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Nội dung chi tiết: What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review


Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewsAbstractGiandomenico Majone and Andrew Moravcsik have argued that the EU does not suffer a ‘democratic deficit’. This article differs on one key elem

ent: whether a democratic polity requires contestation for political leadership and over policy. This aspect is an essential element of even the ’thin What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

nest’ theories of democracy, yet is conspicuously absent in the EU.IntroductionThe fate of the Constitutional Treaty for Europe after the French and D


utch referendums will no doubt prompt further volumes of academic books and articles on the ‘democratic deficit’ in the European Union (EU). The topic

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewever, two major figures in the study of the European Union, Giandomenico Majone and Andrew Moravcsik, have recently focused the debate, by disentangli

ng the various forms of dissatisfaction authors have expressed. Not only have these intellectual heavy-weights entered the fray, they have attempted t What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

o argue against much of the current received wisdom on the subject - and argue, in a nutshell, that the EU is in fact as democratic as it could, or sh


ould, be.This article assesses some of the contributions of Majone and Moravcsik together. Sections I and II articulate a contemporary ‘standard versi

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewI and IV highlight our points of agreement and disagreement with thehttps://khothuvien.cori!positions of Majone and Moravcsik as expressed in some of

their articles. Specifically, this articles differs on one key element: whether a democratic polity requires contestation for political leadership and What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

argument over the direction of the policy agenda. This aspect, which is ultimately the difference between a democracy and an enlightened form of bene


volent authoritarianism, is an essential element of even the ‘thinnest’ theories of democracy, yet is conspicuously absent in the EU. Section V discus

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review issues that Majone or Moravcsik raise also merit attention, but must await later occasions. These include the status and implications of federal or m

ulti-level elements of the EU, and of various non-majoritarian democratic procedures (Majone, 1998; Moravcsik, 1998b, 2001).I. The ‘Standard Version’ What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

of the Democratic Deficit, circa 2005There is no single meaning of the ‘democratic deficit’. Definitions are as varied as the nationality, intellectua


l positions and preferred solutions of the scholars or commentators who write on the subject. Making a similar observation in the mid-1990s, Joseph We

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewure or group of scholars, but was rather a set of widely-used arguments by academics, practitioners, media commentators and ordinary citizens (Weiler

et al., 1995).Weiler’s contribution did not lay the debate on the democratic deficit to rest - in due course it become ever more diverse. An upgraded What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

‘standard version’ of the democratic deficit, supplemented by a more substantive yet ‘thin’ normative theory of democracy helps assess the valuable co


ntributions of Moravcsik and Majone, and indicate remaining issues of contestation for further research. The democratic deficit could be defined as in

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review a decrease in national parliamentary control (Andersen and Burns, 1996; Raunio, 1999). At the domestic level in Europe, the central structure of repr

esentative government in all EU Member States is that the government is accountable to the voters via the parliament. European parliaments may have fe What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

w formal powers of legislative amendment (unlike the US Congress). But, the executive is held to account by the parliament that can hire and fire the


cabinet, and by parliament scrutiny of the behaviour of government ministers. The design of the EU means that policy-making at the European level is d

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewer, the actions of these executive agents at the European level are beyond the control of national parliaments. Even with the establishment of Europea

n Affairs Committees in all national parliaments, ministers when speaking and voting in the Council, national bureaucrats when making policies in Core What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

per or Council working groups, and officials in the Commission when drafting or implementing legislation, are much more isolated from national parliam


entary' scrutiny and control than are national cabinet ministers or bureaucrats in the domestic policy-making process. As a result, governments can ef

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewments and an increase in the power of executives.Second, and related to the first element, most analysts of the democratic deficit argue that the Euro

pean Parliament is too weak. In the 1980s, some commentators argued that there was a direct trade-off between the powers of the European Parliament an What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

d the powers of national parliaments, where any increase in the powers of the European Parliament would mean a concomitant decrease in the powers of n


ational parliaments (Holland, 1980). However, by the 1990s, this position disappeared as scholars started to see European integration as a decline in

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewas to increase the power of the European Parliament relative to the governments in the Council and the Commission (Williams, 1991; Lodge, 1994).Succes

sive reforms of the EƯ Treaties since the mid-1980s have dramatically increased the powers of the European Parliament, exactly as many of the democrat What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

ic deficit scholars had advocated. Nevertheless, one can still claim that the European Parliament is weak compared to the governments in the Council.


Although the European Parliament has equal legislative power with the Council under the co-decision procedure, a majority of EU legislation is still p

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review EU budget that the governments categorize as ‘non-compulsory expenditure’. And, although the European Parliament now has the power to veto the govern

ments’ choice for the Commission President and the team of the Commissioners, the governments are still the agenda-setters in the appointment of the C What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

ommission. In no sense is the EU’s executive ‘elected’ by the European Parliament.Third, despite the growing power of the European Parliament, there a


re no ‘European’ elections. EU citizens elect their governments, who sit in the Council and nominate Commissioners. EƯ citizens also elect the Europea

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewies and parties at the European level or the direction of the EU policy agenda. National elections are fought on domestic rather than European issues,

and parties collude to keep the issue of Europe off the domestic agenda (Hix, 1999; Marks el al., 2002). European Parliament elections are also not a What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

bout Europe, as parties and the media treat them as mid-term national contests. Protest votes against parties in government and steadily declining par


ticipation at European elections indicate that Reif and Schmitt’s famous description of the first European Parliament elections - as ‘second-order nat

Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and MoravcsikANDREAS FOLLESDAL University of OsloSIMON HIXLondon School of Economics

What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_reviewk and Franklin, 1996: Marsh, 1998). Blondel, Sinnott and Svensson (1998) provide some evidence that at the individual level participation in European

elections is related to citizens’ attitudes towards the EU. However, this effect is substantively very small, and more recent research has shown that, What_have_birth_cohort_studies_asked_about_genetic_pre_and_peri_natal_exposures_and_child_and_adolescent_onset_mental_health_outcomes_A_systematic_review

if anything, the main second-order effects of European elections - whereby governing parties and large parties lose while opposition and small partie


s win irrespective of these parties’ EU policies - have increased rather than decreased (Manila, 2003; Kousser, 2004; Hix and Marsh, 2005).The absence

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