Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
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Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
Do: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAME Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school ES TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR LEARNING OF 11TH GRADERS AT HAI PHONG MARITIME UPPER-SECONDARY SCHOOLSUPERVISOR: Dr. LAM QUANG DONGSUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT&OF REQUIREMENT OF THE DEGREEMaster in tesoi.■Sr NM-VM MCpC N60ÀIT4TVHANOI, MARCH 2009aACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to express my si Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school ncere gratitude to my academic supervisor Dr. Lam Quang Dong, Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages at College of Social Sciences and HumanitiesUsing language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
. Vietnam National University, who has given me conscientious guidance and supervision throughout the writing of this thesis. His patient attention toDo: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAME Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school s M.A. thesis.I am indebted to all students of the class 1IA4 at Maritime Upper-Secondary School who have helpfully participated as informants for the study, to my colleagues for their warm concern, interest, encouragement and assistance in the process of collecting the data. Without their participa Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school tion and support, this study could hardly be conducted.I would like to express my special thanks and appreciation to Mrs. Nguyen Thai Ha (M.Ed), ViceUsing language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
Dean of Department of Postgraduate Studies for her extremely valuable help, useful comments and suggestions during my three-year study at the DepartmeDo: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAME Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school creating favorable conditions and their encouragement to me to complete this thesis.Last but not least, my special appreciation goes to my beloved husband, especially my parents for their great love, care, great encouragement and assistanceto me.ABSTRACTAt Maritime Upper-Secondary School, students Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school usually feel bored in vocabulary and grammar lessons because of the traditional way of teaching and learning such as learning by heart a list of wordsUsing language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
through the teacher’s explanations, doing grammar exercises in the textbook but not being able to use those words or grammar structures in different Do: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAME Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school asses, especially vocabulary and grammar lessons more interesting, and to achieve higher learning results, the author conducted an action research to find out if the new method of using language games help students learn vocabulary and grammar more effectively or not.The thesis starts with the revie Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school w and discussion of relevant literature. Then, after discovering the problem and causes of the students' weakness at vocabulary and grammar learning bUsing language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
y observations and the pre-test, the author began her action research which included the application of games in her own class, together with class obDo: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAME Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school ons, feelings and their assessment of the effectiveness of games in vocabulary and grammar learning. Furthermore, a post-test was made at the end of the last four units to acquire authentic evidence of the use of games, tile effectiveness of which is shown clearly in the students' higher motivation, Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school more active engagement in vocabulary' and grammar lessons, and most importantly their improved scores in the post-test.iiTABLE OE CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEUsing language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school
MENTS................................................ iABSTRACT.........................................................iiTABLE OF CONTENTS..........Do: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAME Using language games improve vocabulary and grammar learning of 11th graders at hai phong maritime upper secondary school .......................11.1.Background to the study....................................11.1.1.Teaching material......................................1Do: hoc Ha Hoi iililllllilftlllllllllll *3004?581FMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITYNGUYEN THI HUE LINHIMA. THESISUSING LANGUAGE GAMEGọi ngay
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