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Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Cityexts written mostly in languages other than English by people long dead. Our primary aim. whose successful achievement is presupposed by any other aim

s we may have, is to determine what the text means, or what the author means, or meant (I take these all to be the same).1This is often difficult to d Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

o. The writings of Kant, for example, often challenge our ability to understand them. This can happen at the level of a single term. (What does Kant m

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ean by “synthesis” or “determination of the will” or “transcendental principle of judgment"?) Or there can be questions about specific assertions (tha

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Citygeneral structure of his system. (How does judgment mediate between understanding and reason?)But the kinds of questions that I want to ask do not ari

se only in the case of some philosophers, and the fact that we have to raise them cannot be blamed merely on the regrettable unclarity with which some Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

philosophers write. The texts of Kant and Hegel are famously obscure, but the meaning of even apparently lucid writers such as Descartes and Hume is

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something that begins to elude US when we ask questions about their views. Descartes says that the mind and body are two distinct substances, which to

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Citytion, basing his reasonings on the thesis that we have no ideas that are not copied from impressions. But does Hume mean to say that we have an impres

sion of causal power or doesn’t he?1https://khothuvien.cori!Asking difficult questions about what philosophers mean in their writings turns out to be Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

an important part of what it is to read a text in the history of philosophy, or at least to read it philosophically. And trying to decide what a philo

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sopher means will also lead us into controversies that often seem to be about philosophy as much as they are about what an author thought or meant. Bu

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York CityThere have long been disputes, for example, about whether Aristotle regarded form or matter as the principle of individuation of substances.: Again, s

ome think that in the famous discussion of the piece of wax in the second Meditation, Descartes was trying to establish that only the properties dealt Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

with by mathematics belong truly and permanently to matter, while others think his aim was the more modest one of identifying which properties are ne

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cessarily involved in our concept of body insofar as this concept is a distinct one.3 One set of interpreters holds that Hume intended his philosophy

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City others say that far from trying to discredit human knowledge, Hume was trying to lay a new foundation for it on the basis of a comprehensive empirica

l science of human nature.4 Kant scholars ask whether noumena or things in themselves are entities distinct from their appearances and causing them, o Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

r whether things in themselves are the very same entities as appearances, distinguished from them only by the ways in which they are considered or ref

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erred to? There is a dispute about whether Marx condemned capitalism for distributive injustice or held a deflationary account of justice according to

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Citye meaning of a philosopher or philosophical text, what exactly is it that we are trying to find out? .And what kinds of arguments and evidence are rel

evant?'2. Why study the history 0Í philosophy? But perhaps some will want Io ask a prior question, why does it matter precisely what long dead philoso Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

phers, or their texts, really mean? It might be argued that from a historical point of view, all we really have is what the lexis say, and what others

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have said about them. Endless philosophical disputations about precisely what the texts mean is of little use to those who are interested, as histori

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Cityons about what material objects really are, or what makes a thing the thing it is and different from other things, or whether we can ever know reality

as it truly is, or whether capitalist wage bargains are unjust. They might object that we make no real progress in answering these questions by study Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

ing the opinions on them held by Aristotle, Descartes. Hume, Kant or Marx - especially if these opinions are so obscurely expressed that even the expe

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rts, with all their erudition and fine-grained analysis, still cannot agree on what they are.My aim here is not to defend what I do as a historian ol

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Citya philosophical text will be conditioned by what we are trying to accomplish in undertaking this kind of inquiry'. Ĩ do not Ihink that the philosophic

al importance of studying the history of philosophy can be demonstrated a priori by some rigorous argument. It can be appreciated only by those who en Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

gage in philosophical inquiry, and have studied enough of the history of philosophy to3experience for (hemselves, in a variety of ways, how indispensa

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bly it contributes to that inquiry'. But I will try to offer some general considerations that might summarize the results of such experiences for a sc

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Cityonly in the historical influence of what philosophers wrote, rather than the significance of what they actually meant, it can afford to ignore subtle

interpretive inquiries. But I would also point out that it is extremely hard for a historian to keep away from questions about what philosophers mean, Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

since these questions arise as soon as they tty to explain the influence of a text in terms of its intellectual content. It is also very easy to unde

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restimate the danger of being satisfied with what is supposed to be obvious about this.8 There is also an unfortunate tendency on the part of some (to

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Cityitical struggles or with some set of historical consequences for which the philosopher’s ideas are commonly held responsible. The element of truth in

this is that texts and ideas, like people and their actions, always have a historical fate they cannot escape. But when we reduce the meaning of a tex Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

t merely to that fate (or, more often to some conspicuously lurid aspect of it), this does not tell US what the text means, but only gets in the way o

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f understanding that.9Philosophers’ objections to studying the history of philosophy are more fundamentally mistaken and more pernicious. Fortunately,

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City that suggested philosophical problems to him, but rather the things other philosophers had said about them.10 In the mid-twentieth century,4https://k

hothuvien.cori!many philosophers in the tradition from which Moore came would probably have understood this remark as meaning that philosophical probl Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

ems are entirely artificial inventions, of interest only to the peculiar sort of diseased or befuddled mind that might think (hem up. But 1 think Moor

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e’s point was really quite insightful, and therefore entirely different from this. Moore’s remark was his way of acknowledging a fundamental truth abo

8What Dead Philosophers Mean1. Interpreting dead philosophers. Those of US who study the history of philosophy spend our time try ing to understand te

Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York Cityted and shaped through a long historical process in which philosophers have taken over the thoughts of earlier philosophers, criticizing and modifying

them.This means there is something fundamentally self-deceptive in the view of those who disdain the history of philosophy on (he ground that (hey ar Web Links to Conversion Technology Information and Studies County of Los Angeles, California and New York City

e “interested only in solving (he problems themselves, not in endlessly rehashing the failed attempts of others to solve them."11 For solving a philos

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ophical problem is not like solving a problem in engineering, where the only issue is whether the solution enables you to do something in the future t

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