The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

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Nội dung chi tiết: The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 the degree of Master of Arts ( IT.SOI.)Submitted by Lừ thị Ngọc LailSupervisorTÔ MINH THANH, Ph.D.- Ho Chi Minh City. January* 2009 -STATEMENT OF AUTH

ORSHIP1 certify that this thesis entitled THE ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES CONTAINING “to” OR “for" BY GIA DINH HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH-MA The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

JORED STUDENTS" is my own work.1 his thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other inslit III ion.Ho Chi Minh City

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

, January 13, 2009.Lừ Thị Ngọc LanACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI wish to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor. Dr. To Minh Thanh for her whole-hear

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 ent and caretill proof-reading of the thesis, I confidently accomplish the thesis, step by step. Her valuable comments, criticisms and advice have pla

yed a significant role in the preparation and completion of the thesis.My special thanks go to all the professors and lecturers of the graduate progra The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

m, especially to the late Associate Professor Cao Xuân ĩĩạo. Dr. Nguyen Thi Kiều 111U, Mr. Trương Hehl Huy, M.A. in TESOL and Dr. Nguyen Hoàng Tuấn wh

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

o have provided me with usetill materials in TF.SOT. and helped me to come up with new concepts in methodology.T particularly express my heartfelt tha

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 .1 am also grateful to the Head Mistress. Mrs. Nguyen ihị Thu Cúc and two of my colleagues. Ms. Nguyền Thị Minh nồng and Ms. Nguyền Thị Thanh Phương a

l Gia Dinh High School for lheir help, support and encouragement. 1 also owe my students sincere thanks for their responses to the questionnaire and p The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

articipation in the study; without their eager participation, my study would never have been accomplished.finally, 1 would like to extend my affection

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

ate gratitude to my beloved family for their warm love, unending help and support that have given me a source of strength to finish this M.A. thesis.i

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 focus of attention in course books and syllabuses. However, the grammar taught to high school students is descriptive grammar in which English clauses

, especially English declaratives containing a to- or ^/-prepositional phrase, are described arbitrarily with no explanation of why they arc used in s The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

uch a way. This kind of grammar is concerned primarily with form, almost ignoring the close relationship between form and the meaning conveyed by such

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

form. Comprehension is acquired based on the meanings of individual words, not on their relationship with other elements in the grammatical structure

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 s, the students are forced to memorize the clause structures without understanding. Consequently, there is no doubt that it is quite impossible for th

e students to do well al exams which still play much stress on grammar or use the knowledge to communicate properly and naturally in English.“Language The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

is a system of meanings, accompanied by forms through which the meanings can be realized” [Halliday, 1994: xivj. Ln this vein, each grammatical struc

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

ture realizes a meaningful function in the total linguistic system and the speaker or writer often conveys their intended meaning by their appropriate

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 oles in different positions.By describing all potential roles of the to- or yb/'-prepositional phrase in the clauses systematically and analyzing the

differences iniiimeanings implied ill its different positions in the clauses from functional perspectives, the M.A. thesis helps explain many problems The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

raised by descriptive grammar to some extent. The thesis also helps promote students’ thinking skills in learning, releases them from the burden of m

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

emorization and from lheh bad habit of role-learning. In fact, the results of the student subjects of Gia Dinh High School after they approached the c

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 English grammatical structures to Vietnamese high school students.By combining both descriptive and functional perspectives into the teaching of Engl

ish declaratives containing a to- or for-preposilional phrase, this M.A. thesis raises due attention to bringing a new way of teaching the clauses to The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

Vietnamese high school students, it is hoped that the way will be beneficial to the leaching and learning of not only the clauses but also other gramm

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

atical structures to Vietnamese high school students.TABLE OF CONTENTSCertificate of originality............................................ iAcknowle

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10 nts..................................................... VAbbreviations........................................................ ixINTRODUCTION .......

................................................... 1 The acquisition of english prepositional phrases containing to or for by gia dinh high school english majored students m a 60 14 10

Vietnam National University - HCM CityUniversity of Social Sciences & Humanities •»A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for t

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