Renewable energy and its impact on agric
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Renewable energy and its impact on agric
ECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZB Renewable energy and its impact on agric BW- Leibniz Information Centre for EconomicsWolz, Axel; Buchenrieder, Gertrud; Markus, RichardWorking PaperRenewable energy and its impact on agricultural and rural development: Findings of a comparative study in Central, Eastern and Southern EuropeDiscussion paper// Leibniz Institute of Agricultura Renewable energy and its impact on agric l Development in Central and EasternEurope. No. 130Provided in Cooperation with:Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and EasternEuRenewable energy and its impact on agric
rope (IAMO)Suggested Citation: Wolz, Axel; Buchenrieder, Gertrud; Markus. Richard (2010): Renewable energy and its impact on agricultural and rural deECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZB Renewable energy and its impact on agric n Central and Eastern Europe. No 130. urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:2-10852 , http:// hdl.handle.neV10419/45694Nutzungstjedingungen:Die ZB'iV raumt Ihnen als NutzernNutzer des unen^elDlche raumlkh unbeset-rankte uoj ze*ich auf dre Oauer des ScbJtzrechls beschrenkte einractiẽ RectÉ eRenewable energy and its impact on agric
Kutzer s»ch dirch die e-ste Nuizung einveraarrien e-kiârtTerms of use:7?>e ZBW&Mts you rf>e user me roứ-exciư rtạtr so use the seized wi free of cECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZB Renewable energy and its impact on agric eiittspeccvWtXzwssdecftngww’ By the first use of the seteefed wwk me user sgrees erứ rfaferes to compty »Mtft these te’tns of use“7 □ I I I Lcibniz-Infomiationszcntruni WirtschaftL- o LU Leibniz Information Centre for EconomicsDISCUSSION PAPERLeibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central Renewable energy and its impact on agric and Eastern EuropeRenew ABI E ENERGY AND I IS IMPACI ON AGRICI 1.1 URAL AND RURAL DEVE1.OPMEN I: Findings of a comparative study IN CENTRAL, Eas'I erRenewable energy and its impact on agric
n and Sol I HERN Fl ROPEA.xei.Woi.z,Geri i i)Bi CHE.XRIEDER, Richard MarkusDISCUSSION Paper No. 130 2010WllAMOifiBswi'ismiTfOfAixainsM DixncessM IMClIECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZB Renewable energy and its impact on agric :/Avww.iamo.deDi. Axel Wolz is senior research fellow at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development 111 Central and Eastern Europe (LAMO), Division: External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis, in Halle (Saale). Geimany. His current work focuses on organisational and institutiona Renewable energy and its impact on agric l change, the concept of social capital, cooperatives and renewable energy.From January’ 2006 until March 2010, Dr. Gertrud Buchenrieder was the HeadRenewable energy and its impact on agric
of the Department "External Environment for Agriculture and Policy Analysis" al the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and EasteECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZB Renewable energy and its impact on agric S international development theory and policy.Richard Marinis is a PhD.-student at the University of West Hungary Faculty of Agricultwal and Food Sciences. Institute of Business Economics and Management Sciences besides dose collaboration with Feeding Department of the University. Mosonmagyaróvár. H Renewable energy and its impact on agric ungary’, rhe current research topic is the utilization of renewable energy as by-products (rapeseed cake. DDGS) for the sake of cnluurcing competitiveRenewable energy and its impact on agric
ness in swine productionAddress:Lcibniz-Instilule of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAM0)1heodor-l.ieser-StraGe 206120 Halle ECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZBECONSTORWWW.ECONSTOR.EUDcr Open-Access-Publikationsserver dcr ZBW - Leibniz-Informationszentrum WirtschaftThe Open Access Publication Server of the ZBGọi ngay
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