Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

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Nội dung chi tiết: Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field gyALAN Princelirandeis UniversitySandeep PrasadaMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyTlur Eoytisli post terise system Ims recently been used 1© orgue

fltot formol P'om-motical categories (such as root, rule, and lexical item) may not be accessary to explain the acquisition and knowledge of language. Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

Rumclhart and McClelland (1986) (tavisod a cnnnortioaist mortal relying solely on phonolagicol Information, it i» often suggested that any deficienci

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

es of such a model cart be remedied by supplying it with semantic information. These proposals ore incorrect: Grammatical cclegoites 0IXÍ abstract mor

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field tem. Linguists hove noted that irregular post tense moppings (a g fly ftaw, iflfk/itiftk ) apply only when 0 verb's root is marked in the lexicon as h

aving on irregular post. Because'KSu'vsoie never so mo'ked verbs with noun roots—tferrominaJ verbs—are regulot evert if lltey are phonologically ident Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ical to irregular verbs, hence: Hied ouf/*flew our to center field, bjgh-sfickcd, ’high stuck rhe goalie. Experiment 1 shows that adult subjects are h

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ighly sensitive to this principle whan rating regular and irregular past tense forms of novel versions of irregular sounding verbs New verbs formed fr

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field bs were judged OS bettor with an ĩrrcgu lor post tense (c.g . line drove was the preferred post of "to drive along a line”).We would like to thank Wil

liam Snyder Í0I his assistance. Nancy Etcol f and Mary Elizabeth Ramsay fo: helpful suggestions, and Dan Slobin and an annnymnus reviewer for comments Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

on an earlier draft. We are grateful to Greg Carlson, Jay Keyser, and lorn Roeper lot providing us with the results of their unpublished research on

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

this toptc. Ilte research was supported by NtH Gram HD 18381 to the second author. The first author was supported by a NDSEG Fellowship; the fourth au

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field e sent to John J. Kirn. F.I0-I08, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139.173174KIM. PINKER. PRINCE. ANO PRASAOAExperiment 2 replkoted the results with noncolloga-cd

ucoievi odults. showing thoi the effect is not due to prescriptive lovigucge iroinitvg. Experiment 3 tested on olternptrve to the formol grommoticol o Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ccount proposed by lokoff (1987): When o verb bos two meanings, one with on Irregular past ond one with o regular past, the irregular will belong to t

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

he meaning that Is more control Using regres Sion techniques ond ratings data, we disconlirm this prediction: tn the data from Experiment I. lodgments

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field w sense IS ncor the center or the periphery of the sense of the word it was derived from Experiments 4 and 5 explain the few apparent counterexamples

by gathering independent evidence for a short-circuiting process: When a denomlnol verb appeors to hove on irregulor post tense form. II is because sp Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

eakers sometimes interpret Such verbs OS having been derived directly from a related irregular verb root, bypassing the relevant noun. The experiments

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

serve os o straightforward demonstration thot representations of formal grammatical categories and structures arc powerful determinants of linguistic

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field and adjective. To most linguists it is virtually unthinkable that a theory of the psychology of language could do without mental representations of th

em: They define regularities in the syntax and morphology of virtually any sentence that a speaker utters. Yet. perhaps because of the very ubiquity o Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

f grammatical categories and the complexity of the linguistic structures they govern, clear and simple arguments for their psychological reality are n

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ot easy to find in the literature, and many philosophers, psychologists, and computer scientists remain skeptical. In this article we focus on a simpl

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field e but powerful role in linguistic behavior. The domain has special relevance because it has recently figured in attempts to show that connectionist mo

dels (networks of densely interconnected simple neuronlike units) make traditional grammatical categories and structures obsolete.In English, there ar Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

e two types of verbs, those that have a regular suffixed past tense form, such as walk/walked, jump/jumped, and open/opened and those belonging to one

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

of several lexically restricted classes, which use other modes of past tense formation, such as blow/blew, sing/sang, eat/ate, and break/broke. A fam

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field rbs, and irregular past tense forms are simply memorized by rote.The familiar account fails, however, to capture the fact that irregular past tense ve

rbs tend to pattern with other phonologically similar verbs (Bybee & Moder, 1983; Bybee & Slobin, 1982). Examples include the class where the stem has Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

an I followed by a velar nasal consonant, such as sing/sang,MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTUM175ring/rang, spring/sprang, dnnk/drank, shrink/shrank, stink/stank

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

, and the closely related class string/strung, sting/stung. swing/swung, sling/slung. wring/wrung, and so on. Within the rote-memory account, these si

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field completely unproductive, which suggests that their phonological structure plays a role in the mental processes governing their use. Historical evidenc

e for this semiproductivity is the fact that a number of verbs, namely catch/caught, cost/cost, fling/flung. kneel/knelt, quit/quit, sling/slung, stic Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

k/stuck, and string/strung have been assimilated into irregular past tense clusters within the past several hundred years under the influence of simil

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ar existing clusters of irregular verbs (Jesperson, 1942/1961). Furthermore, many dialects of English show that the subregularities must have been at

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field of the sting/stung cluster. Children, of course, occasionally use forms like hrang for brought, bote for hit. and truck for tricked. Finally. Bybee an

d Moder (1983) showed that when experimental subjects arc asked to produce the past tense form of a novel verb (e.g., to spling), the likelihood of an Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

irregular past tense response (e.g., sptung) increases with the phonological similarity of the novel verb to the phonological prototype of an irregul

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ar past tense cluster.Rumelhart and McClelland’s (1986) connectionist model of the acquisition of the past tense of English verbs was able to represen

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field ing architecture of rhe model, in conjunction with the phonological representations that the model used, allowed it to find similarities among the ins

tances of the irregular past tense verbs it was trained on, and to generalize to new forms based on their similarity to the forms in the training sei. Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

The model, often characterized as an alternative to symbol-processing or rule-based accounts of the acquisition and knowledge of language, made no re

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

ference to formal linguistic notions such as “verb toot,” “tule,” and “lexical item.”In the model, a base form was represented by a pattern of activat

COGNIIIVF SCIENCE 15, 173-218 (1991)Why No Mere Mortal Has Ever Flown Out to Center FieldJohn J. Kim Steven PinkerMassachusetts institute of Technolog

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field eginning, high vowel between (WO voiced segments). The network had an output vector with a similar structure, which represented the computed past tens

e form of the verb. Thus, the model performed the stem-to-past mapping based solely on the basis of phonological information. Every input node was con Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

nected to every output node by a connection with a modifiable weight. Presented with a series of stem past pairs, a learning mechanism strengthened co

Why no mere mortal has ever flown out to center field

nnections between phonological properties of the stem and176KIM. PINKER. PRINCE. AND PRASADAthose of its past tense form. This allowed the network to

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