Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

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Nội dung chi tiết: Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and TradeerFollow this and additional works at: ổr Part of the Political Science CommonsRecommended CitationHuebier, J

ohn, "Trump’s 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and Trade' (2020). student Research Submissions. 323.https://scholar.umw edu/student_research/323Th Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

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Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

n authonzed administrator of Eagle Scholar. For more information, please contact archives@umw edu.John Huebler-4-28-20frump's 2016 Campaign, the Repub

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade than tariffs and protectionism. In 2016. Donald Trump ran a successful campaign with a protectionist platform. Since taking office. Trump has impleme

nted many of the more protectionist policies he campaigned on such as withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific-Partnership. threatening the South Korean Fre Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

e Trade Agreement, starting a trade war with China, and renegotiating NAFTA.1 The political rise of Trump has brought about a wave of domestic support

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

for protectionism that has flipped Republican public opinion on trade. According to a compilation of polling data from the Pew Research Center, the e

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradeng the Republican presidential platform on trade from free trade to protectionism. It will argue that Trump's change in precedent can be attributed to

wards a new campaign strategy on trade focused on using protectionist language to win specific industrial states in the electoral college. This claim Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

will be substantiated by looking at the Trump campaign's documents, including speeches and press releases, to determine the campaign's intentions. Thi

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

s analysis reveals that Trump’s criticism of “establishment”1 Bob Woodward. Fear: Trump ill the White Home. Simon and Schuster. 20 IS; Simon Lester. I

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and free-trade-bulletintnimps-first-trade-deal-slightly-revised-korea-us-fiee-tiade; Doug Stokes. "Trump. American hegemony and t

he future of the liberal international order." International Affairs 94. no. 1 (2018): 133-150.- Pew Research Center. "5. Issues and the 2016 campaign Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

." Pen Research Center. August 18. 2016. 2016 OS IS 5-issues-and-the-2016-campaign': Biadley Jones. "Americans are generally pos

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

itive about free trade agreements, more cntical of tariff increases." Pew Research Center. May 10.2018.https: fact-tank 2018 05 10

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Traderade platform towards industrial states contributed to his victory through the electoral college in stales that were difficult lor previous Republican

candidates to win. given their free trade position. It will look at campaign documents to determine frump’s campaign strategy and how it was able to Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

be so different from previous Republican campaigns. This paper will start with a background on U.S. trade policy history, focusing on the history of t

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

he president becoming the main actor on trade and how that has moved U.S. trade policy' towards free trade. It will explore the literature on trade de

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade economic pressures. Next, a qualitative study of Trump's campaign documents related to trade is undertaken, and the findings of the analysis are comp

ared to previous Republican campaigns and platforms.II.BackgroundIn the 1930s. the U.S. took one of the most drastic trade measures in the country's h Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

istory, placing large tariff increases on thousands of items, hl response to the “Smoot-Hawley" legislation, countries around the world raised their t

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

ariffs to offset U.S. actions. In the background, the Great Depression was in full swing and World War 11 was on the horizon. After considerable econo

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradeisting tariffs and gave the executive the power to reduce any U.S. tariff by 50% without congressional approval while pursuing international agreement

s with other countries. Illis shift in decision making was widely agreed upon in the wake of such a large policy blunder. While Smoot-Hawley' remained Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

, the president's ability to bring down tariff rates brought stability. In the postwar period, trade faded as a political issue. Republicans and Democ

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

rats favored it as a mechanism to expandgrowth and develop alliance networks to combat the spread of Communism and Russia's sphere of influence? Thoug

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradet as the principle leader on trade policy in the U.S. Congress is an inherently protectionist organization. There are strong institutional incentives

to promote tariffs in order to directly help economic growth in a constituency and boost electoral chances. Generally, the president does not have suc Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

h incentives. Because the constituency becomes the whole country, the president has an incentive to look at trade policy more holistically, trying to

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

benefit the whole country rather than particular sectors or regions. This has typically meant free trade policy rather than protectionist measures to

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradeerce through Article I authority, this power has been ceded to the president through several pieces of legislation such as the RTAA. For these reasons

, trade has mainly been conducted by the executive branch?III.Literature ReviewTo analyze how the Trump campaign made its decisions on trade policy, i Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

t is important to first look at the literature on why politicians make trade decisions. By looking at what factors go into trade decision making, it w

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

ill help establish a framework for determining what affects Trump’s decision making. Many studies looking at how decisions are made look at Congressio

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradehelpful for assessing how different factors affect decision making for many different actors, the executive, this paper's3Destler. I. M. American Trad

e Politics. Viva Books. 2006. 6-12.4Timothy Meyer and Ganesh Sitaraman. "Trade and the Separation of Powers." California Law Review 107. no. 2 (2019): Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

583-659.focus, must worn' about the whole country rather than the needs of a particular constituency. Literature on substantial changes in presidenti

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

al trade policy is scant because, before the Trump Administration, it was widely assumed that the Executive Branch was structural favorable towards fr

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradepolitical competition and alliance networks.J. Political and Election FactorsBy “political and election factors.” this paper means ones related to con

stituent or regional pressures that affect the decisions of Congresspeople, party leaders, or the president based on their chances to maintain popular Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

ity or win re-election. Many good examples of this dynamic have been documented. One example was in the post-war period when Democratic President Kenn

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

edy implemented tariffs to help the New England textile industry with Republican President Nixon doing the same a few years later. This can be attribu

University of Mary WashingtonEagle Scholarstudent Research SubmissionsSpring 5-8-2020Trump's 2016 Campaign, the Republican Party, and TradeJohn Huebie

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Tradeifornia. The shift reduced Republican reliance on industrial Northeast states that wanted more protectionism. Democrats supported protectionist polici

es to help the Midwest since the economy was experiencing its worst recession in 40 years which affected the rust belt states. Shortly after this. Wal Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

ter Mondale, a Minnesota Democrat Senator running for president against Reagan, was the first presidential candidate to make use of these dynamics. Mo

Trump-s 2016 Campaign the Republican Party and Trade

ndale used trade as a key campaign pillar to distinguish himself from Reagan, blaming his administration for failing to go after unfair practices in i

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