session 9--historical overview of us em

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Nội dung chi tiết: session 9--historical overview of us em

session 9--historical overview of us em

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us emrgency ManagementAuthor:B. Wayne BlanchardTime: 3 HoursObjective:9.1 To better understand the driving events, public pressures, and political and poli

cy outcomes that have shaped emergency management in the United States.Scope:To introduce this session, the professor briefly describes the ad hoc eve session 9--historical overview of us em

nt-specific disaster relief of the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. Next, the discussion turns to the period of World War II, as civil defens

session 9--historical overview of us em

e programs were established to make the nation less vulnerable to attack. Then, the session focuses on the fallout shelter era of the early 1960s, wit

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us emal-use policy, making wartime-related civil defense resources available for peacetime applications. Discussion includes various natural and technologi

cal disasters and media and Congressional scrutiny that provoked pressure for organized Federal assistance. The creation of the Federal Emergency Mana session 9--historical overview of us em

gement Agency (FEMA) and the emphasis on the Integrated Emergency Management System (IEMS) are examined. The emphasis on mitigation, and then the heig

session 9--historical overview of us em

htened focus on terrorism lead, finally, to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and the consequences, so far, for FEMA.Suggested Stude

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us emupport this session. The session is not dependent upon the utilization of these visual aids. They are provided as a tool that the professor is free to

use as PowerPoints or overhead transparencies.2Objective 9.1 To better understand tile driving events, public pressures, and political and policy out session 9--historical overview of us em

comes that have shaped emergency management in the United States.You may wish to introduce this session by explaining that emergency management in the

session 9--historical overview of us em

Nineteenth Century consisted generally of ad hoc event-specific disaster relief.1800-1900•As a formal responsibility of government in the United Stat

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us emh Century.0 Wooden construction and increasingly crowded urban areas raised the risks of catastrophic disaster.0 At the same time, government services

were minimal and only a few social services were available through churches and other non-governmental institutions.0 There was thus little capacity session 9--historical overview of us em

for disaster response.•1803: Passage of Congressional Fire Disaster Relief Legislation:“In 1803, American responses to disaster took a significant tur

session 9--historical overview of us em

n, beginning a pattern of federal involvement that continues to this day. When an extensive fire swept through Portsmouth, New Hampshire, community an

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us emtion making federal resources available to assist a State and a local government. This congressional act of 1803 is commonly regarded as the first pie

ce of national disaster legislation.” (Drabek 1991,6)•Major fires during the 1800s continued killing hundreds in vulnerable major cities such as New Y session 9--historical overview of us em

ork, Chicago, and San Francisco, which was devastated by the fires that swept much of the city in the wake of the Great Earthquake of 1906.0 Foreign i

session 9--historical overview of us em

mmigrants, as well as emigrants from rural areas, crowded America’s cities and created even greater potential risk of disaster.0 Large facilities, suc

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us em inadequate.3•The ridtional response to disasters that look place during the 19th century - such as fires, floods, and hurricanes - was to pass disast

er relief legislation for specific events.“Between 1803 and 1950, more than one hundred disasters of various types across the nation were combated wit session 9--historical overview of us em

h federal resources made available under ad hoc legislative decrees.” (Drabck 1991.6)•However:“During the twentieth ccntuiy. the federal involvement i

session 9--historical overview of us em

nitially took the form of little more than the congressional chartering of the Red Cross in 1905, federal troops to help maintain order in the wake OÍ

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us em the horrific 1927 flood.”1•1916: In August. Congress establishes die Council of National Defense.o The goal was to coordinate “Industries and resourc

es for the national security and welfare” and to create “relations which will render possible in time of need the immediate concentration and utilizat session 9--historical overview of us em

ion of the resources of the Nation.” The Council consisted of the Secretaries of War, Navy, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce and Labor.0 The establishm

session 9--historical overview of us em

ent of the Council led to the creation and coordination of civil defense units. (DCPA 1972. 3)“A total of 182,000 State and local defense councils...d

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

session 9--historical overview of us emvation, economic stability, and Americanization.” (Yoshpe 1981, 57-58)0 Civil defense was defined at the time as “...a system that protects civilian p

opulation and private and public property against attack by an enemy.” (FEMA1990.11-12) session 9--historical overview of us em

10.1 a '22Session No. 9Course Title: Hazards, Disasters and U.S. Emergency Management - An IntroductionSession Title: Historical Overview of U.S. Emer

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