Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

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Nội dung chi tiết: Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomelecular and Cell Biology andHoward Hughes Medical Institute.University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley. CA 94720-32003Chair for Pattern Recognitio

n (Computer Science 5)University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Martensstrasse 3. D-91058 Erlangen•’Present address: Department of Biology. Massachusetts Inst Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

itute of Technology. 77 Massachusetts Ave 68-223. Cambridge. MA 02139’Corresponding author: eMail: ohlerft FAX: 617-452-2936Running title: Dr

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

osophila Core Promoter AnalysisKey words: computational biology. DNA sequence analysis, eukaryotic promoter recognition, gene regulation, transcriptio

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomethe basal transcription apparatus. Drosophila TSSs have generally been mapped by individual experiments: the low number of accurately mapped TSSs has

limited analysis of promoter sequence motifs and the training of computational prediction tools.ResultsWe identified TSS candidates for about 2.000 Dr Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

osophila genes by aligning 5' ESTs from cap-trapped cDNA libraries to the genome, while applying stringent criteria concerning coverage and 5'-end dis

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

tribution. Examination of the sequences flanking these TSS revealed the presence of well-known core promoter motifs such as the TATA box. the initiato

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome what appears to be a variant DPE motif.Among the prevalent motifs is the DNA replication related element DRE, recently shown to be part of the recogn

ition site for the TBP replacing factor TRF2. Our TSS set was then used to re-train the computational promoter predictor McPromoter. allowing US to im Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

prove the recognition performance to over 50% sensitivity and 40% specificity. We compare these computational results to promoter prediction in verteb

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

rates.ConclusionsThere are relatively few recognizable binding sites for previously known general transcription factors in Drosophila core promoters.

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila GenomeS prediction in Drosophila.INTRODUCTIONTranscription initiation is one of the most important control points in regulating gene expression [1.2]. Recen

t observations have emphasized the importance of the core promoter, a region of about 100 bp flanking the transcription start site Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

g transcription [3.4]. The core promoter serves as the recognition site for the basal transcription apparatus, which is comprised of the multisubunit

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

RNA Polymerase II and several auxiliary factors. Core promoters show specificity both in their interactions with enhancers and with sets of general tr

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomeumber of motifs have been identified that are present in a substantial fraction. The most familiar of these motifs is the TATA box. which has been rep

orted to be part of 30-40% of core promoters [5].Prediction and analysis of core promoters have been active areas of research in computational biology Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

[6] with several recent publications on prediction of human promoters [7-10]. In contrast, prediction of invertebrate promoters has received much les

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

s attention and has focused almost exclusively on Drosophila. Reese [11] described the application of time-delay neural networks, and in our previous

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genometures of DNA. Structural features were also examined by Levitsky and Katokhin [13], but they did not present results for promoter prediction in genomi

c sequences.As with computational methods for predicting the intron-exon structure of genes [14]. the computational prediction of promoters has been g Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

reatly aided by cDNA sequence information. However, promoter prediction is complicated by the fact that most cDNA clones do not extend to the TSS. Rec

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

ent advances in cDNA library construction methods that utilize the 5'-cap structure of mRNAs haveallowed the generation of so-called "cap-trapped" lib

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomeuences of individual cDNAs to genomic DNA [17. 18]. However, it is estimated that even in the best libraries only 50-80 % of cDNAs extend to the TSSs

[16, 19], making it unreliable to base conclusions on individual cDNA alignments.We describe here a more cautious approach for identify ing TSSs that Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

requires the 5' ends of the alignments of multiple, independent cap-selected cDNAs to lie in close proximity. We then examined the regions flanking th

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

ese putative TSSs, the putative core promoter regions, for conserved DNA sequence motifs. We also used this new set of putative TSSs to retrain and si

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila GenomeD. meianogaster chromosomes, and discuss the different challenges of computational promoter recognition in invertebrate and vertebrate genomes.RESULTS

AND DISCUSSIONSelection of EST clusters to determine transcription start sitesStapleton et al. [20] report the results of aligning 237,471 5’ EST seq Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

uences, including 115,169 obtained from cap-trapped libraries, on the annotated Release 2 sequence of the D. melanogasfer genome. They examined these

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

alignments for alternative splice forms and grouped them into 16.744 clusters with consistent splice sites, overlapping 9,644 known protein-encoding g

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomeap a known protein encoding gene or have evidence of splicing. (2) One of the three most 5’ ESTs in the cluster had to be derived from a cap-trapped l

ibrary. (3) In some cases, disjoint clusters overlap the annotation of a single gene: here, we only considered the most 5' cluster. (4) We required th Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

e distance to the next upstream cluster to be greater than Ikb. This requirement, together with the selection of only the most 5’cluster, leads to the

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

selection of only one start site per gene. By doing so. we minimize the erroneous inclusion of ESTs which are not filll-length. but also exclude alte

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomet the 5’ends of at least 3 ESTs fall within an 11 bp window of genomic sequence, and that the number of ESTs whose 5’ ends fall within this window com

prise at least ĨO°/o of the ESTs in the cluster. With a single EST we cannot be sure to have reached the true start site, even if it was generated by Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

a method selecting for the cap site of the mRNA [17. 19]; with a cluster of ESTs within a small range, we can be more confident that we have defined t

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genome

he actual TSS. By requiring selected clusters to have at least 3 ESTs we are. however, introducing a bias against genes with low-expression levels. Th

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in the Drosophila Genomeumerical requirement is insufficiently stringent.

Computational Analysis of Core Promoters in theDrosophila GenomeUwe Ohler '•■’■L Guo-chun Liao '. Heinrich Niemann \ Gerald M. Rubin'Department of Mol

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