Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

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Nội dung chi tiết: Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtdustrial Clusters: Dynamics and Models in Theory and PracticeA Conference Organized by Fondazione Montedison Under the Aegis of Accademia Nazionale de

i Lincei Milan June 19-20th, 20011.Whatever they are exactly, industrial districts are also a worldly success and a conceptual innovation. In Italy, t Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

he map of district agglomerations of small and medium-sized firms specializing in particular branches of light industry is no longer limited to the tr

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

iangle marked by Venice, Florence, and Ancona in the Adriatic Marches. New agglomerations are spreading, as though by contagion, down the shores of th

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtm this expansion of the districts’ homeland, district-like agglomerations are emerging in some patches of the South of Italy. Looking at the economic

map of Europe, the economic agronomist sees a “hot banana” of thriving districts curving from London, through Switzerland and the Southwest of Germany Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

into Northern Italy. In the developing2economies districts are identified as a motor of growth in countries as different as Chile, Brazil, and India.

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

The advance of the industrial district as a concept has at least kept pace with its progress in fact. Discussion of economic growth in both the advanc

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districte rates and other prices right, and (lately) building the institutions needed to do this. But insofar as it is not, debate gravitates toward the creat

ion and expansion of “clusters”—the business name for districts. In the European Union in particular fostering clusters is often seen as a way of enco Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

uraging economic competitiveness without giving in to US pressure to give markets free reign. In theoretical debates about economic growth and interna

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

tional trade too agglomerations, often explicitly identified with districts, have come to play a central role (although, as we shall see, with surpris

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtmarkets?3Surprisingly—or not, you be the judge—there is no compelling answer to such brusque and elementary questions. Not that familiarity with the s

ubject has dulled curiosity about its causes. Rather, I suspect the fruitfulness of the district idea as a research agenda and as a policy tool has du Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

lled incentives to inquire too closely into the consistency and generalizability of the sustaining ideas. Concepts that both allow exploration of econ

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

omic forms uncognizable in the light of standard theories of the firm and discussion of public engagement in economic development otherwise taboo seem

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtt is a growing gap between a venerable and originally plausible explanation of district success and the sources of competitive flexibility generally,

and a discrepant mass of material regarding developments in the world, research findings and alternative views of innovation. The familiar explanation Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

focuses on the specialization of activity and the tacit or lived quality of the knowledge that such specialization produces. The discrepant4material,

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

on the contrary, links the innovative capacities of agglomerations to diversity and the (partial) formalization of the knowledge that coordination ac

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtphisticated corporations in the application of new technologies in industries as diverse automotive components and textiles? Now the deep changes wrou

ght by the districts’ capacities for transformation make the grounds of their continuing success mysterious again.In this essay I want to argue for th Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

e discrepant view. More exactly, I want to argue that under current conditions innovation, and problem solving generally, depend on disciplined compar

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

isons of alternative solutions, and these in turn require transforming tacit knowledge into what might be called pidgin formalizations: accounts suffi

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtle to outsiders, from various disciplines.Such pidgins are more than mere descriptions yet less than fully developed causal theories. As the work of G

alison (1997) shows, they are familiar to the history of science as the working languages of collaborations between, say, experimentalist instrument m Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

akers or engineers on the one hand and theoreticians on the other. From these collaborations radically innovative theories sometimes emerge. For our p

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

urposes, though, these formalizations are less interesting for their generative potential than for the working exchanges they enable. Their availabili

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial Districtdistricts, and related organizational forms, was premised. Conversely, organizations designed to generate such formalizations, and collaborate with ot

hers doing the same, have internal structures and build relations not contemplated in the familiar district literature or in its analogue in the discu Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

ssion of large firms. These novel organizations are neither craft communities that organize themselves on the basis of common, tacit skills nor hierar

Diversity, Not Specialization The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial District

chies tied together by tacit routines. Their distinctive feature, the one from which flows their peculiar openness to change within and reconnection t

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

Diversity, Not Specialization:The Ties that Bind the (New) Industrial DistrictCharles F. Sabel Columbia Law SchoolPaper presented toComplexity and Ind

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