ©WILEY ị200 7)OHN Wiley & Sons, Inc.The Procurem

The Procurement andSupply Manager'sDesk ReferenceFred B. Soi.lisii, C.P.M.John Stmanỉk, C.P.M.18 0 7: ©WILEY ị200 7)OHN Wiley & Sons, Inc.The Procurem

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