Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

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Nội dung chi tiết: Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems ders and Its Application in Food SystemsMinh Thao HoM.Eng. (Food Engineering and Bioprocess Teclmology) and B.Eng. (Food Technology)J thesis submitted

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The University of Queensland in 2017 School of Agr iculture and Food SciencesAbstractCarbon dioxide gas lia Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

s been widely used ill food production. Nevertheless, the conventional ways to utilize CO; gas have limitations in terms of safety, convenience, handl

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

ing and storage. To offer a safe and convenient approach to use CO; gas. the production of food-grade CO2 powder in winch CO; release can be controlle

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems a solution of alpha-cyclodextrin (a-CD) or crystalline cx-CD in a solid state. However, shortcomings (low yield or stability of the complex) of these

techniques have prevented their actual application. In tins project, an innovative method to produce COj-a-CD complex powder with Ingli yield and stab Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

ility was investigated using amorphous spray-dried (X-CD powder followed by crystallization of the complex. Due to a lack of understanding of amorphou

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

s Ơ-CD powder properties and the complexities of conventional methods to quantify CO; ill solid systems, the project commenced with the characterizati

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems led that spray drying of a-CD solution resulted in a completely amorphous powder (Tc * 83<’C). The differences 111 molecular structure between crystal

line and amorphous a-CDs were illustrated by the analytical results of SEM. X-ray. FTIR. DSC. TGA and I?C-NMR The study of moisture sorption showed th Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

at an amorphous a-CD powder adsorbed more water than Its crystalline counterpart at the same aw but it crystallized as it was equilibrated at higher t

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

han 65% R1I (>13.70g moist 111 e-100 g of dry solids).A simple system to quantify- the CO; in the complex through measuring the amount of CO; released

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems new system and conventional acidbase titration were insignificantly different (p > 0.05). Illis was also validated by the gas chromatography method.A

study of solid encapsulation of crystalline (9.84% MC, IV. ft.) and amorphous (5.58% MC, w.h.) a-CD powders al 0.1-1.6 MPa for 0-96 11 showed that am Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

orphous «-CD encapsulated a much larger quantity of CO; than rhe crystalline form at low pressure and short time (/> < 0.05). An increase in pressure

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

and prolongation of the tunc increased encapsulation capacity (EC) of a-CD, especially for the crystalline form. The highest EC of crystalline a-CD wa

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems ure of amorphous a-CD. but slightly altered the structure of crystalline a-CD. Peak representing the encapsulated CO: in the complex was clearly obser

ved on the FTIR (2334 cm’1) and NMR (125.3 pptri) spectra. However, the complexes were not stable enough for actual application, especially those prod Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

uced from amorphous a-CD.To improve the stability of CO: gas. crystallization of CO:-amorphous a-CD complex was developed. To achieve this, initially

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

water was added to the amorphous a-CD powder to increase Its MC to around its crystallization induced level (13. 15 and 17% MC. M.Ờ.). and complexatio

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems ased up to 1.1 -1.2 mol CO:, mol a-CD. Under the same conditions, the EC of crystalline a-CD showed a considerable decline with an increase of initial

MC. The phase transformation of amorphous «-CD powder during complexation was clear ly observed in the analytical results of SEM. FTIR, X-ray. NMR an Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

d DSC. The crystals of the complex have a cage-type structure entrapping the CO; molecules into isolated cavities. However, a large amount of water on

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

the complex surface (ớ„ > 0.95) due to crystallization made it still low in stability.Dehydration of the crystallised complex produced from amorphous

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems in air. water and oil media, were investigated. CaCl: reduced the complex ill, faster, with less CO; loss dining dehydration, than using silica gel. D

ehydration dramatically improved the complex stability. The release rate of CO; markedly increased with an increase 111 RH. and was much faster in wat Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

er than in oil However, almost none of the CO: was released from the complex kept in airtight packaging during storage.One potential application for c

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

ontrolling the mould and yeast growth 111 cottage cheese was investigated by direct mixing of the dehydrated CO: powder (0 5-0.6 mol COi/mol a-CD) int

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems es of 7 and 25°c This demonstrated the ease of use of CO: powder in food products if CO: gas is needed to extend the shelf-life of these products.IllD

eclaration by authorThis thesis is composed of my original work, and contains no material previously published or written by another person except whe Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

re due reference lias been made in the text. Ĩ have clearly slated the contribution by other's to jointly-authored works that 1 ha\ c included in my t

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

hesis.1 have clearly stated the contribution of others to my thesis as a whole, including statistical assistance, survey design, data analysis, signif

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems s is rhe result of work I have carried out since the commencement of my research higher degree candidature and docs not include a substantial part of

work that has been submitted to qualify for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertian,' institution. Ĩ have clearly Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

stated which pairs of my thesis, if any. have been submitted to qualify- for another award.Ĩ acknowledge that an electronic copy of my thesis must be

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

lodged with the University Library and, subject to the policy and procedures of The University of Queensland, the thesis be made available for researc

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems at copyright of all material contained in my thesis resides with the copyright holdei(s) of that material. Where appiopiiate 1 have obtained copyright

permission from the copyright holder to reproduce material in this thesis.IVPublications during candidaturea.Peer-reviewed papers:1). HO, T. M.. HOWE Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

S. T. & BHANDARI. B. R 201-4. Encapsulation of gases in powder solidmatrices and their applications: A review. Powder Technology. 259. 87-108.2). HO,

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

T. M„ HOWES. T. & BHANDARI, B. R 2015. Characterization of crystalline and spray-dried amorphous a-cyclodextrin powders. Powder Technology, 284. 585-5

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems of the complexes formed Food Chemishy, 187.407-415.4). HO, T. M.. TRUONG. T.. HOWES. T. & BHANDARI. B. R. 2016. Method of measurement ofCO; adsorbed i

nto a-cyclodextrm by infra-red CO; probe. International Journal of Food Properties. 19(8). 1696-1707.5). HO, T. M„ HOWES. T. & BHANDARI. B. R. 2016. M Studies of the encapsulation and release of carbon dioxide from amorphous and crystalline alpha cyclodextrin powders and its application in food systems

ethods to extend the shelf-life of cottage

The University Of QueenslandAUSTRALIAStudies of the Encapsulation and Release of Carbon Dioxide from Amorphous and Crystalline Alpha-Cyclodextrin Powd

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