Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

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Nội dung chi tiết: Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacycy and intemarional relations. This—obsefvarton—concerns—a—stare of affairs—which—that—is—not nec-essarily-ebvtous Of givem-Fifst, by definition, subn

atfonal-gevenHnents-HSually conduct Sitbnational activities and address problems which thuLaffeci their constituencies. Second, in many countries subn Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ational governments undertake such an agenda without an actual legal framewofk-autherizmg-SHeh-hHtidtivesT-Hewevefrwrth-on-HKeHsiiied-global-iHterdepe

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ndeney; policy areas sueh as environmental protection, human rigltfSr immigration, and trade, just to name—a—few, require—action both at the -mternati

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyyitis-possible-todeterminevariousformsofinternational relations conducted—by—subnet tonal—leaders.—This activity—involves direct—interact tons underta

ken by subnational leaders and bureaucrats with other actors across borders (private, non-governmental, and governmental—national or subnational), par Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ticipation in transnational networks,—andfof—partieipatten—tn—intemattonal—pojicymukingpol icy-maktng:—Because subnational governments arc closer to t

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

he people and can test experimental or ground-brcakinggroHHdbreaking policies with less risk, oftentimes they can become pioneers of measures-whieh-th

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacythe-dtplomatie arena; whereby subtiatiunaTgovetnmetHS-moveacross jurisdictional levels, breaking the-f hied-scales in whiclHhey would traditionally op

erate.govemments-have-dedteated-great effort-to-ttndersfandtng-fhe-mofivattons-fowegiens-to-gotmpltc-ations aro_of subnational governments’- engagemen Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

t tn international relations are.Subnational diplomacy has become an increasingly important pan QÍ foreign policy and international relations. Increas

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ing international interdependencies have necessitated that action on policy areas such as_envjronmental protection. human rights, immigration, and ưad

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyractions between subnational leaders with other actors outside the subnauonal realm and across spheres (private. non-governmental. and governmental—na

tional or subnational), participation in transnational networks, and/or participation in international policymaking. Subnational governments operate c Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

loser to the people and can take more risks experimenting with new measures. As such they often break ground on new policies ideas .before they are ro

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

lled out or replicated elsewhere. Such policyleadership is just one element of subnational engagement in the diplomatic arena whereby subnational gove

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyovernments for undertaking these_roles_has_b.e.erLthe subject of past studies, little insight has been sought on what the implications are of subnatio

nal government involvement in international relations.Keywords^Subnationalsubnational. diplomacy, paradiplomacy, leadershIntroductionSince the beginni Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ng of the 21st centuryâ the nation-state-dominated arena of diplomacy has become increasingly populated by subnational leaders and the coalitions and

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

networks that they form. This observation concerns a state of affairs whieh-that is not necessarily obvious or given. First, by definition, subnationa

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyl governments undertake an international agenda without an actual legal framework authorizing such initiatives. However, with an intensified global in

terdependency, policy areas such as environmental protection, human rights, immigration, and trade require action both at the international and tcrrit Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

oiiũlised territorialized level sieve}. As a result, subnational leaders and bureaucrats establish direct interactions with other actors (private, non

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

-governmental, and governmental—national or subnational) across borders. They also participate in international policymakingpolicy-moking and form and

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacygroundbreaking policies with less risk, oftentimes they can become pioneers of measures wbieh-that can be rolled out or replicated elsewhere in the in

ternational domain. Such policy leadership is just one element of subnational engagement in the diplomatic agenda, whereby subnational governments mov Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

e across jurisdictional levels, breaking the fixed scales in which they would traditionally operate.The trend toward subnational diplomacy appears inc

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

reasingly inevitable. In global climate governance, subnational leaders have built significant coalitions in support of the Paris Agreement goals (Lef

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyubnational leaders leveraging successes achieved at the local level to capture new audiences and markets, and; in turn? the backing of international s

uccess circles, baektftg-to provide the resources and opportunities to support development at the local level (GMF, 2015). The Assembly of European Re Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

gionsjfAER} is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe and is a forum for interregional cooperation (AER, 2018).As a field of study

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

, international relations (IR) and governance studies describe subnational governments’ international agenda as an instance of “subnational diplomacy,

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacype of actor and type of phenomena under consideration. The terms “paradiplomacy,” “subnational diplomacy,” and “sub-statcsubstate diplomacy" have been

used to consider the external relations of subnational governments— that is, states, regions, and provinces (Cornago, 2010a; Kuznetsov, 2015; Nganje, Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

2016; Royles, 2017; Tavares, 2016). For the external relations of local governments—that is, cities —the most appropriate term is “city diplomacy” (A

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

cuto, 2013, 2016; Leffel, 2018a). This is an important distinction as local and regional governments have different capacities-_and competences as wel

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacymacy (Dickson, 2014). In this review the case of those diplomatic practices that are deployed by regional governments are considered, leaving the case

of “city diplomacy” outside its scope. Although we acknowledge and point out some of the differences and reasons for preferences between the terms “s Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ubnational diplomacy,” “paradiplomacy,” and “substatesub-state diplomacy,” we use the terms interchangeably tmefc-beaugebly-along the text.This articl

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

e provides an analytical review of the scholarly literature on subnational diplomacy. The first part of the article defines the key terms related to s

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyctivity performed by subnational leaders and governments is analysed—analyzed within the context of two theoretical lenses: transnationalism and parad

iplomacy. These approaches attach different analytical and normative significance to subnational diplomacy. The review suggests two directions for fut Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ure research on subnational diplomacy. First, there is scope to further develop its theoretical basis, providing a deeper understanding of the achieve

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

ments and limitations of subnational governments’ international agenda. Second, future research should continue exploring the implications of the inte

Subnational Leaders and DiplomacyJoana Setzer and Karen AndertonSummarSttbnational diplomacy has become an increasmgly important part of foreign polic

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacyalyses- analyzes the phenomenon of subnational diplomacy, which consists of I subnational governments? acting transnational!)'? to address matters tha

t have been traditionally defined as foreign policy/relations. For subnational diplomacy to occur, it has to meet three criteria. First, the main acto Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

rs involved have to be governmental, from a level below the nation-state (“subnational governments”). Second, their action—horizontal and vertical—has

Subnational Leaders and Diplomacy

to occur across jurisdictional boundaries (“acting transnational^'”). Third, subnational governments’ action across boundaries has to be directed at

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