Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

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Nội dung chi tiết: Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education valuating the relationship between perceptionsof design quality and student experience in UKhigher educationThao, Nhut Hong, PhanB.Arch., MArchThesis

submitted to the University of Nottingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy43497DeclarationI hereby declare that except where specific reference Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

is made to the work of others, the contents of this dissertation are original and have not been submitted in whole or in part for consideration for an

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

y other degree or qualification in this, or any other university. This dissertation is my own work and contains nothing which is the outcome of work d

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education references, tables and figures.Thao Nhut Hong Phan43497AbstractThis research evaluates the relationship between perceptions of design quality and stud

ent experience in social learning spaces in the context of UK higher education. Social learning spaces - spaces available for students to gather, such Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

as central buildings, lobbies, cafes and dedicated group-work spaces - are an increasingly important element of university campus planning and estate

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

management. While the contribution that these spaces make toward formal and informal collaborative learning activities has been informed by scholars,

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education nts' active participation in the academic environment resulting in an enhanced learning experience. A case study employing qualitative and quantitativ

e methods compared two sites; a series of conventional social and group-study spaces in Faculty of Engineering at Nottingham University and the newly Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

designed award-winning social learning space The Pavilion Building at Nottingham Trent University. UK. Findings revealed that student perceptions of d

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

esign quality have a significant positive correlation with social and learning activities and student experience. The study also identified four key d

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education nt experience at different levels, such as student engagement with learning activities as well as social activities, the feeling of support from the u

niversity. Furthermore, this research emphasizes the vital role of designers and student views in the process of designing successful social learning Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

spaces.AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors. Dr. Katharina Borsi and Dr Nicole Porter, for their va

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

luable guidance, support and assistance during my PhD study. Without their help and encouragement. I would have been unable to deal with the difficult

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education e essential points of the research topic. The feedback they gave me has been both critical and analytic and has improved my knowledge as well as my re

search experience.This research could not have been completed without the involvement of participants: students of UoN and NTƯ who were willing to sha Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

re their opinions and experiences in the questionnaire, focus groups and observation. I appreciate the help given to me by -Mr Paul Ancliff and Mr Rob

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

ert Evan, who as the designers of real design projects took part in the interview and gave their valuable answers to my research questions. I would li

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education e to express my gratitude to the Vietnamese International Education Development Organization for their financial support for my study in the UK.Furthe

rmore. I would like to thank all my PhD researcher colleagues in Sustainable Research Building, University of Nottingham: Michael, Mustafa, Anna. Seli Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

na, XianFeng. and others, who have enriched my research through many discussions. Special thanks to all my dear friends that I have met and shared exp

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

eriences with at Nottingham University.Finally. I would like to thank my parents, who always send me love and sincere care from far away in my country

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education s, including many difficult stages during four years of study. I owe the debt of love and thanks to SuSu. my little daughter and Tim. my forth-coming

son. who were always beside me and gave me much love and motivation over the time that I worked on this study.Table of ContentsAbstract............... Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

...................................................iiiAcknowledgements...........................................................ivList of figures....

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

.......................................................xiiList of tables...........................................................xviiChapter 1: Intr

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education ........................................................41.3Research question....................................................51.4Objectives.......

....................................................5 Designing social learning spaces evaluating the relationship between perceptions of design quality and student experience in uk higher education

Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentMhi The University ofJT NottinghamUNITED KINGDOM • CHINA • MALAYSIADesigning social learning spaces:Ev

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