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Nội dung chi tiết: P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010


Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010 BH12 5BB. UKEmai 1: mshepper® updated bibliography is copyright of Bournemouth University. Th

e bibliography may be copied and distributed freely for non-profit making purposes, provided this copyright is acknowledged and this copyright notice P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

is attached to any copies made.[1]Aarsten. A. and M. Morisio. ’Using object oriented teclmology to measure the software process’, in Proc. Proc, ỉrdin


pint Confon Achieving Qualify in Soft" are. Firenze. Italy: 1996.Keywords: Man. QualAbstract: "This paper reports on how object-oriented concepts and

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010iment. Measurement IS considered as a full scale project consisting of 1 > modelling the software process. 2) defining goals for the project. 3) forma

lizing goals in process measures defined on the process model. 4) designing the technological suppoit for measures (procedures and took, repositor)'). P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

5) implementing the technological support. 6( implementing the measurement process. 7) assessing the measurement process, modifying it. if needed. Th


e object-oriented approach has been applied in 1.4 and 5. The process model is defined using OMT: process measures are defined using a query language

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010stent C++ classes; process measures are manually translated in C++ functions members of the persistent classes. The advantages of applying the 00 appr

oach are discussed; sharing of tools, training, know-how and mindset with the rest of the pioject: ease in changing measures to adapt to changes in th P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

e process, thus possibility of applying an evolutionary incremental lifecycle to the measurement process; lower effort in (he implementation of the te


chnological support for measurement."Notes: Maurizio Morisio is at See also [Morisio. 1995. ’’A methodology to measure the software

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010ity. 1994.Keywords: Prod. Des. EmpAbstract: See also Ojha and McGregor. 1994. The measurement of software complexity has been a keyinterest of softwar

e engineers for many years. However, design metrics for the object-oriented paradigm havebeen little studied. We propose a metric for measuring the nu P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

mber and strength of the object interactions permitted by an object-oriented design and show that this metric is usefill for predicting experts' desig


n preferences. The metric is derived from the design information captured in class definitions and hence can be calculated relatively early in the dev

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010icable to class definitions ■ interaction level and interface size - and the derivation of the metric shows how these two measures relate to the piopo

sed metric. To validate the metric, we prepared located 9 sets of 2 or 3 design alternatives and subjected these to evaluation by both the proposed me P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

tric and a collection of object-oriented design experts. We found that the expens' preferred alternatives and the alternatives preferred by the metric


agreed in 16 of 20 cases, thereby providing evidence of the predictive power of the metric.Notes: The TR is available by anon ftp: ftp: ftp.cs.clemso

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010er Science Conference. ACM. New York. NY. USA. 1992.Keywords: Des. Emp. ProdAbstract: Object-oriented analysis is the newest component of a proposed o

bject-oriented software life cycle methodology. In this paper, we make comparisons between the standard data flow diagram (DFD) models and the newly i P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

ntroduced object models within the context of an existing moderately complex (approx. 65.000 lines) software project. In particular, we compare the co


mplexities of competing models for the project domain using some simple metrics.[4]Abreu. F. B. 'Metrics for Object-Oriented Development*. in Proc. Pr

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010rics adapted to the Object-Oriented (001 paradigm to help manage and foster quality' in software development. This paper reviews the usefulness of met

rics, discusses some inadequacies of "traditional" metrics to encompass development under the 00 paradigm and proposes a framework for classifying oo P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

metrics. In this framework, metrics are classified along two independent vectors: category and granularity. The rationale behind each category is pres


ented. Candidate metrics are suggested within the referred framework. Finally, some research directions that require further effort are identified.[5]

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010otation from c. Gibbon.Unfortunately, a little too sparse owing to the restrictions on the OOPSLA’94 Workshop. He releases the need for external and i

nternal attributes. Presents copious mathematical notations to encompass metrics pertaining to encapsulation, polymorphism, information hiding, messag P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

e passing, inheritance and reuse. Furthermore.the paper lists a set of criterion which design metrics should fulfil.[61 Abreu, F. B. 'Object-oriented


software engineering: measuring and controlling the development process', in Proc 4ih International Conference on Software Quality Washington DC Ameri

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010 hiding and polymorphism. These are envisaged as aids to setting design standards, making comparisons and to the management of projects.[7]Abreu, F. B

., 'Design Quality Metrics for Object-Oriented Software Systems'. ERCIM News, (23), 1995.Keywords: Des. ProdNotes: Also available from http: www-ercim P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010 publication Ercim_News enw23.abreu.html[8]Abreu. F. B. and R. Carapuca, 'Candidate Metrics for Object-Oriented Software within a Taxonomy Fr


amework'. J. of Systems <Ê Software. 26. ppS7-96. 1994.Keywords: Des. RevAbstract: This ankle offers an overview of the state of the art in object-ori

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010development under the 00 paradigm is discussed. A framework for classifying metrics is suggested Metrics are classified along two vectors: category an

d granularity. The usefulness and rationale behind each category are presented Candidate mettles are suggested within the proposed framework. Finally, P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

some research directions that require further effort are identified.Notes: Introduces the TAPROOT framework (TAxonomy PRecis for Object-Oriented meTr


ics) which has two axes, category and granularity, rhe categories arc: design: size; complexity: reuse: productivity: and quality, rhe granularities a

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010se some[9]Abreu. T. B.. R Esteves, et al. 'The design of Eiffel programs: quantitative evaluation using the MOOD metrics’, in Proc T(X)l.S'96. Santa B

arbara. California, l.SA: 1996.Keywords: Des. Prod. EmpL10J Abreu, r B. R. Esteves, et al.. The design of Eiffel programs: quantitative evaluation usi P._Ferdinando__A_Translation_History_of_Fontaneda__2010

ng the MOOD metrics. Technical Report, INFSC, 1995.

Object-Oriented Metrics: an Annotated Bibliography Empirical Software Engineering Research Group Department of Computing Bournemouth University Poole

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