Lifestyle intermediate wb

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Nội dung chi tiết: Lifestyle intermediate wb

Lifestyle intermediate wb

LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

Lifestyle intermediate wb GateHarlowEssex CM20 2FEEnglandand Associated Companies throughout I he word.www.pearicinkwigmanzotn/liteilyie£> Pearson Education Limited 20 10'Hie

tight of Louis Han bon to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by hint in accordance with (he Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 198 Lifestyle intermediate wb

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ronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers.F rst published 2010ISBN: 978 1 10S2 3

LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

Lifestyle intermediate wbviigltt material:Extract 2c Details about CftkcoM Words. httpư/www. technology corcep«s.php, copyright ữ cjiizenM Houk; lálracl 4a

after 'Remember this’. National Geographic Magazine, November 2007 (Foer. J.), copyright © Joshua foer/Naifonal Geographic Image Collection; Extract S Lifestyle intermediate wb

b adapted from Fighting talk' 6 lune 2008, http//WWW, copyright ữ Miranda Carter, left lab. Extract Sa from 'Save money b

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y using resources efficiently; wwwltusine», ® Crown copyright 201ft Extract 8c Deuilt about Segway Inc., www.scgway. com, courtesy of Scgw

LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

Lifestyle intermediate wbimes, 2007.; Extract lOe adapted fiom ‘Want to keep your wallet’ Carry a baby picture; The Times. 11 Fitly >009 (Devi in.*.) J)

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LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

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LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

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copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional otr.istions. We would be pleased to insert the appiopr ate acknowledgement in any

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subsequent edition of this publication.Intermediate Workbook

LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

LifetuleEnglish for work, socializing & travelIntermediateWorkbookm MIJV1EN.COMPEARSONLongmanAUDIO CDLouis HarrisonPearson Education LimitedEdinburgh

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