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Nội dung chi tiết: Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv


Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Ravivof executive compensation to analyze tire link between incentive compensation and r isk taking. Our model takes into accoruit the loss 111 the value o

f an executive's expected wealth from employment if the firm becomes insolvent dining a bad state of the economy. We illustrate that a given compensat Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

ion package may lead to different levels of asset risk trader different economic states. Most importantly, we show that the positive relationship betw


een equity-based compensation and risk taking may weaken and possibly disappear during systemic financial crises. An important policy implication from

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv G21. G28. G38. E58.Keywords: executive compensation: risk taking: regulation: equity based compensation: economic crisis♦ Corresponding author: Alon

Raviv, Brandcis University. International Business School. Mailstop 32. Walthall). MA 02454-9110. Tel: +1 (78D-736-2249 E-mail: Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

♦* Elif Sisli Ciamarra. Brandeis University, International Business School. Mailstop 32. Waltham. MA 02454-9110. Tel: -1 (781>736-8544. E-mail: esisli

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv would like to acknowledge Inglof Dittmann. Michael Gofman. Jens Hilscher. Antoni Vaello-Sebastia. David Yermack. Dan Zhang and semina

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_RavivroductionFollowing (he financial crisis that erupted in 2007. large banking organizations have been asked to reconsider then executive compensation pr

actices based on the view that incentive compensation practices in the financial industry were one of the many factors contributing to the financial c Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

risis. In Jiuie 2010. U.S. regulator}- agencies1 jointly issued the Final Guidance on Banking Incentive Compensation, designed to ensure that incentiv


e compensation policies do not encourage imprudent risk taking 111 financial institutions. However, there IS mixed evidence regarding whether incentiv

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Ravivequity based compensation and managerial risk taking in the financial sector by presenting a model in which the relationship depends on the state of t

he economy. We develop a model to estimate asset risk that an executive would optimally target given her compensation structure, film's capital struct Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

ure (leverage) and the state of the economy. Oru mam contribution to the existing literature is to integrate the state of the economy in the analysis


of executive compensation and risk taking, and to illustrate that a given compensation package may lead to different levels of asset risk under differ

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv firm she is managing becomes insolvent, as a pan1The guidelines were issued by the following regulators The Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptr

oller of the Currency (OCC), the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).2The following papers provide Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

d supporting evidence for a positive link between equity-based compensation and asset risk: Coles. Daniel, and Navccn (2006). Core and Guay (2002). Ch


en, Steiner and Whyte (2006): Low (2009). .Xieluan and Rosenberg (2008). and Rajgopal and Shevlin (2002). On the other hand. Carpenter (2000) and Ross

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviviw due Io firm-specific financial distress, which is (he expected loss hl executive wealth from employment if rhe financial firm becomes insolvent dur

ing her tenure. This component may include an executive’s uninsured pension benefits that would be foregone (Edmans and T ill. 2011; Gerakos. 2007; Su Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

ndaram and Yermack, 2007; Bolton. Mehran and Shapiro. 2010). reputation costs (Fama. 1980; llnslilcilcr and lhakor. 1992), and loss of future employme


nt opportunities (Gilson, 1989).2.Loss due Io systemic crisis, which IS incurred only when the financial institution becomes insolvent at a time of sy

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Ravivfinancial institution becomes insolvent dining a systemic crisis. The additional loss occurs because an executive's career concern since her alternati

ve employment opportunities would be more limited during a systemic crisis. This theoretical assumption is supported by empirical work that shows bein Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

g displaced in recessions may lead to higher income losses compared to being displaced during nou-reccssion periods. which we review in Section 2.hl o


ur analysis we let the asset risk of a financial institution Ik* determined by an executive whose main objective is to maximize rhe value of her own c

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv die regulator targets a desired level of asset risk and determines the compensation structure that would incentivize the executive to rake that risk

level. Tn cases where regulating executive pay is not sufficient. the regulator sets a maximum limit on die asset3risk through alternative regulation Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

such as capital adequacy ratios. Given this framework, we then analyze the risk taking under different states of the economy.We illustrate that the re


lationship between equity-based compensation and risk taking depends on the state of the economy, hl particular, we are able to show that a manager’s

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv’ On the other hand, when the economy is healthy and far from the systemic crisis tlueshold. the same manager with exactly the same level of equitybas

ed compensation and facing the same leverage ratio would optimally target a higher risk level Our conclusion is in line with DeYoung. Peng and Yan (20 Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

12). who provide evidence for a significant positive correlation between economic conditions and risk taking in the banking industry*. I.e. banks faci


ng stronger (weaker) economic conditions choose more (less) risky business policies, and also with Albertazzi and Gambacoita (2009). who show that ban

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv loans when the economy is booming, and use this finding as an evidence for a potential failure of capital regulation to contain risk during very good

times. Jokipii and Milne (2011) also give evidence for cyclicality between capital and risk adjustments in the banking sector.Since we use an option Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

based approach and the no-arbitrage pricing methodology of the compensation is free of risk preference, the lower- risk taking incentive during econom


ic3Kempf. Rucnzi. and Thiele (2009) show that mutual fund managers decrease risk during years marked by negative stock market returns when "employment

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Ravive risk taking motivation of an executive by quantifying the value of its compensation undei different state of the economy and compensation structures

.4downturns solely steins fiom the new compensation component in otu model- loss due to systemic crisis.We also present four extensions of the model F Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

irst, we include an extra component of executive compensation which creates loss to the executive in the event of default during boom time Second, we


introduce bankruptcy costs to our pricing model, which create difference between the value of the levered and the unlevered financial institution. Thi

Executive Compensation, Risk TakingAndThe State of The EconomyAlon Raviv and Elif Sisli-CiamarraAugust, 2012AbstractIn this paper we present a model o

Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Ravivlation levels between the returns of the economic index and the financial institution's assets. While each contribution has a varying effect on the ri

sk motivation of the executive in our model, our main conclusion in the paper r emains unchanged in the extended model- same level of equity-based com Executive_Compensation_and_Economy___Revision_Aug_21__Alon_Raviv

pensation induces lower risk taking when the economy is in a systemic crisis.The paper findings contribute to the ongoing debate on the structure of n


eeded reforms regarding executive compensation. In a recent study, comparing the banking films with nonregulated films. Minnick. Unal and Yang (2012)

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