The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

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Nội dung chi tiết: The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy. Los Angeles4289 Bunche HallLos Angeles. CA 90095 e-mail: cbailaiiLúĩaQUữm phone: (310) 748-703539479Prepared for the 2008 Conference of the Center f

or the study of Democracy. University of CaliforniaThis research was funded by the UCLA Communications Department's Edward A. Dickson Graduate Researc The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

h FellowshipAbstract:Regressions of cross-sectional survey data at both the country and individual level, as well as the results from an experiment in

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

Bosnia, each substantiate the Internet s interactive effect on satisfaction with democracy. Whereas the Internet positively influences democratic sat

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracye capacity of the Internets mirror-holding and window-open!ng functions to influence democratic attitudes beyond satisfaction. Not only does it appear

that the Internet enables individuals to better discern and reflect on how democracy actually functions in their own country, but the internet's glob The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

al information market also provides users with a more realistic and globally-consistent scale by which to make comparative evaluations about how democ

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

racy functions in their own nation— seemingly positive forces for democratization Much to Internet enthusiasts' chagrin, however, exposure to this glo

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyation. Rather, at least in the case of Bosnia. Internet exposure depleted individuals willingness to stick with the process of democratization.The Int

ernet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyMay I pleae take this oppotunity to thank you for the free hours of Internet you gave US. For a long t The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

ime I never thought of anything called internet leave alone touching a computer.It was my thouht that the Internet and computers were meant for very r

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

ich people all over the world and those living in very rich developed countries hkeyou Catie!I now regret very much because of the Information that I

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyded some information I did not know where to get that Information I am still shy althouhg my job entails talking and standing infront of many peolpe..

..Thank you very much Catie for the free hours you gave US and the Almighty God bless you abundantly. Please remember to read hard for succes•Email ex The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

cerpt from experiment subjectDespite prevalent anecdotal accounts of the Internet’s impact on political outcomes, the empirical jury IS still out on t

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

he degree (0 which the Internet has and will continue to influence the political process. This discrepancy is. in part, a result of Internet researche

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyhe Internet facilitates a more efficient and less costly means for acquiring political Information, many scholars hoped that increased access to polit

ical information would ơanslate into increased incentives and opportunities to participate in the democratic process 1 ‘All observers of the current s The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

cene agree that 'the Net’ Is dramatically expanding access to politically relevant information and ottering citizens new possibilities for political l

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

earning and action." (Bimber 1998, pg. 133)Nevertheless, attempts to measure the Internet s influence on various forms of participation—including voti

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyclusions regarding the Internet's ability to enhance participation in the political process (Scheufeie & Nisbet 2002; Bimber 2001; Bimber 1998). other

research has tended to generate1 For a good summary of the theoretical framework linking political information and participation, see Scheufele & Nis The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

bet (2002).2more optimistic findings (Hill & Hughes 1998: Shah Ct al. 2001: Shah et al. 2002; Johnson & Kaye 2003: Wellman el al. 2001).A recent appea

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

l to redirect the focus of Internet research suggests that a more immediately fruitful line of research may be found by investigating the psychologica

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracygate effects as opposed to individual-level psychological effects: “though the Web has not yet changed the larger democratic process, it has had an in

fluence on individual citizens. The Web politically empowers individuals and increases their feelings of self-efficacy. levels of political involvemen The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

t, political interest, campaign interest, and likelihood of voting.’ (Johnson & Kaye 2003, p. 25)This paper takes up Johnson and Kaye’s call to explor

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

e the more individual-level psychological effects of the Internet by testing whether internet use influences citizens' satisfaction with how democracy

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyicies, as well for the process of democratization itself, validates the significance of studying the Internet s influence on the more psychologically-

based components of political behavior, such as satisfaction (Branon & Mattes 2001; Clarke. Dutt. & Kornberg 1993; Baviskar & Malone 2004) For example The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

, a study by Harmel and Richard (1986) determined that dissatisfaction with democracy conưibuted to support for regime change. Whereas Evans and While

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

field (1995) found that, in nations ưansitioning to democracy, "the most significant predictors of support for democratic nomis arc how people evaluat

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy After which I explore the Internet’s influence on citizens’ satisfaction with their democracy by means of both a country-level multivariate regressio

n and an individual-level regression based on cross-sectional survey data. The next section of this paper presents the results from an experiment 1 co The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

nducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which I also examine potential corollary effects of the relationship shared by the internet and democratic satis

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

faction, followed by a brief conclusion.3The findings uncovered in each of these regressions, as well as in the experiment, reveal the Internet s infl

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracycracy, mediated by the actual quality of democracy enjoyed in that nation. In other words, in nations with top-ranked democracies, Internet use positi

vely influences citizens’ satisfaction with their democracy, while Internet use Significantly depresses satisfaction in nations with weak democratic p The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

ractices.The Internet's Mirror-holding and Window-opening FunctionsThe Internet provides individuals with a broader and more comprehensive range of in

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

formation than IS otherwise available through the traditional media. This information enables users to make more realistic and globally-consistent eva

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyt s influence on users' satisfaction operates by means of two distinct mechanisms. Firstly, the Internet holds up a mirror for users to better discern

and reflect on how democracy actually functions in their own country. Secondly, the global nature of the Internet s information market also influence The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

s democratic satisfaction by opening a window for individuals to better view how democracy functions in other countries, particularly the high-functio

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

ning democracies that are most visible on the Internet. This window-opening function of the Internet provides users witfl a more realistic and globall

The Internet's Influence on Satisfaction with DemocracyCatie Snow BallardDoctoral Candidate. Department of Political Science University of California.

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracyr a visual depiction of these mechanisms, please see Appendix 1). Accordingly, while Internet access will increase satisfaction with democracy in nati

ons boasting top-ranked democracies, access to the Internet will depress satisfaction in nations with poor-performing "democracies" (Hypothesis 1). Mo The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

reover, as opposed to being merely the result of some sort of affective response, since the Internet's influence on satisfaction is primarily derived

The Internet’s Influence on Satisfaction with Democracy

from the its capacity to provide information. Internet users will to tend to make more ’accurate" evaluations of the strength of democratic practices

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