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Nội dung chi tiết: managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view


Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewhrough access to belter or more information; effectiveness is demonstrated in an ability to use, more resourcefully, whatever limited information is a

vailable, and to portray its implications more usefully. This paper demonstrates how decision makers can make systemic decisions in situations charact managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

erized by extremely limited information and. furthermore, what form such decisions take.The Contemporary ChallengeIn his classic work on system dynami


cs. Jay Forrester (1961:117) writes:The power of system dynamics models does not come from access to better information than the manager lias. Their p

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewess of system dynamics models as decision support systems. Forrester contends that system dynamics models enable the decision maker to use, with great

er effectiveness, whatever limited information is available in a problematic situation, and in addition they help portray the implications of this lim managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

ited information more usefully. Given that this minimizes the costly need to gather additional information, system dynamics models are simultaneously


presented as efficient decision support systems.Implicit in this claim is that the effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated through acces

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewrmation is available, and to portray its implications more usefully. In Forrester’s case, system dynamics is offered as an approach which can assist a

decision maker to realize such effectiveness.Consider, however, a decision maker who can demonstrate effectiveness purely on these terms, that is, ir managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

respective of whether system dynamics is used or not. Since the acquisition of more information can be costly, such a decision maker may well be in hi


gh demand. Furthermore, given that data collection, or information gathering, is time-consuming in a world where 'the ability to learn faster than com

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewzed entity (corporate or otherwise). These very real possibilities are supported by Bennis and O’Toole's (2005) insight that:Executive decision makers

are not fact collectors; they are fact users and integrators. Thus, what they need from educators is help in understanding how to interpret facts and managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

guidance from experienced teachers in making decisions in the absence of clear facts (italics added)1Paper presented to the 1 Congresso Brasilelro de


Sistemas - International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS-Brasil). Riberào Preto. SP. Brasil. November 9-10.2005.2Correspondence to: Prof Dr Io

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewove de Julho 2029, Bairro Bela vista, Sào Paulo 01313-902, SP, Brasil. Email: ion(g)fgvsp.brMaking Decisions in the Absence of Clear FactsIon Georglou

What is at issue here is the versatile use and portrayal of limited data, or information, with a view to construct knowledge, enable learning, and inf managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

orm action. Knowledge management, concerned with practicable ‘ways of disseminating and leveraging knowledge in order to enhance organizational perfor


mance’ (Easterby-Smith and Lyles, 2003: 3), is the field which should address this challenge. An effective decision maker, in other words, should be o

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewently prepared to tackle the challenge, as evidenced by Kawalek’s (2004) disturbing conclusion:(w]hen investigating the conceptual literature on knowl

edge management it seems that it is burgeoning with viewpoints that overlap, and commonly contradict each other... the literature has not provided met managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

hodological guidance for doing knowledge management (i.e. managing knowledge), without which knowledge management Is fated to remain ill-defined, open


to misinterpretation and sometimes abuse by unscrupulous practitioners... there are quite significant differences between the writers on knowledge ma

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewsents many insightful points, definitions and analyses, none inspire confidence that successful management of knowledge will result (or is even possib

le) as a result of a process of selecting from these insights.Moreover, the challenge is compounded by the growing demand for decisions to address the managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

holistic or systemic nature of problem situations. Consider a few examples of this emerging demand. In an interview given by the UK Liberal Democrats


’ leader Charles Kennedy to the BBC’s Peter Sissons on 4 June 2001 Kennedy states:Now these things can’t all be isolated one from the other. I think i

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewessive British administrations.3The Inquiry into the 1997 Southall rail disaster in the United Kingdom found that:it would be wrong to concentrate on

the failings of the driver when there is compelling evidence of serious systemic failings within Great Western [Trains].4 5 6Following the killing of managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

a black youth by a police officer in Cincinnati, Ohio in May 2001, the head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said tha


t he believed:the problems in [the police] department are systemic and they span the last two decades?In the autumn of 2000, the Hungarian newspaper N

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewlitical rivals now common in parliament [...J degrade and threaten the peaceful systemic change based on social consensus.'3As reported on the BBC Int

ernet site on 4 June 2001 at the following URL: http:.'.’,vote2001.'’hi.’english.'programmes,5pecials’election_call'new5id_136900QT36984 managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

5.s tm4As reported on the BBC Internet site on 21 December 1999 in a report entitled Rail Managers Rebuked Over 'Catalogue of Errors at the following


URL:http:/.''newsid_573000.'573740.stm5As reported on the BBC Internet site on 8 May 2001 in a report entitled Officer Ch

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_views European Press Review on the BBC Internet site on 3 October 2000 at the following URL: htipy/'hL'english’world.'europe.newsid_953000?9

53674.stm2Making Decisions in the Absence of Clear FactsIon GeorgiouIn 2001, in the UK, the formation of a think-tank was announced charged with findi managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

ng a ‘holistic’ way of improving UK flood defences to prevent a repeal of the 2000'2001 damaging floods which swept the UK7. The holistic approach was


, in this case, embodied in the inclusion of a wide range of actors such as the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management, water eng

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_viewic yields, on average, three to four alerts per week. Addressing systemicity is obviously dans I'aire du temps. There is no need to explore here the v

ariety of interpretations of the systemic approach to which the above citations hint (for example, a long-term approach, a synchronic-diachronic analy managerial_effectiveness_from_a_system_theoretical_point_of_view

sis, a consensus-building tool), nor to examine the management thinking regarding the inclusion evident in systemic practice (Churchman, 1979; Ulrich


1988; Yolles, 1999; Midgley, 2000). What is clear is that, in the words of Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968: 3),if someone were to analyze current notions

Managerial Effectiveness from a System Theoretical Point of View1 2Ion GeorgioifAbstract: The effectiveness of a decision maker is not demonstrated th

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