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Nội dung chi tiết: R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject


Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectCollaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project (RBCFLRP). Here are some of the key elements in the proposal:•The Rogue Basin is a high priority la

ndscape with a fire-dependent ecosystem that is comprised of two-thirds wildland urban interface and is among the most at risk landscapes across the P R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

acific Northwest.•The RBCFLRP is informed by the collaboratively developed Rogue Basin Cohesive Forest Restoration strategy, a 20-year strategy design


ed to reduce the threat of severe wildfires, restore watersheds and forests to a more sustainable mix of structural states, and promote forest climate

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject•The RBCFLRP will treat 145,000 acres over a ten-year period, primarily focused to reduce the potential of large fires originating and spreading from

National Forest System lands to communities at risk. An additional 5,000 acres on adjacent BLM and private lands will contribute to accomplishing land R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

scape objectives.•The RRSNF is poised to increase the pace, scale, and capacity to complete restoration treatments with 82,000 NEPA-ready treatment ac


res, decisions on 60,000 acres to be completed in 2020 and decisions for an additional 151,000 acres expected to be completed by 2026. Restoration tre

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectre expected to generate 492,150 ccf of harvested commercial timber by-product over 25,890 treatment acres on National Forest System lands.•By utilizin

g adaptive management principles (testing, monitoring and applied learning), we expect to increase efficiency and reduce treatment costs by 30% over t R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

he life of the CFLR.•The RBCFLRP brings together more than ten partnership organizations, and as input and support from the timber industry, county co


mmissioners, and tribal representatives. The partners have a long history of successful collaboration and shared stewardship, including the nationally

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjecttners: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, a municipal water bond. State and Private Forestry, NRCS Joint Chiefs, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and priv

ate investments.•The RRSNF and partners have prior experience with and plan to utilize all available tools including: Good Neighbor Authority, steward R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

ship contracting, stewardship agreements, conventional timber sale and service contracts, memorandum of understanding, and other formal and informal p


artnerships.•The RBCFLRP is expected to increase jobs locally and support a robust network of forest management and timber workforce contractors and l

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectdscape Restoration ProjectRogue Basin Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project (RBCFLRP)Proposal OverviewThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National F

orest (RRSNF) and partners propose the Rogue Basin Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project (RBCFLRP) and request $ 39.8 million for 2020-20 R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

30. The proposed work will accelerate urgently needed restoration treatments to meet long-term, collaboratively developed strategic goals of risk redu


ction, landscape resiliency, improved wildlife habitat, watershed protection, climate adaptation, and social and economic resilience.In developing the

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectervancy (TNC) and others that led to the development of the Rogue Basin Cohesive Forest Restoration Strategy (RBS)1. Completed in 2017, the RBS is a 2

0-year strategy to reduce the threat of severe wildfires and promote forest climate adaptation by reducing risks to natural resources and communities R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

in a 4.6 million-acre landscape in southwest Oregon. The RBS developed a wildfire risk assessment and integrated conservation approaches across five l


andscape-scale objectives, targeting areas for restorative active management and areas that protect and promote critical complex late-seral forest and

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectments in the south-central portion of the RRSNF that has both the greatest potential to restore landscape resilience and to reduce community wildfire

risk. An estimated 145,000 acres of treatment are proposed in three Counties in Oregon, and one in California. Treatments funded by the Collaboration R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) will occur primarily on the RRSNF and will be augmented by existing funded and anticipated future treatme


nts on adjacent lands.1.0 Rogue Basin Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project MapThe RBCFLRP proposes treatments in high priority landscapes to re

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectprove watershed health in critical parts of the Rogue Basin landscape (Figure 1 and Attachment A).2.0 Landscape Boundaries and RationaleThe landscape

boundary for the RBCFLRP is the same as the boundary of the RBS analysis area. Within this area lies the 180,000 acre Focus Area (south-central portio R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

n of the RRSNF) (Figure 1 and Attachment A). Targeted treatments in the Focus Area will significantly reduce the potential for large fires originating


on and spreading from National Forest System (NFS) lands to impact communities at risk in the Rogue Basin, based on the PNW Quantitative Wildfire Ris

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjecthe Focus Area lies within the northern Klamath Mountains, a complex range which functions as a climate refuge for biodiversity and is a global conserv

ation priority. This region, with important connectivity to the coastal and Cascade Mountain Ranges, is critical for forest and aquatic habitats, with R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

numerous dependent and listed species such as the Northern spotted Owl, Pacific fisher, Coho and Chinook salmon and several rare endemic plants.The c


omplex physical and social landscape and the position of the NFS lands elevate the importance of strategic work at the basin scale and the recruitment

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectMedford and Coos Bay District Bureau of Land Management (MBLM, CBBLM) lands, industrial forests, and private lands. Over 3.1 million acres, nearly two

-thirds of the RBCFLRP landscape, is mapped as Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), with 331,000 residents in a landscape prone to fire and a basin which a R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

ccumulates smoke from surrounding regions.Rogue Basin Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration ProjectPage 23.0 The Rogue Basin is a Priority Landsc


apeThe RRSNF has developed effective partnerships and capacity to work across borders in an all lands approach, reflecting a national strategy to demo

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject Program funding, our collaboration with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and local partners treated private lands adjacent to RRSNF lands.

Treatments were subsequently augmented by securing the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) funded Focused Investment Partnership (FIP) $6 millio R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

n grant which will continue to bring match and leverage to the RBCFLRP.The AFR model and the Rogue Basin Strategy were recently applied in a basin-wid


e effort, the Rogue Forest Restoration Initiative (RFRI), for which the RRSNF and partners secured a second $6 million FIP grant from OWES, matched wi

Rogue Basin CFLRP Executive SummaryThe Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) and partners request $ 39.8 million to implement the Rogue Basin C

R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProjectthe greatest risk in red. The Roaue Basin Strateav area is in oink.projects using diverse tools, including Good Neighbor Authority, Stewardship Author

ity, and projects aligned with the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy3. Partners, including the RRSNF, drew from the RBS to help loca R6_RogueBasin_CompleteProposal_NewProject

l counties develop the Rogue Valley Integrated Fire Plan4, strengthening the potential for future work in a cohesive, cross-boundary strategy. All of


these efforts position the RRSNF and partners among national leaders of the shared stewardship concept; able to recruit co-investments to strengthen t

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