Domination when the stars are out

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Nội dung chi tiết: Domination when the stars are out

Domination when the stars are out

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out tractWe algorithmize the recent structural characterization for claw-free graphs by Chuduovsky and Seymour. Building on this result, we show that Domi

nating Set on claw-free graphs is (i) fixed-parameter tractable and (ii) even possesses a polynomial kernel. To complement these results, we establish Domination when the stars are out

that Dominating Set is not fixed-parameter tractable on the slightly larger class of graphs t hat, exclude Ki'i as an induced subgraph. Our results p

Domination when the stars are out

rovide a dichotmny for Dominating Set in A*|.rfree graphs ami show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if f. < 3. Finally, we sh

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out s.’Max-Planck-Institut fill Infill matik. Saarbnicken, Germany,’International Computer Science Institute. Berkeley, USA, nnn’Department of Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sci Domination when the stars are out

ence, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, guoegiCwin.tue.nl1https://khothuvien.cori!1IntroductionThe dominating set problem is the problem of determining w

Domination when the stars are out

het her a given graph G has a dominating set of a specified size k. (A subset L) c V(G) is dominat ing if every vertex in G is either contained in D o

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out ent irely to dominating sets, while Hcdctnicmi and Laskar list over 300 papers related to domination in graphs [29]. In complexity theory. Dominating

Set was one of the first problems recognized as NP-complctc (32), and one of t he first examples of an NP-hard optimizat ion problem with an approxim Domination when the stars are out

ation algorithm [31 whose approximation factor guarantee is tight under reasonable assumptions (21). Dominating Set also plays a central role in param

Domination when the stars are out

eterized complexity. It motivated the definition of the W-hicrarchy. being the first natural example of a problem complete for the class w[2], and has

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out vable by an algorithm with running time f(k) ■ nO[i' for any computable function f (15).Since the dominating set problem is hard in its decision, appr

oximation, and parameterized versions, research has focused on finding special graph classes for which the problem becomes t ract able. In this paper Domination when the stars are out

we consider the class of claw-free graphs. A graph is claw-free if no vertex has t hree pairwise nonadjacent neighbors, i.c. if it docs not contain /<

Domination when the stars are out

1.3 as an induced subgraph. The class of claw-free graphs contains several well-studied graph classes as a special case, including line graphs, unit i

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out cted much interest., and is by now t he subject of hundreds of mathematical research papers and surveys [19].In the context of algorithms, initial stu

dy was direct cd towards extending algorithms dcvelojied for line graphs. The foremost examples arc the two independent results by Shibi [41] and Mint Domination when the stars are out

y [35] (t he latt er corrected by Nakamura and Tamura [37]), which extend Edmond’s classical polynomialtime algorithm for Maximum Independent Set on l

Domination when the stars are out

ine graphs 17). better known as the maximum matching, to t he class of claw-free graphs. In contrast to the independent set problem. Dominat ing set o

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out ithm, where k is the of the solution [23]. Whether this result extends to claw-free graphs has boon left, an open question.There has also been conside

rable study devoted to graphs excluding / 3. Those ty|>es of graphs appoiu- frequently when considering geometric intersection graphs of Domination when the stars are out

various types. For instance, unit, square graphs are A'|,5-frce. and unit, disk graphs are Ki.fl-frec. Marx showed that Dominating Set is w[l]-hard on

Domination when the stars are out

unit squares graphs, implying that it. is also hard on A'l^-free graphs [34]. Note that the problem becomes easy on A'lj-frec graphs, since these gra

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out clude these graphs as an induced subgraph and not as a subgraph. In the latter case. Dominating Set Is actually known to be fixed-parameter tractable

due to a result by Philip Ct al. [38].1.1Our results In this paper, wo show how to extend the algorithm of Fermin [23] from line graphs to daw-free gr Domination when the stars are out

aphs. For this, we use a recent, highly nontrivial structural cliaracierization of claw-free graphs due to Chudnovsky and Seymour. This characterize i

Domination when the stars are out

on shows that every claw-free graph can be built by applying certain gluing operations to certain atomic structures. The proof of t his characterizat

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out n ideas in the proof.The original proof of the Chudnovsky and Seymour characterization theorem for claw-free1graphs is essentially nonalgorithmic. Thu

s, the main challenge in our approach was to provide an algorithmic- version of this theorem. We fully meet and settle this challenge in Scx’tion 2.Se Domination when the stars are out

veral attempts to characterize claw free graphs and its subclasses have been made before the full decomposition theorem of Chudnovsky and Seymour appe

Domination when the stars are out

ared. For instance, Fouquct [24] showed that certain claw hoc graphs arc either so called quasi line graphs or possesses a vertex with a C-, as an ind

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out ntly developed a now polynomial lime algorithm for Maximum Independent Sot on claw free graphs. For Dominating Set, however, the core difficulty of th

e problem persists even in these quasi line graphs. Hence such a much finer decomposition Is needed, which wo develop in this paper. Moreover, we beli Domination when the stars are out

eve that having such a fine decomposition will prove useful in attacking other optimization problems on claw-free graphs.Using oin algorithmic claw-fr

Domination when the stars are out

ee decomposition, we establish the following:•Dominating Set on claw-free graphs is fixed-parameter tractable. To be precise, we show that we can deci

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out ractable and solvable in O‘(36fc) t ime (Section 3). This resolves an open question due to Misra et al. [36].•Dominating Set on claw-free graphs Iras

a polynomial kernel with O(À'*) vertices (Section 5).To complement our results, wo show that Dominating Set is vv[l]-hard on A|,4-froc graphs (sec Sec Domination when the stars are out

tion 6 for the proof). Tints, we completely determine the parameterized complexity stat ILS of Dominating Set in Aiy-frec graphs lor all values of2All

Domination when the stars are out

Algorithmic View of the Structure of Claw-Free GraphsWe give algorithms to find t he decomposition of claw-free graphs implied by t he structural cha

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out that the size of the maximum independent set of the graph is greater than tlnce. Due to space limitations, we only state this theorem here and defer

its full proof to the appendix.2.1Basic Definit ions 'lb understand the st ructure theorem, we need to introduce a significant amount of notation. All Domination when the stars are out

notions and dcfinit.ioiLs an? essentially the same as ill [10].We work wit h a more general type of graph, a so-called t rigraph. A bigtnph is a grap

Domination when the stars are out

h wit h a distinguished subset of edges, that are calk’d Sf^tii-exlyr.s and form a matching. Two vertices are called Hc-miadjaceut if t here is a semi

Domination when the Stars Are OutDanny HermeliiT Matthias Mnicl?Erik .Jan van Loeuwen*Gerhard .J. Woeginger5arXiv: 1012.0012vl [cs.DS] 30 Nov 2010Abst

Domination when the stars are out them. A graph is then simply a t.rigraph that has no semi-edges. We now say that II, V are adjacent if II, V are either st rongly adjacent or seiniad

jacent, and u, V are anliadjaccnl if 11, V are eit her strongly antiadjacent or semiadjacent. In a similar manner, we can distinguish (strong) neighbo Domination when the stars are out

rhoods, completeness, cliques, simplicial vertices, etc., as well as (strong) anti-neighborh

Domination when the stars are out

) to denote t he maximum size of a stable set of G’.A trigraph G’ is a thickcniiuj of a trigraph G’ if for every V c ViG’*) there is a nonempty set x„

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