It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

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Nội dung chi tiết: It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactionnfluences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship SatisfactionRichard B. Slatcher and Simine VazireThe University of Texas at

AustinAddress correspondence to:Richard B. SlatcherDepartment of Psychology #A8000108 E. Dean Keaton StreetUniversity of TexasAustin, TX 78712Telephon It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

e: (512) 471-6852: FAX (512) 471-5935Email: slatcher@mail.utexas.eduContextualized Personality and Relationships 2AbstractHow does personality exert i

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ts influence on relationship satisfaction? Previous research has shown, for example, that Agreeableness is associated with greater relationship satisf

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactiong agreeable) exert their influence on relationships through contextualized manifestations of personality (e.g., acting agreeable towards one's partner

). In the Study 1 we collected global (being) and contextualized (acting) self reports of personality and relationship satisfaction from a large, dive It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

rse sample of adults in committed romantic relationships. In Study 2 we collected global self reports of personality (being) and relationship satisfac

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

tion from undergraduate dating couples. We also collected couples’ Instant Messages (IMS) to each other for seven days. Independent observers read the

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactioning) predicted relationship satisfaction above and beyond global personality (being), and that acting mediated the relationship between being and rela

tionship satisfaction. Our findings point to the importance of examining both global and contextualized personality traits, and demonstrate how person It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ality influences major life outcomes.Contextualized Personality and Relationships 3It's Not Just Who You Are, It’s How You Act:Influences of Global an

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

d Contextualized Personality 1 rails on Relationship Satisfaction Amy and Karen are discussing Amy’s relationship with her boyfriend, David. "I don’t

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactiono people really behave differently in romantic relationships dian they do in other contexts? If so. what piedicts the quality of their relationship- h

ow they are in general, or how they are with their partner?Researchers have long been interested in the effects of personality on romantic relationshi It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ps, with roughly 500 studies dating back to the 1930s published on this topic (Cooper & Sheldon, 2002). The findings from these studies have demonstra

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ted that certain stable personality factors are associated with relationship quality (Eysenck & Wakefield. 1981: Karney & Bradbury, 1995; Terman & But

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactionxplanation for the inconsistent findings in these studies is that the measures of personality employed have been loo general. Researchers largely have

ignored relationship-specific manifestations of personality' (Ĩ.C., what a person’s personality is like within the context of a particular relationsh It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ip), which may be important in predicting relationship functioning.While there is no doubt that enduring, stable personality traits influence how peop

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

le approach and view their relationships, examining the role of contextualized personality is vitally important as well. Indeed, a number of scholars

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactions. 1995). With this article. we extend previous research on the role of personality dispositions by examining the role of both global and contextualiz

ed personality traits inContextualized Personality and Relationships 4romantic relationships. Is David really a nice guy when he is with Amy, even tho It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ugh he is a jerk to everyone else? And if so, is the quality of their relationship better predicted by his positive behavior towards her or by his glo

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

bal, negative personality attributes?The vast majority of relationship-personality studies have examined the association between global personality tr

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactionss, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience. In the context of relationships, Neuroticism has been the most extensively researched

of these traits (Bouchard. Lussier, & Sabourin, 1999; Caughlin, Huston, & Houts, 2000; Karney & Bradbury, 1995; Terman & Buttenwieser, 1935). Those wh It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

o are high in Neuroticism—anxious, irritable, and emotionally unstable—typically report being less satisfied in their romantic relationships than thos

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

e who are low in Neuroticism. Much less is known about how the other four factors of the FFM relate to romantic relationship quality, but preliminary

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactionion (Botwin, Buss, & Shackelford, 1997; Donnellan, Conger, & Bryant, 2004; Watson, Hubbard, & Wiese, 2000).Global measures of personality are predicti

ve of satisfaction not only in romantic relationships but in other domains of life as well. For example, the more agreeable people are on average, the It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

more satisfied they will be across relationships—with family, friends, and so on (Branje, van Lieshout. & van Aken, 2004; Graziano, Jensen-Campbell,

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

& Hair, 1996; Jensen-Campbell, Gleason, Adams, & Malcolm, 2003). Conversely, the more neurotic people are, the less satisfied they likely will be with

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfactionontextualized Personality and Relationships 5of personality can tel) US a little bit about how a person is in many types of relationships, they fail t

o tell us a great deal about how a person is any one particular relationship. For example, Asendorpf and Wilpers (1998) showed that general interperso It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

nal traits—including Extraversion, sociability, and shyness—predict general patterns of social behavior but are only weakly associated with the qualit

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ies of specific relationships. Further, trust for a particular partner, but not generalized trust, predicts commitment and well-being in that relation

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction disentangle the role of personality in relationships.The distinction between global and contextualized measures has been widely used in life satisfac

tion research. For example. Heller, Watson, and Hies (2004) have shown that global life satisfaction is distinct from (though related to) context-spec It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ific satisfaction, such as work or relationship satisfaction. It is widely accepted that satisfaction measures should be obtained at the level of anal

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

ysis of interest to the researcher. For example, if researchers are interested in predicting relationship outcomes, they should measure relationship-s

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction the domain of romantic relationships can predict relationship functioning better than global measures of personality.Many studies have demonstrated t

he benefit of contextualized measures of personality. For example, in one study (Hunthausen, Truxillo, Bauer, & Hammer, 2003), customer service superv It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

isors at a large U.S. airline completed a modified version of the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI; Costa & McCrae, 1992) in which they were asked w

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

hat their personalities were like “at work”; additionally they completed the standard global NEO-FFI. Participants’ selfratings of Extraversion and Op

Contextualized Personality and Relationships 1Running head: CONTEXTUALIZED PERSONALITY AND RELATIONSHIPSIt's Not Just Who You Are, It's How You Act:In

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction study (Schmit, Ryan, Suerwait, & Powell, 1995), college students’ self-ratings of Conscientiousness “at school” predicted students’ GPAs better than

global measures of Conscientiousness. Similarly, knowing what people’s personalities are like in the context of their romantic relationship should pre It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

dict relationship quality better than global measures of personality. For example, knowing how agreeable a person is with his or her romantic partner

It''s Not Just Who You Are, It''s How You Act Influences of Global and Contextualized Personality Traits on Relationship Satisfaction

should provide unique predictive power about the quality of that person’s relationship above and beyond how agreeable that person is in general.In des

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