Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

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Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces ublished ú) 1982 byOsprey Publishing Ltd Member company of the George Philip Group 12-14 Long Acre, London WC2E9LP © Copyright 1982 Osprey Publishing

LtdThis book is copyrighted under the Berne Convention All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, cr Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

iticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act. 1956. no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmi

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

tted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. without the prior permi

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces lkland Island War, 1982I. English. Adrian II. Watts, Tony III. Series997.11F3O31ISBN 0-S5045-492-1Filmset in England byTameside Filmsetting LimitedAsh

ton-under-Lyne. LancashirePrinted in England byMono: BAS Printers LtdColour: George Philip Printers LtdEditor's note:Osprey Publishing Ltd wish to exp Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

ress their gratitude to Geoff Cornish, Alexis Dunstan. Paul Haley, and John Moore for their assistance in the preparation of this book. They also feel

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

that it may be desirable, under the circumstances, to note that a donation has been made to the South Atlantic Fund.Battle for the Falklands (2) Nava

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces e knowledge that they remained among the last and most remote bastions of the British Empire, awoke on 2 April to find that they had become unwilling

citizens of Argentina. In the early hours of the chilly late-autumn morning substantial forces of Argentine Marines, with heavy naval and air support, Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

had invaded the islands, quickly and almost bloodlessly overwhelming a token garrison of Royal Marines temporarily swollen to 67 by the early arrival

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

of its relief detachment, rhe humour of Argentina'sApril Fool joke went largely unappreciated.The following day Argentine forces also invaded the Fal

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces heavy losses on their attackers.When the Argentine military Junta led by Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri embarked upon the invasion as a solution to its multi

ple domestic political and economic problems, the auspices for its successHMS Endurance her withdrawal tô save £2m., announced in March 1982, probably Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

had a direct effect on the Argentine decision lo invade. With her bright red hull and almost nonexistent on board armament, she was forced to play ca

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

t and mouse around the islands until the arrival ofthe Task Force. Her MARISA! satellite communications system provided a valuable link with the tic d

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces essive disentanglement from itscolonial past, Britain had reduced its overseaspossessions to a handtill of obscure islands and continual enclaves, mos

t of them retained only in response to the wishes ofa majority, at least, of their inhabitants to remain under British rule in preference to that of t Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

heir immediate neighbours. Many of these survivals of Empire had become a nagging economic, if not a political embarassment to the British Foreign and

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

Commonwealth office.The Falklands fulfilled these conditions to an extreme degree. For almost 20 years successive British governments had sought a fo

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces ers. The Falk landers, although increasingly dependent on Argentina for materials, communications, and the practical needs of life, continued to displ

ay an understandable reluctance to exchange the sovereignty of a remote and rather uninterested democracy for the embrace of a neighbour where the mil Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

itary coup d'etat was a more usualinstrument of political change than the ballot box. and where political oponents of the current regimetended to disa

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

ppear without trace.While the stubborn desire of the islanders to remain British continued to pose a major obstacle to the long-drawn diplomatic discu

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces ic was confined to a single platoon of some 40 Royal Marines at Stanley, the Falklands' tiny capital, and the 3,600-ton Antarctic patrol vessel HMS En

durance. Defence cuts announced in June 1981 by British Defence Secretary John Nott included the withdrawal of Endurance from service without replacem Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

ent, and thus the end of any permanent British naval presence in the area. The path to military annexation of the islands without the risk of a signif

Osprey men at arms 134 battle for the falklands (2) naval forces

icant British response seemed clear; and on his assumption of office in December 1981 Gen. Galtieri had announced that the Argentine flag would flyove

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

OSPREY • MEN-Al Battle for the Falklands (2)Naval ForcesText by ADRIAN ENGLISH with ANTHONY WATTSIllustrated with colour photographs of the campaignPu

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