The desktop regulatory state the counter

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Nội dung chi tiết: The desktop regulatory state the counter

The desktop regulatory state the counter

The Desktop Regulatory StateThe Desktop Regulatory StateThe Couiilervailiitf Power ofTiidwiduals and NetworksKevin a. CarsonCenter for a Stateless Soà

The desktop regulatory state the counter àetyCENTER FOR A STATELESS SOCIETYhttps://khothuvien.cori!Copyright © Kevin A. Carson 2016Hie Desktop Regulatory Stale: Hie Countervailing Power of In

dividuals and Networks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 international License.Woody Guthrie Public LicenseMay be repro The desktop regulatory state the counter

duced without limit, with attribution.“Anyone found copying and distributing this book without permission will be considered a mighty good friend of o

The desktop regulatory state the counter

urs, because we don't give a durn."The cover image is David Slays Goliath (1866), by Paul Gustave Louis Christophe Doré.Published by the Center for a

The Desktop Regulatory StateThe Desktop Regulatory StateThe Couiilervailiitf Power ofTiidwiduals and NetworksKevin a. CarsonCenter for a Stateless Soà

The desktop regulatory state the counter dividuals and Networks Includes bibliographic references and indexI.Information technology'—social aspects. 2. Political participation—technological i

nnovations. 3. Social media—political aspects. 4. Anarchism. I. Titlehttps://khothuvien.cori!ContentsContents......................................... The desktop regulatory state the counter

.................................VPreface..........................................................................ix1The Stiginergic Revolution......

The desktop regulatory state the counter

..................................................II.Reduced Capital Outlays..................................................III.Distributed Infrastr

The Desktop Regulatory StateThe Desktop Regulatory StateThe Couiilervailiitf Power ofTiidwiduals and NetworksKevin a. CarsonCenter for a Stateless Soà

The desktop regulatory state the counter ation.....................................................9V.Stigmcrgy...............................................................Ij2Networks VS. H

ierarchies.........................................................21I.The Systematic Stupidity of Hierarchies.................................21II.Hi The desktop regulatory state the counter

erarchies vs. Networks................................................28HI. Networks vs. Hierarchies.................................................3

The desktop regulatory state the counter

7IV.Systems Disruption......................................................513Networks vs. Hierarchies: The End Ganic................................

The Desktop Regulatory StateThe Desktop Regulatory StateThe Couiilervailiitf Power ofTiidwiduals and NetworksKevin a. CarsonCenter for a Stateless Soà

The desktop regulatory state the counter .............79HI. The Question of Collapse.................................................91

The Desktop Regulatory StateThe Desktop Regulatory StateThe Couiilervailiitf Power ofTiidwiduals and NetworksKevin a. CarsonCenter for a Stateless Soà

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