Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
Universităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam ZINGER Co-supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad M. MANSCHADIRESPONSE OF MAIZE YIELD UNDER DIFFERENT CLIMATIC AND PRODUCTION CONDITIONS IN VIETNAMDissertationfor obtaining a doctorate degree at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences ViennaSubmitted byTran Thi Mai AnhVienna, Decemb Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam er 2018AcknowledgementsThe sincerest appreciation is for my Supervisor Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZINGER who has been giving a great support esResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
pecially during the period that I was studying as a Ph.D. student at Institute of Meteorology. University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. VienUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam have ever met so far. Moreover. I would like to thank Professor Branislava LALÌC for her great support during training courses that granted by project SERBIA FOR EXCELL in the Department of Meteorology and Crop Science. University of Novi Sad. Serbia, other thankful words are for all of the profess Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam ors, engineering staffs in Institute of Meteorology (BOKU) and in Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry. Vietnam for their great support.Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
Additionally. I would like to express my appreciation to Vietnam International Education Cooperation Department (VIED) and Austrian agency for internaUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam TREIBER (OeAD-official) who gave me a kind support since my first days in Vienna.Finally. I would like to thank Vietnam Department of Agriculture and Department of Natural Resource and Environment for the database which I used for this dissertation.iiABSTRACTMaize (Zea mays L) is the second most val Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam uable cereal crop in Vietnam as well as in the study area, a province in the North of Vietnam. It is grown at two different growing seasons, during wiResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
nter (winter maize, grown from September till January) and spring (spring maize, grown from February till May) Maize is currently indeed more importanUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam challenges such as flooding and droughts in recent years, which are two principal abiotic stresses on maize production in VietnamTo identify the influence of climate variability on maize production, the study used DSSAT-CERES-maize model version 4.5 to simulate maize growth and yield Additionally, Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam the AGRICLIM model was applied to analyze changes in adverse weather conditions by indicators. To run the CERES-Maize model requires four main individResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
ual input data sets which are daily weather parameters, soil and crop characteristics, and agronomic management information Additionally, field experiUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam 08 (N.H Hong. 2008) for two seasonal maize crops, during the spring and winter 2008 in Dong Hy district. Thai Nguyen province To validate the model, annual observed maize yields (yield statistic reports) during a period of 15 years from 2000-2014 were used to compare with simulated maize yields The Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam performance of the simulated results afterwards were statistically assessed by the Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE). The NRMSE values provedResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
that DSSAT-CERES-Maize reproduced crop growth parameters well, with the NRMSE values in a range between 19.4% and 10.3%, however, showing a better perUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam g the 15-year period and the influence of different soil types on maize yields This evidence is expressed, for example, by a decline in simulated maize yields under rainfed conditions, where maize yields were reduced or crop failure occurred by lack of water for germination.To simulate the maize pro Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam duction perspective till 2100. the study applied climate change scenarios. In specific the Representative Concentration Pathways RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5.Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
which are stabilized to limit radiative forcing at 4.5 and 8.5 w nr2. respectively. The results show (under unchanged current crop management options Universităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam period 2000-2014), caused by the balance of decreasing spring maize and increasing winter maize yields. However, taking into account the average of yearly maize yields over the whole period ofIII100 years, it was determined to be higher than the average of observed annual maize yields in the period Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam (2000-2014) of about 1.1% under RCP 8 5 and 3.6% under RCP 4.5 Winter maize yields were calculated to increase up to 33.3% and 31.9% under RCP 4 5 andResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
RCP 8.5, respectively, while spring maize yields, in opposition, decreased under both climatic scenario conditions. RCP 4.5 and RCP 8 5, by -30 3% anUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam tribute to maize yield declineAdditionally, due to climatic change conditions in the future, N leaching is projected to decrease considerably in spring season due to less precipitation, where it slightly increases in the winter season Approximately 70% of total N leaching in spring seasons is less t Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam han 41 kg ha-1 while approximately 70% of N leaching in winter seasons is higher than 56 kg ha'1 under RCP 4.5, Likewise. N leaching in spring seasonsResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
is lower than in winter seasons under RCP 8.5. This is consistent with the higher number of dry days in spring seasons compared to winter season in tUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam ons in the future, it is necessary to foresee new approaches that would mitigate severe weather effects and improve crop productivity such as planting date changes, intercropping cultivations, mulch applications and additional irrigation.Keywords: Climate variability, climate change, maize productio Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam n. Vietnam. DSSAT-CERES. RCP 4.5. RCP 8.5.IvZUSAMMENFASSUNGMais (Zea mays L) 1st die zweitwichtigste Kdmerfrucht in Vietnam sowie im UntersuchungsgebiResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
et, einer Provinz im Norden Vietnams. Er wird in zwei unterschiedlichen Jahreszeiten angebaut. im Winter (Wintermais. September-Jdnner) und im FruhjahUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam nn je Die Klimavariabilitat in Vietnam in den letzten Jahren fuhrte jedoch ZU zunehmenden abiotischen Stressfaktoren fur Mais wie Uberschwemmungen und Trockenheiten, die die Maisproduktion in Vietnam beeintrachtigten.Um den Einfluss von Klimavariabilitat auf die Maisproduktion ZU erfassen, wird in d Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam er Studie Mais mit dem DSSAT-CERES Maismodell Version 4.5 simuliert Zusatzlich wird das AGRICLIM Modell zur Analyse von Anderungen ungunstiger WitteruResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
ngsbedingungen mittel Indikatoren eingesetzt Die Datenanforderungen zur Durchfuhrung der Simulation mit dem CERES-Maize Modell umfassen vier Arten vonUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam ten aus Feldversuchen fur die Kalibrierung der Pflanzenparameter verwendet. um die Simulationsgenauigkeit sicberzustellen. Die Feldversuche wurden von Nguyen Huu Hong (2008) in den zwei saisonalen Wachstumsperioden. FrOhjahr und Winter 2008, im Distrikt Dong Hy. in der Provinz Thai Nguyen, Vietnam, Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam durchgefuhrt. Um das Modell ZU validieren, wurden Durchschnittswerte jahrlicher Maisertragsdaten aus Ertragsstatistiken von 15 Jahren (2000-2014) verwResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
endet. urn sie mit simulierten Maisertragen ZU vergleichen. Die GOte der simulierten Ergebnisse wurde anschlieBend mit dem normalisierten mittleren quUniversităt fur Bodenkultur WienDepartment of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitute of MeteorologySupervisor: Ao. Prof. Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef EITZ Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam liefert, wobei die NRMSE-Werte in einem Bereich zwischen 10.3% und 19,4% lagen und beim Fruhjahrsmais bessere Ergebnisse erreicht wurden. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen auch die wichtige Rolle der Bewasserung fur gute Maisertrage in den 15 Jahren der Referenzperiode (2000-2014) und den Einfluss vers Response of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam chiedener Bodentypen auf den Maisertrag Die Ergebnisse zeigen zum Beispiel einen Ruckgang der simulierten Maisertrage ohne Zusatzbewasserung bzw einenResponse of maize yield under different climatic and production conditions in vietnam
Totalausfall dutch fallweise Verhinderung des Feldaufgangs dutch TrockenheitUm die Perspektive der Maisproduktion im Jahr 2100 ZU simulieren, verwendGọi ngay
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