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Nội dung chi tiết: Thompson-and-Willmott-edited


/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedORSThompson, M; Willmott, HJOURNALHuman RelationsDEPOSITED IN ORE43479This version available athttp://hdl.handle.netyi0871/35449COPYRIGHT AND REUSERes

earch E»eter nvakes this work avai«>e in accordance with punisher policiesA NOTE ON VERSIONSThe version preserved here ỉy oner from the published v Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

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entification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceMark Thompson and Hugh WiiimottAbstractWe .address the centrality of affect in structuri

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedvement in immanent, yet indeterminate social relations. To understand tins generative involvement, we commend a tcmporally-scnsitive, critically-orien

ted theoretical framework, grounded m an affect-based ontology of practice. We demonstrate the relevance and credibility of this proposal through an a Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

nalysis of the interactions of Board members 111 a UK consulting company.KeywordsAffect, conflict, emotion in organisations, identity, motivation, ont


ology, organisational theory, practiceIntroductionrhe significance of affect, including emotion, is rarely registered or appreciated in practice-theor

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-edited013), the possibility that ’affect affects’ practices is ’seen but unnoticed’ (Garfinkel, 1967). Affect is pervasive, yet it remains largely unthcmali

scd in social and organizational analysis, hl tins paper, we seek to demonstrate and draw out the critical and empirical implications of paying direct Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

attention to affect in accounting for rhe social structuring of practice(s). We are especially interested inthe unfolding relationship between affect


and the ‘basic giammar(s) within which possible objects are constituted', and which ‘mediates any kind of contact with reality’ (Bhaskai and Laclau.

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedore the immanent grammars which underlie all kinds of meaningful intervention’ (Laclau. 1998: 9).Specifically, we seek to disclose the affectively-dri

ven operation of ‘unconscious... immanent grammars’, or discourses - such as those enacted by directors of an IT consultancy that we analyse later. In Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

addressing affect s significance 111 the (re)production of mundane organizational work, we engage an analytical framework developed by the ‘Essex sch


ool’ of discourse analysis Initiated by Laclau (e g. Laclau and Mouffe. 1985). the Essex school is distinguishable from other schools of discourse ana

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedns and schemas which may appear superficially settled and permanent are actually constituted provisionally, and moment by moment, from then unfolding

relationship with the ‘ontological*: an invisible but limitless ‘open universe’ of possibility comprised of ‘immanent grammars’. A major research chal Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

lenge associated with this approach is to disclose how this ‘ontological’ register is significant in shaping the ‘ontic’ register - an analytic challe


nge that faces all social scientific research endeavours which presume the influence and significance of invisible ‘structures’ (e.g. social and psych

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedgics) in which the ‘ontic’ and ‘ontological’ registers are juxtaposed dialectically (Laclau. 2000: 58). Our study thus adds to a nascent body of work

in which Logics has informed empirical analysis (e.g. Wagenaar, 2011; West. 2011; Glynos, Klimecki and Willmott. 2012: in press; Glynos, speed and Wes Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

t. 2014). The Logics framework facilitatesconsideration of what may be happening in eacli of these registers, and guides analysis of the possible soci


ally generative relationship between the two: a relationship which animates I.aclau’s ‘structural undecidability’. At the heart of the ontological-ont

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-edited, winch constitutes this undecidable ‘truce of contingency within rhe structure’ (T.aclau. 1993: 535). For researchers who reject rhe assumptions of e

mpirical realism but do not subscribe to some version of critical realism, attending to this ‘trace’ of ontological contingency is an important analyt Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

ical undertaking. While the various ontic manifestations of power, for example, arc more or less identifiable to the researcher (Lukes. 1971). then on


tological contingency IS. at best, only partially acknowledged: social configurations thus may appear more self-evident and stable than really they ar

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedlogical contingency of power relations. The framework shows how' social relations are immanently conditioned by actors’ affective states and associate

d identifications and dis-identifications - and thus attends to the mutually constitutive, and analytically revealing, relationship between affect and Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

power in organisational practice. In the following section of the paper. wre locate our analysis primarily within practice-based studies and research


on affect. Next, we outline the Logic? approach (Glynos and Howarth. 2007. 2008) ill which an affective ontology is combined with an attentiveness to

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedely-charged fantasies in the animation of social practices. Tn the third section, we illustrate and elaborate this insight through an analysis of two

episodes drawn from a study of Board interactions 111 an IT consulting linn. Associates. We conclude that an affect-based ontology of practice holds p Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

otentially radical implications for social.organizational theoreticaldevelopment. Most broadly, It highlights shortcomings in forms of social and orga


nizational analysis that are solely attentive to the antic register. We will show instead how a central focus on the generative tension between ontic

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedg and orienting our researchThe literature addressing aspects of affect is extensive, so we rely here upon a number of recent reviews, the most salien

t of which, for our purposes, are Brief and Weiss (2002): Fineman (1993): Elfenbein (2007); Schmidt and Gibson (2010); Simpson and Marshall (2010). an Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

d Voronov and Vince (2012). The assessment is that, as a consequence of the dominance of variants of rationalism, affect has generally tended to be ma


rginalized in social scientific analysis, including management and organization studies (for recent discussions, see Collins and Munro. 2010; Hynes. 2

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

Thompson-and-Willmott-editedmotion as a form of affect.Emotion, as movement, is 111 that sense both external to the subject who experiences It and integral to then being as a con

sequence of their being moved by the feeling. Emotion has a source outside of the self tn its relations with others and is internally experienced as a Thompson-and-Willmott-edited

function of active being. It is through the subject's active exchanges with others, thiough interaction, that emotional experience is both stimulated


in the actor and orientating of their conduct.

/—^UNIVERSITY OFE\ETERORE Open Research ExeterTITLEThe social potency of affect: Identification and power in the immanent structuring of practiceAUTHO

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