Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

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Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSepository: is the author's version of a work that was submitted to / accepted for publication.Citation for final publi

shed version:Ashmoore. Olivia. Evensen. Darrick T. N.. Clarke. Chris. Krakower. Jennifer and Simon. Jeremy 2016. Regional newspaper coverage of shale Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

gas development across Ohio. New York, and Pennsylvania: Similarities, differences, and lessons. Energy Research & Social Science II . pp. HOIS?. l0.1

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

016/j.erss.2015.09.005 filePublishers page: http://dx.doi.Org/10.l016/j.erss.2015.09.005Please note:Chan

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSe version of (his publication, please refer to the published source. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite this paper

.This version is being made available in accordance with publisher policies. See for usage policies. Copyright and Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

moral rights for publications made available in ORCA are retained by the copyright holders.formation servicesgwasanaethau gwybodaethAbstract:In conunu

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

nities experiencing shale gas development, the local media are an important information source on potential impacts of development; their coverage gen

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSnal newspapers in the northern United States (n= 1,958 articles) - two each in Ohio. New York, and Pennsylvania. Previous research showed similarities

between the New York and Pennsylvania newspapers: differences emerged in nearby Ohio's coverage. In Ohio, similar percentages of articles mentioned e Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

conomic impacts as in Pennsylvania and New York, but significantly fewer articles mentioned environmental or social impacts. Furthermore, valence of e

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

conomic and social impacts was notably more positive in Ohio. This analysis highlights nuances inherent in regional discourse about shale gas developm

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS gas development. (2) policy regulation of development, and (3) future research on social representations of emergent forms of energy extraction. We s

uggest the need, in social science research on energy development, to examine societal-level (not merely individual) influences on perceptions and to Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

account for nuances inherent in regional variation - infrequently manifest in national samplestudies.1. Introduction:‘Four hostile newspapers are more

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

to be feared than a thousand bayonets.’- Napoleon BonaparteShale gas development via high-volume slick-water horizontal hydraulic fracturing (often c

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSn governing this form of energyextraction has been promulgated in the European Union, several European member states. Canada, and the United States. C

hina. Russia. South Africa, Argentina, Algeria, Australia, and other nations are estimated to have extensive shale gas resources and have been conside Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

ring large scale development [2]. In the United States, natural gas extracted from shale formations comprised 23% of domestically produced natural gas

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

in 2010; by 2035. it is anticipated to contribute 49% of domestic gas production. Due to substantial shale gas development in the United States since

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSer [3].As nations and sub-national entities (e.g.. states and provinces responsible for policy on shale gas development) consider whether and how to e

ngage in such development, it is useful to know what information is available to members of the public on this topic. Public perceptions and support, Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

opposition can play a powerful role in shaping what policy options related to shale gas development emerge as viable and. indeed, whether development

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

occurs at all. Whilst understanding content of information sources on shale gas development cannot inform US1 Note We use the term 'shale gas developm

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS term is perfect, for nuanced discussions of why to avoid use of ■ hacking-. please see [55.65],directly about people’s specific views on development,

content analysis of commonly used information sources can provide a good idea of the topics.'issues people may think about when they consider shale g Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

as development [4]. Furthermore, news media arc recognised as an important source of information on emerging technologies, of which shale gas developm

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

ent is an example [5-71.Knowledge of key information sources available to the public on the topic of shale gas development offers insight into how thi

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSularly on contentious issues, emerge via public discourse and then are internalised within individuals. To the extent that representations of shale ga

s development are socially-derived (i.e.. emerge through processes occurring at the societal-level, rather than through individual cognitions), commun Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

al information sources on this topic could be a powerful agenda setting force that shapes conversation on this issue.Although coverage of shale gas de

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

velopment occurs primarily at the national level in some nations (e.g., the United Kingdom [8]). much information shared on tills issue in the US is c

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSdistinguished from national newspapers) as the single most used source for information on this issue from among fifteen potential sources (including a

ll major forms of mass media. Internet, and communication with family and friends), Fifty-nine percent of respondents reported reading hearing about t Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

his topic ‘often’ from local newspapers [9J. A second random sample study of 6.000 residents in the Marcellus Shale region in NY and PA revealed that

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

mass media (i.c.. newspaper, television, and. or radio, but excluding Internet) was the most frequently used source for information on3shale gas devel

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSr information source, save ‘neighbors, friends, and relatives'.Herein, we report and evaluate the results of a content analysis of regional newspaper

coverage of shale gas development across three US states that overlay the Marcellus Shale. Utica Shale formations (New York [NY], Ohio [OH], and Penns Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

ylvania [PA]). Through this analysis, we examine social representations (i.e.. common sense, as opposed to scientific technical, portrayals) of shale

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

gas development. Results from the NY and PA content analyses have been reported previously [11]. This research builds upon the previous research by al

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSilar in many ways, in this study we cast light on how coverage from newspapers in two moderately-sized cites in eastern OH differs in meaningful ways

from coverage from two newspapers in similarly-sized cities in southern NY and two in northern PA.Unlike many nations where shale gas development is m Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

anaged predominantly at a national level and leasing of mineral rights occurs in major deals brokered between industry and the national government, re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

gulation of shale gas development is far more localised in the US. Each state in which shale gas development occurs has different regulations, differe

CardiffUNIVERSITYOnline Research @ CardiffPRIFYSGOLCaeRDY[9This is an Open Access document downloaded from ORCA. Cardiff University's institutional re

Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSSr nations, shale gas development has already-occurred to a substantial extent in the US; therefore, different experiences with extant development acro

ss regions, states may shape the discourse and representations of development uniquely in each area.4 Shale gas content analysis - revised - ERSS

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