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Nội dung chi tiết: Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016


■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016REFACENeighbourhood Plans: Neighbourhood Plans are part of the Government s reforms allowing local communities to express their priorities with a view

to managing change rather than responding to developer pressures. Since the launch of the Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan (MNP), which covers Morpeth, Heb Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

ron, Hepscott, Mitford and Pegswood, a large number of residents and stakeholders have identified issues and concerns and taken part in two phases of


consultation and very many volunteers have been directly active in researching, and drafting this Plan. Following a consultation exercise in autumn 20

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016the subject of a further consultation exercise in January - March 2015. which involved a leaflet giving an overview of the Plan document being distrib

uted to all households in the Plan area.Amendments were made to the Draft Plan taking into account comments received from statutory consultees, other Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

consultees and local residents to produce a Submission Draft Plan which was the subject of further publicity conducted by the County Council. An Indep


endent Examination was undertaken on the Submission Draft Plan. The Independent Examiner recommended that, subject to a number of modifications being

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016solved to accept all modifications proposed by the Examiner. A Referendum was held on 25 February 2016 and a majority of those voting were in favour o

f the Plan. This document is the final version of the Plan which was made' by Northumberland County Council on 10 May 2016.Planning Policies and Commu Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

nity Actions: A neighbourhood plan' is a plan that sets out policies and proposals in relation to the development and use of land in the whole, or a p


articular part, of a neighbourhood area. Within this document such land use policies are identified as Planning Policies. Development proposals in the

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016rial consideration. The planning policies of the MNP are intended to meet plan objectives and help realise the vision for the plan area and its commun

ities. Planning Policies are set out in Part A of this document.The MNP also includes wider community actions than those directly relating to the use Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

and development of land. These measures are intended to encourage action and influence decisions taken by relevant bodies to achieve the vision and ob


jectives of the MNP. It is acceptable to include such matters within a neighbourhood plan as they will also help to meet plan objectives and to realis

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016 are important, in legal terms only the planning policies of the MNP have ‘statutory weight'. The Local Planning Authority will only have regard to th

e adopted planning policies of the MNP when determining planning applications. It will be the responsibility of the town and parish councils and other Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

appropriate bodies to take forward the community actions. A community action that forms part of an integrated package of policies and proposals and s


its within a neighbourhood plan, and which has been the subject of community consultation, is likely to be given greater status by relevant bodies whe

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016 action the relevant objectives are identified.bFOREWORDThis Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan is our plan for land use in our area - Morpeth and the parishe

s of Hebron, Hepscott, Mitford and Pegswood, prepared by volunteers and local residents. Morpeth Town Council and the four parish councils are indebte Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

d to all the volunteers who gave so unstintingly of their time to help US fulfill our ambition to have a Neighbourhood Plan for the area.Over the next


couple of decades, we can expect the population of Morpeth to grow by well over 20% and this Plan helps determine where and how that development will

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016themselves as part in our communities and our existing residents continue to be proud of W'here we live.The Plan is designed to enable US to shape the

development of our communities over the next two decades without loss of their special and distinctive character.Nic Best, Mayor of Morpeth, 2014-201 Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

5View across Morpeth town centrecContents1INTRODUCTION...................................................................12A VISION FOR THE MORPETH NE


IGHBOURHOOD PUN AREflaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaa.aaa32.1About Morpeth, Hebron, Hepscott, Mitford and Pegswood..........................32.2Planni

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016......63PLAN OBIECTIVES AND STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.......................83.1The Plan Obiectives........................................

....................83.2Relationship BETWEEN Plan Objectives and Strategic Environmental Assessment Objectives.93.3THE Strategy to Deliver a Sustainab Morpeth-Neighbourhood-Plan-Made-May-2016

le Community.............................. 10Part A - Planning Policies4SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES............................................



■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

■Morpeth Neighbourhood Plan IBeth Pegswood Hebron Hepscott Mitford2011 -2031Made 10 May 2016THE MORPETH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANOur CơMMíMltyOur futureOurPR

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