Big data ethics

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Nội dung chi tiết: Big data ethics

Big data ethics

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics volution. Increasingly large datasets are being mined for important predictions and often surprising insights. We are witnessing merely the latest sta

ge of the Information Revolution that has transformed our society and our lives over the past half century. But the big data phase of the revolution p Big data ethics

romises (or threatens, depending on one’s perspective) a greater scale of social change at an even greater speed. The scale of the Big Data Revolution

Big data ethics

is such that all kinds of human activities and decisions are beginning to be influenced by big data predictions, including dating, shopping, medicine

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics ays our pre-big data society will be left radically changed.The potential for social change means that we are now at a critical moment; big data uses

today will be sticky and will settle both default norms and public notions of what IS ‘no big deal" regarding big data predictions for years to come. Big data ethics

Individuals have little idea concerning what data is being collected, let alone shared with third parties. Existing privacy protections focused on man

Big data ethics

aging personally identifying information are not enough when secondary uses of big data sets can reverse engineer past, present, and even future breac

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics connections, search history, purchase history, and facial recognition are already in the hands of governments and corporations. Further, the collecti

on of these and other data sets is only accelerating.• Professor of Law. Washington University. We would like to thank Ujjayini Bose. Matthew Cin. and Big data ethics

Carolina Foglia for their ven' helpful research assistance.** LLM Graduate in Intellectual Property and Technology Law, Washington University and Vic

Big data ethics

e President of Cloud Strategy and Business Development for CenturyLink Technology Solutions. The views and opinions expressed by the author are not ne

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics <2013).393w06 RĩCHAECtĩ IDO Not Delete-»190314 lĩ 02 AM394WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW[Vol. 49As the amount and variety of data continue to grow, defining

the catchall term "big data” can be elusive. Technical definitions of big data are often narrowly constrained to describe “data that exceeds the proce Big data ethics

ssing capacity of conventional database systems.”? Technologists often use the technical “3-V” definition of big data as “high-volume, high-velocity a

Big data ethics

nd high-variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making.”2

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics acquisition velocity, or data representation limits the ability to perform effective analysis using traditional relational approaches or requires the

use of significant horizontal scaling for efficient processing.”4We prefer to define big data and big data analytics socially, rather than technicall Big data ethics

y, in terms of the broader societal impact they will have. Mayer-Schónberger and Cukier define big data as referring “to things one can do at a large

Big data ethics

scale that cannot be done at a smaller one. to extract new insights or create new forms of value, in ways that change markets, organizations, the rela

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics parts of the problem, such as decisions made on small data sets, or focus US on the size of the data set rather than the importance of decisions made

based upon inferences from data. Perhaps "data analytics" or "data science” are better terms, but in this paper we will use the term "big data” (to de Big data ethics

note the collection and storage of large data sets) and "big data analytics" (to denote inferences and predictions made from large data sets) consiste

Big data ethics

nt with what we understand the emerging usage to be.In a prior article, we argued that nontransparent collection of small data inputs enables big data

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics ly.conv'2012(01/what-i8-big-data'html.3IT Glossary: Big Data. Gartner. /big-data/ (last visited Feb. 23. 2014). For

the original "3-Vs" Gartner report, see Doug Laney. 3D Data Management: Controlling Data Volume. Velocity, and Variety. Gartner (Feb. 6. 2001). http: Big data ethics

// /2012/01/ad949-3D-Data-Management-Controlling-Data-Volume-Velocity-and-Variety.pdf. Gartner has also classified bi

Big data ethics

g data at the peak of its "Hype Cycle." See Arik Hesseldahl, Think Big Data Is All Hypei You're Not Alone. All Things D (Aug 19, 2013, 11:04 AM), http

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics http://fcw.conv'article8‘'2013f04/15-'big-expeit8-on-big-data.a8px,?m=l.•5. See Viktor Mayer-Schonberoer’ & Kenneth Cvkier, Big Data: A Revolution Tha

t Will Transform How We Live. Work, and Think 6 (2013).•.vũ6 R:ch?.?:ds iDo Not Delete -S19OJH 1102 AM20111DIG DATA ETHICS395expense of individual ide Big data ethics

ntity, and empower institutions that possess big data capabilities.'1 In this paper, we argue that big data, broadly defined. Is producing increased p

Big data ethics

owers of institutional awareness and power that require the development of Big Data Ethics. We arc building a new digital society, and the values we b

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics acy, confidentiality, transparency, identity, and free choice, with the compelling uses of big data, our big data society risks abandoning these value

s for the sake of innoval ion and expediency.Our argument pr weeds in three Parts. In Part I, we trace the origins and rapid growth of the Information Big data ethics

Revolution and describe how wo as a society have effectively built a "big metadata computer” that is now computing data and associated metadata about

Big data ethics

everything we do at an ever quickening pace. As the data about everything (including US) have grown. so too have big data analytics—new capabilities

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics Data Revolution, we show how government institutions are already adopting big data tools to strengthen their awareness about (and by extension their

power over) the world.In Part II. we call for the development of "Big Data Ethics." a set of four high-level principles that we should recognize as go Big data ethics

verning data flows in our information society, and which should inform the establishment of legal and ethical big data norms. To advance ethics of big

Big data ethics

data, four such principles should be paramount.First. must recognize “privacy” as information rules. We argue that privacy in the age of big data sho

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics dead” is misguided. Even in an age of surveillance and big data, privacy is neither dead nor dying. Notions of privacy are changing with society as t

hey always have. But privacy (and privacy law) arc very much alive: while the amount of personal information that is being recorded IS certainly incre Big data ethics

asing, so Loo is the need for rules to govern this social transformation. Understanding privacy rules as merely the ability to keep information secret

Big data ethics

severely handicaps our ability to comprehend and shape our digital revolution. What has failed is not privacy but. what Daniel Solove has termed “Pri

WO5 RICHABOS IDO NOT Delete)5'19'2014 11 02 AMBIG DATA ETHICSNeil 3f. Rich ord s' ■Jonathan H. King"INTRODUCTIONWe are on the cusp of a "Big Data" Rev

Big data ethics M. Richards & Jonathan H. King, Thrtw Paradoxes of Big Data, 06 Stan. L. Rev. Online 41, 12-13 (2013).

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